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Everything posted by TehPW

  1. I totally agree.... but that's the point of the series: Holy Ship Spam, Batman! For all those ships being churned out of the Time Dilation Zone, imagine all the cars, 50" Plasma TV's, Robot Sex Dolls they could be making instead? When Anti-Matter Peace chick shows up to see Lord Zordar off (because we know she's gonna win in the end), you gotta wonder how she punishes the Cosmo Navy too?
  2. *cries a little* My brother loved this sh*t when he was alive... :/ It's not my particular cup of tea but it does look... different?
  3. It's almost ridiculous (but from a story POV, maybe that's the very point)...
  4. *claps* A story in just a few pictures... Is that Akani (from Ranma 1/2) with the hammer?
  5. LOL, thank you for including a pic with a 1st Generation G.I. Joe (with Swivel Arm Battle Grip!)… OMG that one brings out the memories...
  6. Well there was a total of 5 Andy's during the big battle prior (3 BB's and 2 BCV's) with Apollo Norm being the only ship to not make it (why did their engine fail btw?)
  7. so.... *eats popcorn* Well, now we know were the DN as Rocket Pods idea came from... I'm almost 99.2% certain that the Time Fault will play very heavy in the next series as the cause of the problem
  8. and you, poor sod. We salute you, for that effort.
  9. I was not aware that all three movies were related... very interesting...
  10. well that's some creepy echii pillow cases... is it a typical trope in Japanese ROMCOM's that the male lead hides his pillow cases before his date arrives?
  11. cannot be mirror spock (in TOS it was implied that he didn't figure things out until he mind meld Bones)… but very much likely it's from time unable to shave more than anything else...
  12. I had to google that term just remember what that pose looked like... I suppose we should be thankful they only keep making Yuki models (that we know of. For all I know, some Korean or Chinese sod is making molds for Yuki, Ginga's CO or the new staffer chick, all clad in levels of female bondage...) *shudders* Are all the yuki 'toys' considered "echi" in Japan (at least the ones that involve some layers of nudity)?
  13. That sounds like a lovely idea, mate... His work in TWD was certainly memorable (I wonder how humorous he felt when he read the script for his last episode?) and we shall be always better for it...
  14. It's the Skull cod piece that makes me giggle nonsensically...
  15. Soooooooooooo…… what happened to Cortisone(sp)? Wasn't that where the Old Republic (as well as the Jedi Council) held it's UN-ish Mega-Senate? OK, so the FO nukes Hoshi-land and said fleet. The Galaxy is big, surely they can go form a more perfect union someplace else and still tell the FO to eat a &^%, yes?
  16. We didn't need Russian Trolls to tell us that TLJ was written by retards (I want to say that it did help but... it just that it ended up as the Topic Bus driven into oncoming traffic, through the mall AKA Blues Brothers and right into the Senate's Parking Garage. The Beirut Bunkers stopped it there... but barely)… But it reminds us how potentially weaponizing social media is... which is Putin's goal after all. Wow, from crappy movie speculation to honest to [non]goodness poltics… ik. I GTG to work noa...
  17. Major Necro threading but... I just saw something about a new Hell Boy in 2019 (april-ish)…. so, WTF? I thought Pearlman was done? https://www.facebook.com/hellboymovie
  18. o.O V-D Day? Oof (to quote my daughter... but i suspect I miss-use the term...)
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