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Everything posted by seti88

  1. Yea those clones look nice for army builds... this pic tho gave me a nice lol...
  2. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yea man...D-Day! That is for those who want the J...am still unsure...
  3. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    That's not the important date i was referring to! bOOm! https://twitter.com/GwynCampbell/status/741197695558127617
  4. Typo on the 1/12...it shld read 1/2...sumimasen..
  5. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    konichiwa! *waves hands* this is how you transform valkyries...*breaks head off* http://tamashii.jp/special/macross/ DX 31 hype train now boarding again.... plus we seem to have a important date...
  6. So that price maybe...LOWER! *jumps for joy?*
  7. Not sure if these were mentioned b4 but incoming kits.... via tag hobby... 1/12 bb-8 1/72 fan-fav..with whats seems to be the death star plate? 1/12 battle droid and vehicle... 1/72 poe xwing and... 1/12 clone troopers...
  8. Probably a black marker would do since the gate looks quite small.
  9. Yes to that effect, but without canards and also with a fixed wing. The VF-11 also had those top fuselage engine intakes tho and a short tail rudders, which made it look a little more stumpy in the back, compared to a flanker with flat back. That being said, i do like the closeness of wing to tail rudders of the VF-11, especially with the tail rudders being on the main fuselage.
  10. So will you be painting the cockpit red when the 02 comes out?
  11. That's good to know that it detaches cleanly, cos was worried abt pot marks on the pieces from detaching it from the sprues. Sniping flush will definitely help in avoiding necessity of contact on painted pieces during nub cleaning.
  12. The SV-51 had sharp forward facing canards, and thin fuselage/wing always reminded me more of a F-18. But i do understand the references to it being flanker based due to its supposedly large front fuselage. What i meant is more of the traditional flanker which didnt have front canards, and its swept back wing area was larger. This meant that the wing and back rudder areas were closer forming a arrow cluster with the cockpit way out front and sitting high on the front fuselage. Its a simple profile yes, but always thought that would be a real badass valk. Hmm from the poster looks like India is SU-30 flanker HQ with the amount of flankers it has!
  13. Would scribing to deepen the lines help? at times i just went the lazy route and used permanent marker, which may be more work than its worth but only for simple lines...
  14. Approx 2600yen more than the 1/100 wave vf-1 strike fighters issued in 2014 and within the price bracket of wave destroid kits... Bit pricey for a fighter but then again there arent any vf-4 plastic model kits... Probably have to compare how much discount is available thru the retailers.... That aside, glad to see the FB version in the pic!! The overall fighter looks quite sleek with nice angles for the forward fuselage...
  15. everytime i see a flanker video, i kinda wish there was a flanker valk..in this case the SU-35 prototype, no front canards and with a fixed wing.. anyway the music aint half bad..
  16. Hope it stays this nicely painted/decalled.. https://twitter.com/tomytec_gimix/status/740139503130550272 Ok need to pay attention and cut the parts off the sprue's cleanly, undergating isn't quite the option with painted parts...
  17. The gerwalk set contains multiple main blocks. It seems likely that you would be able to reassemble the blocks together if you do not glue the main blocks together. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=43003&page=3
  18. linking to the p-bandai page.... http://p-bandai.jp/bandaivisualclub/special-1000006185/?rt=pr which if am not mistaken you need to get all 9 volumes to get the kit? would that be kinda ...pricey??
  19. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I don't know, the beam appeared large initially and then dissipated into two. The origination looks also from below the valk... If it was the head lasers, there would be 2 blast circles appearing around the valk, instead of one large circle seen..
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