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Everything posted by TehPW

  1. I just want to know about this Eva thing mentioned on that Twitter feed? I assume they mean NGE... but I thought Eva was never gonna happen (in the US at least) because of it's biblical hijinks?
  2. o.O wait a minute... are they over earth (or mars?) If the Comet Empire G is over earth... did they nuke the moon?
  3. I just want to know if they knew Yamato was on that storage planet when they formed their BB-BFG shipgun to destroy that planet?
  4. NPR just did a hilarious review of PRU.... Thunder Urethra https://www.npr.org/2018/03/22/595179094/pacific-rim-uprising-serves-up-another-helping-of-mech-and-cheese?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_content=2052&fbclid=IwAR3062qcDzl8r9PnGQaHPxO_upHtv_lztfCaA2mIPVzoX-rgvRF0IUC-3VI
  5. and they still claim it's originality from the original JAPANESSE TV series from the 70's... It's not called The Lying King for nothing, you know...
  6. actually it's quite different. Like comparing 40 grit and 90 grit sandpaper to determine which on will do wonders to your anus more... but, for the record BOTH grits will wreck your anus...
  7. I know this is very retro but the smaller DDG/FFG-type vessel that passes Andy... that scene (presumably from the 2nd SBY movie) is replaced by Yamato's flyby in the 2nd TV season, yes? Was the circumstance the same (the smaller ship NOT yielding to the larger vessel) or did that smaller vessel intentionally pass that close for dramatic effect?
  8. They just arrested some asshat in Florida yesterday, who was making homemade explosives (with working timers) using the same method used to make ISIS-quality boom-booms. Sometimes Do-it-yourself isn't such a good idea... clown said he was making fireworks... :/
  9. OK.... That gave me a weird boner. It's gonna be messy... on DVD. I suspect we wont see as much beloved gore as in the manga.
  10. He's with his love. Hell in a hand basket, he's probably having to deal with previous love affairs across his brief time with us mortals... RIP, indeed.
  11. It's not been fully determined that he dies... just that his jet is damaged.
  12. He looks better at least in that pic (He could be just wearing a flight jacket over his civies). The girl's smile: Wooden as Woody's expression in still mode. Seriously, WTF.
  13. LOL, so retarded. I don't play OW myself but I have highly enjoyed the various toon videos Blizzard has created since OW's inception. Reunion is just another feather in a cap filled with lovely feathers...
  14. that speaks volumes... I really hope the next series (season) has to deal with the environmental destruction that the Galantis Comet Empire* causes (regardless of how our heroes save the day, I feel that it's still gonna be pyric in nature * even though the term Comet Empire was a term coined in the English adaptation, I believe we can aggree, in cannon, the rank & file earthling would call the Gatlatians CE
  15. Nothing here but a off topic video and stupid me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYAnkdhe9KE (The example video is Honest Trailer for Batman the Animated series 90's)
  16. I totally agree.... but that's the point of the series: Holy Ship Spam, Batman! For all those ships being churned out of the Time Dilation Zone, imagine all the cars, 50" Plasma TV's, Robot Sex Dolls they could be making instead? When Anti-Matter Peace chick shows up to see Lord Zordar off (because we know she's gonna win in the end), you gotta wonder how she punishes the Cosmo Navy too?
  17. *cries a little* My brother loved this sh*t when he was alive... :/ It's not my particular cup of tea but it does look... different?
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