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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. I caught the dubbed version of Attack on Titan on Toonami this week. While the dubbing was pretty bad it freed my eyes to concentrate on the anime. Felt very fresh to watch it like that.
  2. Heh, go further back to the 1980s and check out Less Than Zero where James Spader starred as Robert Downey Jr's drug dealer/pimp. Very interesting film knowing Downey's troubled past with drugs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8TsEr7CK9s
  3. That's your own fault for watching them! I avoid clips after I'm sold on a movie I want to see. Takes will power to avoid them
  4. Haha, I actually visualized what you wrote. So yeah, I doubt we'll see Veritechs of any kind in a Robotech film. Hollywood has to look at whats cool and will sell for a property that isn't super popular. Hot young actors in a sexy Cyclones will be more appealing than not seeing them in transformable fighter planes. Plus Invid type aliens would be easier to explain to an audience than giant human Zentraedi.
  5. I saw parts of The Conjuring and hadn't seen Furious 7 yet. From looking at his record James Wan on IMDB is a successful director so he could be a good choice. But will it look like Robotech? I suspect we'll see a New Generation film with Cyclones instead of the Macross saga, but I could be wrong
  6. I couldn't convince my wife to see it but my mom did watch it with a friend last weekend. She said it was slow and made her fall asleep, lol. Said it was lacking a real movie star, like George Clooney or Brad Pitt for example. I tried to explain to her films don't need a big star to make them enjoyable. I think its a generational thing when it comes to thinking a good movie requires a big star.
  7. Hopefully it'll motivate them to update their circa 2002 website.
  8. I found almost all of Crichton's books read like they were made for cinema but he was also a film director so I guess that's why he wrote that way. The movie that followed his book the closest was The 13th Warrior (Eaters of the Dead). Another book that I highly recommend.
  9. I don't know if its because of the recent Star Wars trailer but I'm not as pysched to see this film as I was for the first one. Still, I'll go see it but I'm just not feeling the love of Ultron.
  10. Doesn't look worse than the cruddy JP: Lost World film, that's for sure. Shame about Lost World as that is one of my favorite books of all time, couldn't put it down and finished it in a day!
  11. I suspect it will look like The Office in space more than Galaxy Quest.
  12. Wow, they're going all out with the next season. I take it Disney is listening to the fans who weren't too thrilled with most of the first season.
  13. For more news here is this Star Wars: Battlefront trailer that I enjoyed more than the Force Awakens trailer. I'm biased because I love Battlefield! I'm actually wearing a Battlefield Friends t-shirt right now, lol.
  14. Hmmm, feels and looks too much like Zak's previous film, The Watchmen. I lament that WB didn't have the vision to tie Nolan/Bale's Batman into the new Man of Steel early enough.
  15. I've never seen a Gosling film so Blade Runner 2 may be the first, lol.
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