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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. Well, stuff finally happens and more stuff happens and things just keep happening all the way to the end. It’s like they saved all the stuff happening for this episode and there’s still more episodes. The thing I’m most curious about is how Galadriel eats. It’s like her top teeth just can’t clear her bottom lip no matter what’s going on. Overall a pretty good episode this week. Even with all the action it still had time to touch on the plot a bit more. And there’s definitely some interesting developments to look forward to
  2. If I want all three modes displayed, then I gotta buy three kits and three sets of decals. And who knows how things will go with fast packs and decals with those and if those will be extras or full kits and if that will be web exclusive. Things are getting pricey for me. Maybe I’ll skip the fastpacks
  3. Damn I misread that earlier and got excited thinking it came with waterslide decals. Well, at least they’re already planning on releasing them just wish bandai would include them
  4. I guess they decided on a movie instead of a show. I’m ok with that
  5. I don’t think they necessarily would need metal parts. The newer plastics they’ve been using are pretty tough. The problem is the joints in places like the arms and torso would be too fiddly and would work against itself and end up a goofy mess. At that size the challenge no matter the substance is that if you bend the elbow something else would move in the transformation gimmick although would be less annoying than the vf-19 kits from a while back
  6. Those extra pictures really gave me a lot of info. I can see that the hip has a ball jointed peg that plugs into what looks like a hinge to get some interesting articulation. The only question I have now is where and when do I preorder
  7. Just noticed it said water slide decals. Definitely a big plus for me. Nice accessories, wouldn’t mind the fast packs though.
  8. I would be too if the director of my movie quit a day before shooting was supposed to start
  9. Still hoping they do the other modes.
  10. I get the feeling it was the other way around. looking at the transformation in the legs and it looks like the parts below the hip section detach and are needed for all three modes. I guess if you want to display it in each mode you still need three kits.
  11. It is kinda strange that it’s almost a whole other kit for the fighter, yet the fighter looks so odd. Not odd enough for me to get it though
  12. Not sure, but it almost looks like you could have parts do display all 3 modes with 2 kits. Might be miss info a shield or rifle though. And not sure about connectors
  13. I’m totally loving the battroid mode. Fighter looks a bit boxy. I might buy a few. Are those stickers only? I hope they do a great looking battroid for the YF-21 Again, totally love that battroid mode.
  14. I’m honestly not as against the p Bandai thing for kits. I’d rather they be regular releases. That gm Spartan may be mostly a gm sniper 2, but with the extra parts, and probably knowing Bandai still probably has most of the parts for the standard sniper 2 minus probably the old weapons. I could see it cost a little more than the standard kit. The shipping for the U.S. store isn’t too terrible either. If I’m not mistaken it would probably be only about $5 bucks more ore less extra than buying the hg gm sniper 2 from a U.S. retail store. I do wish they would add the waterslide decals back into the web exclusives like they used to to offset the cost. That right there would make it worth the price
  15. If they cut out the flash backs, we could’ve already been at this point. So far two dull episodes, one better episode and one interesting teaser episode. I think the problem here isn’t so much the writing like in the Obi show but lack of a good editor for the Clem show. I also kinda feel bad for the imperials and get the feeling that they’re just fighting a bunch of A..holes. the thing that’s keeping me watching on this one is that the last couple episodes have some interesting stuff going on. It’s sort of like the reason I’m still watching Rings of Power. They’re both kinda dull with hints of interest that makes me think something is gonna happen, and I hope that something doesn’t disappoint
  16. That’s kinda why I’m not really into the rap and hip hop stuff. Almost every song was just someone else’s song. They usually don’t even re-record the music, they sample the original version and just add a few things here and there and say it’s their own song.
  17. Strangely enough, I think the face on the 2.0 looks more like the katoki redesign while the version ka face looks more sharp like a lot of the older artwork. I think I actually like the newer one better mostly
  18. Not gonna lie and say I’m a fan, but that song is definitely very iconic for the 90’s. It was everywhere at the time from movie soundtracks to MTV to people bumping it on the radio at the mall parking lots. Even Weird Al had a version.
  19. It may be its own thing, but the story would lead somewhat towards the events shown to have happened where the ring was taken from Sauron’s hand and he’d lost his physical form, that were basically the flashbacks in Lord of the Rings. It may even touch on other things that were mentioned to have happened in the past like the oathbreakers. A lot of that was in the books, but also mentioned in the film. The mythril thing in the show already feels different from the movies. I don’t know all in all what similarities and differences there are, but it seems different enough to be its own show that’s not connected to either the books or films other than basic ideas
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