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Valkyrie Hunter D

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Everything posted by Valkyrie Hunter D

  1. If this plays anything like the PS2 Macross game, I will definitely have to import it. The first page has a shot of a Phalanx in a fight. You can use Destroids in this game?
  2. I'm just glad that another Binaltech mold is being made, with a GTR alt mode no less. Not to mention a die cast version of the Convoy mold MINUS the pervy anime girl figure-yay! (I missed out on KISS Convoy)
  3. That's a damn shame. I'll never forget his work on Aliens.
  4. He shouldn't have a problem moving all those Nemesis Primes...
  5. The Animated toys are flying off the shelves over here. I've been trying to find another Prowl and Bumblebee for the kiddies, but the stores that had em are either completely sold out or just have a bunch of Ratchets, Blackarachnias, and a smattering of Lockdowns. And still no voyager Prime . So far the line leaves me with little to complain about. It makes me wonder if the JP releases are going to have enhancements like the figures from Classics 1.0.
  6. For now, it looks that way. I want one in that scale too since the leader version is too big for my shelves. Does anyone know why wave 3 Voyager figs like Lugnut and Grimlock are hitting the stores before Prime who supposed to be in wave 2? Or did I just miss out on him?
  7. Score! I managed to snag all the Voyager figs in one fell swoop last night at the local wally world. I really just wanted to get Megs, but seeing as how Grimlock and Lugnut were also there, I went hog wild and got all of them-even got a Bulkhead for my nephew. They are all tres cool, but I am really liking Lugnut's robot mode and his weapon gimmick. I can't wait to see what the Voyager Prime will be like.
  8. The Beagle looks hawt! Is it a coincidence that my rebate check is equal to its rumored price?
  9. So they're out in SoCal eh? Thanks for the tip. The latest TFs I've seen were the Wal-Mart exclusives, which are always selling out. As far as Gobots go, I can't say too many bad things about 'em. I had a ball with the few Macine Robo toys I had. My first one was the Harrier jet, and I loved how each one came in styrofoam packaging and sometimes their own comic strip (even though I couldn't read Japanese). Gotta love 80's packaging.
  10. I haven't even seen those yet. I wanted to make sure that I didn't miss out on Blackout. The premium version looks much better from the photos I've seen.
  11. Speaking of Bumblebee, has anyone seen the premium figs hit the stores yet?
  12. Sweet pics, Drifand. And yes, the Gokin Griffon is all kinds of sexy.
  13. It was worth a shot. Reading some of the sigs made me guffaw a bit.
  14. Yup, and it also was released under just plain "Windaria". While the tale of tragedy remains the same, there were several key differences in the original script that explained a lot of the "WTF?" moments in Macek's version. Yes, very much so. That theme song WAS pretty catchy though, eh? Ya know what really got on my nerves? Hearing "Konya Wa Hurricane" translated and sung in English. I appreciate all the work that was done to fully localize BGC, but MAN was that ever the suck.
  15. Fo sho! I bet the original designer of the TH would get a kick out of seeing his creation in toy form, especially in 1/48 scale!
  16. Man, I want see more pics of the Beagle bike. I'm thinking it would look great right next to the classic Gakken.
  17. A couple of Macek-related releases come to mind (Windaria, Robotech the Movie), but of the ones you listed, Macron 1 was so hackneyed that it didn't even make sense when I was 9 yrs. old.
  18. Color me green with envy-your contact did some truly excellent work there EXO. Can he share some insight on how he made it?
  19. Man, this movie would totally make up for the past few chick flicks I've had to deal with.
  20. The dogfighting sequences weren't actually that bad...
  21. Beagle's version is looking real slick-I really like the bike's size compared with the rider.
  22. It sounds like the team did so much in a short amount of time, and being a FM fanboy myself, I would love to help out if I can, but I'm not really good with the hex-stuff. Regardless, I'll definitely be watching their progress.
  23. I think "Durandal" has a nice ring to it.
  24. I knew I had a FM5 thread around here somewhere. Anyways, has anyone tried out this english patch for FM5? FM5 English Patch
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