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Everything posted by DestroidDefender

  1. I prefer the version I imagined before seeing episode 4 of the OAV. The one where Isamu flies to Earth to save Myung and stop Sharon from taking over. I would have liked that much better than the one where we steals a plane just because he's pissed about losing his job. And then he trashes a city. What the hell was that Kawamori-san? There is a lot of great animation and music. But they lost me at the ending. I can suspend my disbelief for space fortresses, singing AIs, transforming planes, etc. but I just couldn't swallow Isamu doing what he did merely because the flight tests were canceled. I think I'll watch it again just to see if it makes any more sense this time.
  2. Menclave's website lists 1280x720 mkv and 704x400 avi. I'd love some full rez mp4 with subs too.
  3. Really? I justed check the distro page on their website they list only .avi which IIRC was less the 1280 x 720. I can't argue that their subs are not good but I want to watch MacF at full rez on my tv not in a window on my desktop.
  4. I'm loving things so far. I gotta say - i think "hydra" is a poor name for a 4 legged monster with one head and wings. If I was an Eden colonist and encountered a lion-like thing with wings I would have called it a "griffon" or "manticore" or possibly the more generic "chimera'". The Hydra was a multi-headed snake. No point really. Just that the Eden colonists were not that well versed in classic myths and that I'm a pedant.
  5. We're more than 1 third into MacF, if it is only going to run 1 season, and I'm seeing a lot of set-up and background and not much movement on anything I'd call a plot. I am really enjoying what I'm seeing but I'm getting a bit nervous that things maybe going Mac0-shaped.... I'm old fashioned I guess, but I want a story with a beginning, middle, and end. Too early to panic but I am wondering where all this is going. There seem to be an awful lot of design and character building for something that's planned for only 20 odd episodes. I'm betting there will be sequels and follow-ups if not another season.
  6. AiA as I said is not full rez. Shinsen is fine but they have only done up to #6. MKVs - I'm having trouble with MKVs on my pc - sound is 4-5 seconds ahead of the picture. Same with all my players. My "cccp" codec says it's the current one. The MKVs play fine on my mac with Quicktime so wtf.
  7. That's ashame. Who else can we get that has a 1280x720 picture and coherent non swearing subs? The only other group I know that did all 8 eps so far is AiA and they are in low-rez. EDIT: What about Lunar Anime? Anybody like them?
  8. I know you must have to deal with this "My website can beat up your website," cr@p alot Marchie. I for one want to give you an unqualified pat on the back for your efforts in gathering all the Macross Mecha info and making it accessible in English to everybody. Hip Hip Hurrah!
  9. Someone in the Ep#9 thread implied that Gattai was dropping the series. Do we know that for a fact, because they were my faves - big clear picture and okay subs.
  10. I'm also considering a PS3 so I thought I'd ask your guys opinion on the 2 current models. If I'm going to swap the HD for a bigger one anyway, I have a USB card reader, and I have a ps2 to play ps2 games, why would I want spent $100 extra for the 80g model?
  11. There seem to have been some artistic changes in how space folding works in the Macross universe between SDF:M and MacF. In the original TV series (IIRC) folding seem appears to be instantaneous - pop out in one place and pop back in in another. In DYRL the Zentraedi ships are seen traveling through fold space with appropriate psychedelic effects. That seems to have been carried through to MacF - the difference being ships are now shown "piercing" the fabric of space rather than just fading out. I don't really see any real difference between space folding in MacF and FTL drives in other SF shows. The FTL fires up and creates an opening/bubble/field around/inside/near/in front of the ship that cancels the lightspeed limit of our universe. The ship jumps/warps/sidles into warp/sub/super/fold/ultra/bacon/hyper-space and off it goes.
  12. If people can enjoy the quality of life seen in Macross 7 & Macross Frontier while living on the fleet, why bother trying to find and setup planet bound colonies? Sure there will be a few people like Alto who want to live under a real sky, but what about the vast majority who have a comfortable happy life just as they are? Why would they want to leave Frontier to live in prefab hut in a muddy field? Just a thought I had while enjoying MacF. My other question was why allow macronized Zentraedi - but that's being discussed in another thread.
  13. Really? Most of them seem to carry some type of really big gun.... Okay, I'm a smart ASS-1. You mean canon.
  14. I don't have the episode on this computer - what type of craft did appeared at the end of #6?
  15. All this speculation about the vf-27 and whether it's from galaxy and it's NUNS - Did we or did we not see, at the end of episode 6, a VF-27 fold to Frontier space announce it had just come from Galaxy and Galaxy was under attack by the Vajra?
  16. OMG I'm just...wow. That had to be the coolest episode of mecha anime I've ever seen. I know - I feel like Comic Book Guy " Best Episode Ever!" But honestly how great was it to see all the Valkyrie action, the Koenig Monster and the Macross Q Storm Attacker mode? And it even advanced the plot - take that macross 7 episode 20! (LOL just kidding). I know I'm gushing but it just feels so great to have new Macross that actually feels like "classic" Macross and build on the established universe. EDIT and Destroids too! Oh My! And I enjoyed the Storm Attacker because it reminded me of DYRL. What's the point of having a humanoid configuration space fortress if it can't do stuff like we saw in in this episode?
  17. I'm downloading Gattai now too. I'm a bit worried the subbers enthusiasm for Macross Frontier may be waning. I guess we only need one good subber to come through with each episode but having a bunch competing was good insurance.
  18. I take it that's supposed to be Sheryl? That is pretty poor off-model rendering. Head too big, torso too thin, hips like a boy. It looks like Sami (from SDFM) 's head stuck on Alto's body! It not a deal breaker for me - I've liked everything up until now.
  19. I'm feeling pretty stoked about the show so far. I'm a big Star Trek:The Original Series fan. After the the Star Trek Animated series none of the following shows have really felt like new episodes of "my" original Star Trek. It's the same for me with Macross though none of the Macross sequels have disappointed me as much as Star Trek Voyager for example. But Frontier is different. I'm getting a really good vibe so far. Things are quite similar in theme to SDF:Macross but incorporating some of best things about Macross:7. I really look forward to each weeks new episode - much more than anything currently on North American tv.
  20. It sounds like a win/win situation to me. If Bandai does production the exotics, Toynami distributes them in North America, and we get to complete our 1/55 collections then everything is great. If they only do the "common" Dyrl Valkyries then we're back where we were in 2002 with the last reissues. I'm "cautiously optimistic". Screw the Elint - I've always wanted one of these:
  21. 2009 will mark the release of 1/55 Veritechs from the Robotech television series, with plans to eventually release all known 1/55 Valkyrie toys, including rare and exotic variants. Now that would be very very cool. Forget Yamato - I want to complete my Chunky Monkey collection!
  22. Our cup runneth over - I propose we try and list all the coming items. I just can't get my head around all the neat stuff. Just a basic list of model, scale, maker, expected release date and link if possible. If it works out maybe we can get it pinned and keep it updated. For example: Tomahawk 1/60 Yamato Sept08 Tomahawk Thread
  23. HUZZAH! I'm onboard for any/all Destroids and Regults (if they happen) It looks like these will be about the same size as the old Matchbox/Robotech ones.
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