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Retracting Head Ter Ter

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Everything posted by Retracting Head Ter Ter

  1. I find Mace Windu kinda un-jedi like actually. He seems a bit pompous and stuck up. He is still playing it like Jules.
  2. Stupid people who think a robot toy with splitting bumpers means that a real life car has splitting bumpers don't deserve a driving licence!!!! Pity, the current VW Bug design really suits bumblebee. I wonder if they can take a real Scania/Volvo/Mercedes/Isuzu truck and make a Binaltech Optimus Prime. Should be easy enough if the Corporate types give the licence.
  3. Wow! Those are custom bootlegs? Looks pretty good! You did em?
  4. Bootleg or not I would buy it. But not more then 120-150. Tranship Robo!!!
  5. What's VW's and Porsche's problem!??!! Crappy corporate types. BAH!!! Still hoping for them to do a R-34 Binaltech.
  6. Eh? Is that like some computerised automatic fire system? The sensors determine when to fire and autofires one the nose is pointed correctly?
  7. Why do they have to buy the starship if the planet has already been taken over by the Empire? Won't they be like erm, paying the Empire they are fighting against?
  8. Anyone knows if the Imperator Class will make an appearance at all in Ep3? I know the Executor won't make it. I would really love to see it on the big screen one more time in all its fibre optic glory!
  9. I seriously don't think they will shut the domain for good. Still $$$ to be milked from RT for years. And if its a server swap or maintenance...WHO CARES!
  10. Is the reddish stain on the starboard wing supposed to be leaking hydraulic fluid? The paint job is most excellent! You should send this in to Dengenki Hobby or something. Whoever hit this valk must be quite a marksman (I am assuming it got hit in fighter mode, judging from the stains). To group such a tight pattern on a moving aircraft is serious shooting!
  11. Optimus Prime is definitely more famous but thats not because he has a better design. He just got more airtime. And maybe because OP was a singular entity in the 'superrobot' sense while the VF-1 was a mass production machine. The VF-1 is a REAL TRANSFORMER. TF's are just MORPHERS.
  12. . I think by that time, he had already declared himself emperor and anybody who argued gets stormtroopered.
  13. IMHO there is a bit more anime magic involved in the SV-51 transformation. And the VF-0 might be similar to the VF-1 but its thinner and slimmer. So it might be technically more difficult to make 48 scale perfect transformation toys for them. Just goes to show how great the original VF-1 design was.
  14. Who slipped the elephant juice into Kawamori-san's sake huh? The mecha designs are CRAP! They look like the love child of beyblade who got buggered by a virtual-on robot.....BLEAH!!!! Whats with the psychedelic colours huh? Too many drags on the bong? I can't believe the Holy Froating Head, the same person who designed the VF-1 is the same person doing this crap!
  15. There was this black tractor made of the same material as KITT with a laser IIRC. Then there was the cheesy 'turbo boost' button which maks the dang car do a bunny hop thru obstacles. And the ever cheesy 'Super Pursuit Mode'. KITT could print credit cards/fake IDs from its dashboard to I think. Takara should make a KITT Binaltech.
  16. It think it happened right after he finds out Vader is his father. Oh? I thought it happened after he found out Leia was his sister.
  17. Its quite a given that Yamato 1/48 is much better looking then the Toynami 1/55. And even though the 1/488has some QC issues, its not as bad as the 1/55. But since their prices are so different, the argument is how much better? You can pay up to 4-5 times more for the 1/48 compared to the 1/55.
  18. But if you are a purist then those spandex boys and bucket head shown are NOT Hikaru, Max and Vrlitwhai. Seriously, if you take someone who has never heard of Robotech and show him that spandex gimp scene, he would think he is watching some stupid 80s American cartoon about some guys called Rick, Max and Bucket Head.
  19. The Running Man. One of the better early Arnie movies along with the Conan series. Lots of his cheesy one liners. I'd always remember this one. Some dude : Jesus Christ! Arnie : Guess again. Dark Crystal was fun too. Oh and flight of the dragons (cartoon). One of the all time best non-anime cartoons.
  20. Ohh how much are they going for? My girlfriend is going over to HK soon. Can I find them in the usual Animate/Sino Centre/TRU/Kanto Hobby?
  21. I think his Koenig Monster looks better then the Yamato toy! Serious! The angles for the monster are more suited to Lego then the valk.
  22. Come to think of it. Soon there isn't anything left for the US to sell if not the JSF. I can't imagine nations still wanting to buy the 15/16 (not too sure about the 18) in 10 years time. Not selling the JSF might just mean EF2000 and the Sukhois enjoy great sales. That point alone is good reason for the US never to can the JSF.
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