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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. I'm old enough to remember seeing The Last Starfighter in the theater. I loved it as a kid but the 'brain melting execution' and the 'android under the sheets' scenes freaked me out!. Typical 1980s kids films, lol.
  2. I thought Salvation was gonna rock, especially since it had Christian Bale but I was wrong. I thought the Sarah Connor Chronicles was gonna suck because it was made for television but I was wrong too. We just don't know if the film is good or bad till we see it.
  3. Picture of my 6 1/2 month baby girl aka 'Little Ass Kicker'
  4. ID4 was so awful that I saw it three times in the first two weeks it was out
  5. My friend is building a new and powerful PC just for this game alone. Looks cool but the pricing is off-putting.
  6. As a dad with a baby girl this movie pulls at my heartstrings so I'll see it if the reviews hold true.
  7. I played DXHR three times and even bought the full soundtrack. This new game will be amazing as it looks like it'll really push PC graphics this time around.
  8. I tried watching part 3 when I had it on DVD last decade but never finished it. I lost the DVD but I feel no loss as it was nowhere near as good as the first two OAVs, especially part 2! Part 2 was really ahead of its time.
  9. If you're up for some more Walking Dead then I highly suggest the TellTale games. I played Season 1 three times, twice on PC and again on my Android phone. I just started on the Second Season and its really good! They're not action games so don't expect a Resident Evil type game. Like the television show and the comic its the characters and storylines that draw you in.
  10. Here is my casting for a live-action film. Rick Hunter- Dave Franco Roy Fokker- Matthew McConaughey Max Sterling- Steven Yeun Ben Dixon- Seth Rogen Lynn Minmei- Unknown actress that can sing! Lisa Hayes- Emily Blunt Breetai- Michael Shannon Khyron- Joseph Gordon-Levitt Mirya- Unknown European actress
  11. We met Melissa McBride at last year's Awecomcon in DC, she was very sweet and had no idea what was in store for her character.
  12. I can't believe people are still raging over the designs. The new designs were done well. What failed the Transformer sequels was the cruddy stories and direction. This is the same problem Robotech will face as well.
  13. What will we see first, a Robotech or Starblazers live action movie? Note: Space Battleship Yamato does not count!
  14. Dear Disney, please take notice!
  15. I'll say it again, I think Tom Cruise should have a large role in a Star Wars sequel/spin-off. He does sci-fi action better than most actors today.
  16. Did they put any effort into this because I don't see any?
  17. This is like Chappie but with androids this time. And like Chappie the trailer looks cool but I feel like I've seen this before with past android movies.
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