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Valkyrie Hunter D

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Everything posted by Valkyrie Hunter D

  1. As soon as I heard about these things I had a feeling it wasn’t going to look too good. I love playing with my non-transforming revy valks but these new ones are going to be a definite pass.
  2. Maybe if I was opening a Macross museum I would risk the $2000, but as a normal bloke, I guess I will just remain is disbelief. 2k...jeezum crow. I think I'll just go back to the old plan of modding an old Matchbox SDF-1.
  3. After going through it once, I could finally have a solid opinion of this game. The translation seems to be a very literal one. There are some in-game lines that come off as odd but I think they were based on Japanese jokes or customs that may simply have no English equivalent (What the heck is a "Five-count"?). Despite the lack of localization in some minor spots, there is more than enough translated to follow the main story. A big chunk of what is not translated is seen when your character is scouting for new recruits for your wanzer squad. There is also a lot of conversation that you miss out on in the Ready Room where the squad is constructed, and I think once the translation team gets to the aforementioned parts, each squad member's personality will be fleshed out even more. I do have have some gripes with the game itself. The timeline of FM5 goes over a good 50 years going back to incidents from the first game, but with the way it’s presented, time doesn’t flow right. As an example, after completing a mission, three months supposedly pass but if you go back to the mess hall the people still have the same lines as three months prior. It doesn’t help that character models don’t show their age as time passes either. Well not until the end of the game anyways. A bigger gripe of mine is that the cooler parts and weapons from past FM games that were easily bought in shops can now only be found in the tedious Survival Simulator. Remember Parasite Eve and the Chrysler Building challenge? Well, the Survival Simulator is worse. I just can’t spend hours and hours grinding through a 100 floor dungeon just to farm parts. I hear the rewards are worth it, but I just don’t have the time. As for the good stuff; the combat is great, graphics are on par (maybe even better) than FM4, organizing skills and links are easier to do, and friendly fire is now a BIG factor in making battle formations. Story-wise, FM3 still seems more epic in scale as opposed to FM5’s where the personal life of the main character takes center stage with the events of past games in the background. Oh yeah, every FM fan should give this game a shot just to play the final map-it’s one of the better final stages in FM. Overall, it’s another great FM game, but I just wish my fave parts were easier to access. Many thanks to the team that made this translation possible!
  4. It sounds a lot like Aeroboto/Formation Z. I barely remember playing this in the arcades-great times.
  5. Hmmm, a sign of things to come!
  6. Man I'm glad to see some progress on this monster-thanks Save!
  7. I can only hope for another ZOE. Check it out- a next-gen remake of Last Battle!
  8. The first time I saw Orson's finale in Record of Lodoss War was quite a sad moment. Nothing like the story of a possessed berzerker who finally feels true love to get ya all misty.
  9. Thanks to VFTF1 and RT junkie I got a Super Ostrich on the way. Then today I took the plunge with Overdrive and now I got 2 Destroids and a CF 1A with my name on it. Pretty soon, I'm gonna have to go to IKEA for more shelves.
  10. Found the Hoist and Mixmaster G1 redeco set at TRU yesterday. I liked Longarm's sculpt, but I was never really compelled to buy him. What a difference a G1 reference and a repaint makes, eh? I am not a fan of Mixmaster however, even with the new colors. If anybody wants Mixmaster shoot me a PM-I haven't even touched him.
  11. Gawd, I would love my 11B to be full in armor mode. As for the 11C, I do like the clean slate look it has. If I end up getting one, I'd paint the nose cone tan and add some non-canon markings to it.
  12. I can't make it either. I'm stuck in Sac due to some unfortunate circumstances. Hope you guys have fun!
  13. Nee-ha! They did it! FM 5 Prototype I think 98% of a full translation is more than good enough to finally give this a go. It looks like they're also going to handle FM2 and Border of Madness-these guys are swell in my book. Now it's time to build me some wanzers...
  14. When it does, I have an inkling it'll have tiny Monsters and other miniscule Destroids ala Daedelus attack. Or at least I hope...
  15. Yup, it was only a matter of time. It definitely will be the centerpiece of my Macross collection. AND...it's made out of soap!
  16. Cool, hopefully this means Bruticus will be easier to find. I've heard of only a handful of sightings lately and none of them in nearby Targets. Picked up Swerve today and now I'm thinking of doing a head swap with Sideswipe so he can be in his "true" colors. Also saw Ejector and HA Sideswipe. I would've picked up Sideswipe, but the way his whole back just hangs there in bot just turns me off. BTW, TRU is clearing out their stock of Universe Ultras and Voyagers by having a 50% off sale. I would've picked up Blades for $10 if I didn't have him already.
  17. Sorry, the only pic I've seen is the one the one you saw.
  18. Man, this is rich. I live literally 5 minutes away from Nikaku and I probably won't be able to make it. Just don't expect a lot from SJ Japantown. Personally, I love living there; it's peaceful, the food's great, and the locals are friendly, but there are not as many merchants as SF Japantown. Nikaku is an awesome shop, I'm always amazed by how much stuff they cram in that small place. There used to be a place called Far Out Toys that was the only place in SJ to find Yamato valks and other imported toys, but they've sadly gone under. If you guys are looking for a place to eat, I highly recommend Sushi maru on Jackson St. And if this goes through, a good place to meet would be Roy's Station, a coffee shop on 5th and Jackson. Anyways, I hope to make it as I'd to meet some fellow MWers.
  19. I’m gonna have to strengthen his elbow joints because it’s just too much for one teeny ball joint to support all that forearm armor (and that’s without holding a blaster). Overall, I have no regrets with the purchase. I loved Superion as a kid and to see this new form from Fansproject is a real treat.
  20. The visor is nice touch. I don’t think I’ll be removing it any time soon.
  21. When it all comes together, Superion looks fantastic compared to his original form. And with bigger feet, it’s a lot harder to topple. The kit sure adds a whole lot of dark gray, but it still works.
  22. But when seen from the side, the hollowness of the “pods” just looks dumb.
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