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Valkyrie Hunter D

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Everything posted by Valkyrie Hunter D

  1. Nice! Please put me down for two sets of the VF-1 and VF-0 combo. And if the GBP armor sticker set pans out, I'll take one of those as well!
  2. I thought I was done playing this game until I tried out the Morgan's tac-nuke special weapon. Daaayum.
  3. The show's got some sweet fight scenes, and now I'm going to have to watch it again to piece together the story. The main char's suit reminds me of one of Yoshimitsu's costumes in Tekken.
  4. Damn, I didn't know the pre-orders went that high for the Macross DVDs. For me it would have to be a Firefox resin kit I bought a couple years back. That'll come in second place once I get the new ED 209 toy though.
  5. Bean's hardcore. The first time I saw the OVA, I was hoping more episodes would come, but oh well.
  6. I think that's a screencap from Scramble Wars where a bunch of SD Artmic chars get in a goofball race.
  7. Do you have a completed game save from AC5? That's what unlocks it if it's your first play through. And I don't think you'll get the Falken that easily. But yes, if you blow everything up on the field (that windmill doesn't stand a chance!), the mercenary class is easy to get.
  8. If you're a big fan of the series, then this one shouldn't disappoint. It adds a lot more background to AC5. I've only gone through the game once, and I actually wouldn't mind going through it again. The quick manuvering type mentioned by DH, QAAMs. Depending on what plane you have, they might not be available. Sometimes getting close might not be enough cuz most of the aces suddenly get a manueverability bonus as soon you squeeze off a couple of missiles on what you thought was a clear shot. When an opponent is in the middle of roll is the best time for missiles to hit. If you can anticipate such a window of opportunity, fire away. And if you can, hose 'em with your guns.
  9. I just stayed at a cruising speed (or slower) while heading south. As soon as the big red fuzzy dot shows up on radar, I bank hard left or right to avoid the dot and speed up while still going in a southerly direction. When the laser stops, I turn directly south again and slow to cruising speed and repeat the process. I only got zapped once because I was trying to get the hell out of dodge as soon as the laser came down, and I was just going way too fast to get out of the way.
  10. Graham, IIRC, there's couple of Apaches that creep up on the rescue chopper while some fighter planes close in as well as some mobile SAMs and AAAs. Those Apaches are what kept shooting the rescue chopper in my case. Aside from looking out for the Apaches, I say just keep a tight circle around the rescue party.
  11. Thanks, I was wondering where exactly AC3 fits in all this.
  12. Nice, I was hoping this game would hit US shores. Yeah, I'm hoping for some subtitles too; Sega's voice actors always came with extra cheese.
  13. At first just tail him like any other bogey, fire missiles when you're close and have a clear shot (if you have the super homing missiles, even better). Stay alert for a huge blast he occasionally sets off when you're behind him, but it's fairly easy to dodge. During the second half of the battle, slow down until he charges you. When he does, build speed, quickly fire off a couple of missiles then dodge his own volley. It's sorta like a joust. Lather, rinse, repeat...
  14. Woo, this game's a blast. Not a lot of mission variety so far; it's like an add-on disc for AC5, but I like the branching system. Supreme Mercenary is easy to get, but that damn Sorcerer squadron caused me to make a couple of mission restarts. And I was hoping to see a reappearance of the secret plane from AC2, but no dice. BTW, is AC3 in the same timeline as the rest of the ACs? I remember being inticed by all the cutscenes, but I can't remember a lot of the story elements now.
  15. Neither, you'd just be guilty of extreme vanity. As for the topic at hand, all I can say is "meh".
  16. I can't remember the title of the episode, but one of my faves is when Robin falls for Clayface's "little girl". Incidentally, my favorite Superman episode is when Supes dresses up as Bats and absolutely whomps on Bane.
  17. The Frank Miller bit was sweet. That one episode also threw a few jabs at Joel Shumacher and his take on the Batman movies. Remember the one kid who pranced around with a feathered scarf, and loved Batman because of the skin tight outfits and the car that could run on walls?
  18. No way. 389441[/snapback] I allready posted earlier in this thread that an Ingram was in the pipeline. I'm down for Getter 1, 2, Eva 01, Ingram and maybe Dougram for now. I look forward to seeing what else they do, the selection is delightfully random. 389657[/snapback] Oh, I do remember that, have no fear. It's just exciting to see a page online that looks vaguely official!!! 389751[/snapback] Exactly. Besides, I never read your earlier post, Fort Max But I really shouldn't get too excited until I see pics of thing, and I would squeal with undying glee if a Griffon was made.
  19. That "audition" scene still slays me. ED looks killer, and even at $200, I'd have to plunk the cash down for it.
  20. The camo is awesome. Great stuff Kurt!
  21. I was never much of a TF freak, but I'd definitely shell out the dough for Starscream, besides it's a large scale transformable F-15- that just plain rocks!
  22. I have too many shooters buried in closet, but the ones I still play include Zero Wing 2, Einhander, and Ikaruga. Raystorm was pretty good too (love Zuntata's music), and for a quick fix, the DonPachi games never fail to satisfy. But heck I still play 1942 and 1943...
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