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Valkyrie Hunter D

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Everything posted by Valkyrie Hunter D

  1. Rohby's work looked much better than that.
  2. That's some good stuff. I could've sworn he also did the Bionic Six opening theme, but I guess not.
  3. Mmmm, Houquet goodness. She will be mine-oh yes, she will be mine.
  4. Silver Megs just came in the mail and it seems to be as good as Convoy-so Alternity is 2 for 2 in my book so far.
  5. This one? Superion The hands look puny, but overall it looks better than the original config IMO.
  6. I was trying to figure out why Silverbolt's knee joints didn't work so well when I found this: Knee fix It doesn't take long at all and Silverbolt/Storm Jet will be a better figure from it.
  7. I say the lady on the left as she seems to have a more vacant look about her.
  8. They certainly look good but there's no need for double-dipping in my collection; the 1/48 versions are still good enough for me.
  9. I am so there. I imagine this is what Quentin Tarantino's wet dreams look like.
  10. That was how I got Camshaft and Overdrive. As a nine year old it felt great to get those "free" mail-in toys.
  11. Too bad this design didn't make the cut for the movie-the world needs more transforming heli gunships:Longbow Source: USA Today
  12. Y'know, I can't get past that one of Superion's limbs is lavender colored. I'm tempted to track down one of the Energon A-10s, maybe even Storm Jet for a parts swap with Silverbolt.
  13. This is an awesome set, and it looks like there's an attachment to give the head a visor like OG Superion: Superion upgrade
  14. Target was good to me today-I finally snagged Superion and got the last the season 1 g1 set on stock for $17. Score! I'm liking that alternate config Superion btw. Very super-robot-ish.
  15. My big ol' Ingram just arrived and is fresh out of the box. Initial impressions-Wow, just wow. Real classy presentation with the white cloth wrap and nostalgia inducing, environmentally unsafe styrofoam-friggin awesome. Amazing detail is plentiful-from the metallic, etched intakes to the individual gun rounds. Initial worries-the vinyl used to cover the arms looks great but may be the kind that gets brittle real easy. Facial detail on Noa's figure seems off somehow. I know all this seems pointless without pics, but due to an injury, I can only work with one hand. Arrgh-it's like a curse: all this good stuff is coming in the mail and I only have one good hand to handle it all. Anyways, this latest purchase seems to come with no regrets, and I'll see if could get a pic or two up since this Ingram is simply gorgeous.
  16. I've been looking for quite a while and haven't found squat. In NorCal anyways.
  17. To his credit, David Bowie will always make a better Goblin King than Schiling. Some of their work is in D minor which I find is the saddest of all keys. I weep instantly when I hear it, and I don't know why...
  18. Ever since I saw that damned Lincoln TV commercial, I was on a frantic search for the cover of Peter Shilling's Major Tom-it didn't take me too long to find it: Normally, Shiny Toy Guns isn't my cup of tea but I really dig this remake with a female vocalist. Although being a child of the 80's, the original will always have a special place in my memory. (And to a lesser extent, so does David Bowie's Space Oddity).
  19. Damn, I was hoping that Evolved would be a FM1 remake. Guess I'll go back to waiting for the final FM5 patch.
  20. I have one on pre-order, but it'll probably take a while before it hits my porch.
  21. C'mon, did sir Kojima really have to ask? It would definitely help fill the mecha niche for the next-gen systems.
  22. Wow, a true labor of love. (no pun intended) Awesome craftsmanship satus.
  23. Nope, not here in Sacto at least. Personally, I'm waiting for the Universe Superion and Bruticus re-releases.
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