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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I have a feeling the regult variants will be web exclusives,but I hope I'm wrong.
  2. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I can't wait for monster madness. Still waiting on Hlj confirmation.
  3. It's weird that anyone can complain about wing zero having feathers, but no one says anything about the female mobile suit from th G fighter series having a soul patch.😀
  4. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I didn't notice how many hot items popped up at the same time. Mace windu, Trunks super saiyan in combat uniform, super saiyan Gohan and a Glaug among other items.
  5. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    It was my first time through cd Japan. They took my payment info and sent a confirmation for the order, but I have not been charged yet. I guess I was stupidly excited and didn't even bother to check their policy. I just checked the email and it says payment will be authorized at the time of shipping
  6. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    Still waiting on Hlj confirmation. Getting worried now that there is an order stop
  7. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    Still waiting on confirmation from Hlj but got one from cd Japan.
  8. yeah I saw that thunderbolt episode and loved it. It actually made me feel bad for those handicap zeon pilots. After watching it (not having read the comic) I'm not really sure who the bad guy is and I like that in a war story. This new macross sounds like most macross stories where the bad guys get beaten by songs again. Hopefully this delta series has some surprises that will keep us interested though.
  9. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I think that the picture is off center. If you go by the angle of the parts and the panel line it looks straight.
  10. I agree that the action wasn't as good as daredevil, but I think after watching the series all to the end I enjoyed it just a bit better. These marvel Netflix shows blow away the network super hero shows from both dc and marvel. I can't wait for more. I know daredevil season 2 is coming in a few months, but is there a schedule for any other additional shows for this defenders tie in Netflix stuff.
  11. The new bandai plasma kit looks good from the pics on the hobby site. I guess the price is for metallic coating. And the site has a place holder for a kylo ren kit too. I tried to spell plasma but the evil spell check got me again. i swear I'm going to kill my phone(phasma).
  12. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I don't know about the size of the two monsters but the price on Japanese toys have increased greatly in the last few years, so the cost comparison may be a bit off.
  13. Head of the class was my favorite. Just showed it to my daughter for Halloween and she loved it.
  14. Any one get the wave votoms kits. The new 1/35 scope dog turbo looks cool from the pics, but I don't think it can do downform or seat a pilot. The action pics look nice though.
  15. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I've been thinking that the way the monster looks so far it may have a lot of hollow areas which may keep the cost lower than some of the expectations, but it will still be costly. No matter what it's a must own item for me.
  16. If you want an unopen collectible some items of the black series seem to jump in price faster, but I personally like the figuarts versions and they do make hero figures now and then. The faces on the black series usually seem a bit off for the human characters.
  17. I'm not liking the music choices, but loving the animation and action. The thunderbolt characters so far seem more entertaining than gundam usually gets. Can't wait for more.
  18. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I just hope I can afford all10 releases. But so far I like the variety of the prototypes. I guess it makes me feel like anything is possible. I love the Valkyries destroids and enemy mecha and have since I was a kid. Let's just hope bandai doesn't let us down.
  19. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I could be wrong but I I think the Yamato max and millia were being sold at a higher price than most toys out at the time in Japan. And the original full metal line were web exclusives that were in stores were sold originally at a premium price that over time had to have discounts added in at a later time. They also had overproduction causing both lines to fail. The average non transforming action figures like sh figuarts, revoltech, figma, and playarts in Japan today are sold at much higher prices than only a few years ago. Transforming hmr figures with accessories like fast packs, strike packs, and full armor are almost a bargain. From what I have seen so far the hmr line doesn't seem to have a problem with over production. The Roy 1s is not sold out at a lot of retailers due to the web exclusive mark up even though Roy kits and toys have always been more popular than Hikaru Valkyries. I have no doubt if the Roy Valkyrie were sold as a normal release it would have been an immediate sell out item, and maybe everyone able to vote in the poll were hoping their votes would make the max and millia a normal release instead of a web exclusive item.
  20. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    They may not have been my personal choice, but max and millia Valkyries have always been very popular. These also have the super packs to raise their interest. Most of us are just thinking of these as repainted, but to a lot of others they represent favorite characters. I personally agree they were too high on the list for my taste but I don't believe the poll was rigged or that the people voting were just stupid. We all love macross just some people tend to personalize a machine rather than look at the design. I really do hope that all the choices get made and maybe a couple of repaints I don't need will give me a couple of months to recover from trying to get the glaug and monster which will surely kill my wallet.
  21. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    The monster and q rau were my 2favorites. I knew the m and m would be popular but not that popular. I would have liked to see the n ger or Spartan a bit higher on the list. I would still like to eventually see them all produced.
  22. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    Any word on when preorder madness starts for the glaug
  23. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I have a friend that only knows the battletech names and another that only knows robotech names, so when I use macross names for the same mecha with them it gets stupid confusing. We end up saying stuff like the one with gun arms on 2 legs that's tan not green with a missile rack on top.(tomahawk, Excalibur, and I can't even remember the battletech name I think it was war hammer or something.)
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