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Everything posted by seti88

  1. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Hmm the taghobby link doesnt have the pics anymore...i dunno should i hope its a regular release?
  2. http://www.taghobby.com/1-0/1-3/neca-2016%E5%B9%B49%E6%9C%88%E7%99%BC%E5%94%AE-14-action-figure-alien-translucent-prototype-suit-concept-figure-us130/
  3. Is this the the first time the BLIZZARD logo intro is shown on a cinema screen? I would think that's worth the price of admission esp to old blizzard fans! I remember when and the what-if blizzard made movies and watching BLIZZARD logo appear on the big screen! I got a kick out of that...but anyway not too much of a blizzard fan anymore after activision crashed the party,,,
  4. Just pop over to his twitter handle...he has lots of pics for inspiration! i wish i could understand how he does them...
  5. I had friends who had LD's and would go their place to watch em. But they also had the hifi systems to go along with it, so in a way thats why we stuck to vhs...to get the gold experience was quite an investment...
  6. Am ok with either missiles or gunpod, plus am liking the photo angles he took. Does anyone know if the cresent belly connectors on the trident stand are customised for valks?
  7. Just sharing the valk appreciatiion! Decalling and panelling wombo combo, certainly brings a different level of appreciation to the 0A/0S!
  8. https://twitter.com/muko037/status/744414091272290304
  9. lol nice references to bandai...yeah HMR teased the unicorn indeed but was that just a tease to seduce folks to the dark side of HMR? The way to destroy the death star is via the exhaust port. So arcadia need to get their xwings in order and release the.......1/60 FB4G missile! (at a reduced price and with tampo would be equivalent to the falcon destroying the death star)
  10. thats some pretty packaging yup! battroid boxart looks retro cool! where is gerwalk?
  11. I got mine via ebay @ hobby store retail priced versions
  12. It's likely to be over inventory and cancellations. Defects would get returned again regardless, so that defeats any purpose of stock clearance.
  13. https://twitter.com/GwynCampbell/status/743781863945207808
  14. It looks great, from what I see is chopping off the fsw end and adding a scratch built fixed wing end...wonder if that wing end is being sold anywhere...
  15. Like I said his tweets are a mystery thus far!
  16. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I can see it already...hayate and mirage pairs, d02 sound booster with a kaname figure pair, d01 in supers and d03 with fast packs. Remaining walkure figs all lined up ...Did I miss anything apart from a skinny wallet?
  17. Yea I thk everything changes with the banking adapter. I don't thk there is any reason to go with the square peg is there? Also I wonder how the lighted kit would work since there is a gunpod in between...
  18. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Add 1 more for a customised version. Especially for the d02.
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