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Everything posted by antibiotictab

  1. Errrrr, I am not used to handling with Chogokins. There were no instruction books and I didn't know how to trasform it. At least it was different from that of the VF-25s. The latter. The staff said it was just a prototype and easy to be off.
  2. Macross Frontier 2 Pachislo live is now on air on Niconico live. For 5 hours. http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv177940857
  3. FYI http://page6.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/f134667510 http://page18.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/w102747207
  4. So, did anybody go and buy those things at Tokyo Big Sight yesterday? Treasure Festa in Ariake was held there and those ones were sold.
  5. According to Megumi Nakajima's blog, she will stop writing her additional stories on it. April 30 is the last day. It can't be helped.
  6. A "Touch & Try" event will be held at Bellesalle Akihabara on May 10 and 11. Free of charge. You can touch the YF-30 beforehand.
  7. From the 1st to the 6th episode of UC will be aired in Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya in May and June. http://otanews.livedoor.biz/archives/51987138.html (Japanese) And the UC exhibit is now being held at Ikebukuro Parco. FYI The SBY exhibit is also being held in Ikebukuro and Parco and Seibu Department belong to the same group company.
  8. Thomas Romain is one of the 3 French men in SATELIGHT. The others are Stanislas Brunet and Yann Le Gall. I found their names in BASQUASH!, Bodacious Space Pirates, AKB0048 and so on. I am following Romain's twitter account. He tweets in French, English and even in Japanese. His Japanese is so good.
  9. Hmmm. The movie quality was poor... You'd better watch this one.
  10. Hello from Tamashii Nations Akiba Showroom.
  11. We will be able to watch that shower scene..., in the open air. Hmmm.
  12. Not yet. 「上旬」≒ within the first 10 days. Wait until April the 10th.
  13. You can watch the other titles of Plamo Tsukurou Custom. Looks the official site, but I have no idea in detail. FYI https://www.youtube.com/user/plamoch/videos
  14. CrazyDude. When I was pigeonholing my old video cassettes, I found a certain one recently. I recorded one TV Champion Pro Modeler Tournament episode long ago. It was the Summer, 1994, google says. There were Max Watanabe and Takuji Yamada on it. It was aired as a prime time TV show. Good days...
  15. It were aired on one of the CS Fuji TV channels. When I was making contract with them, I watched some episodes of them. He, Sakurai-san is a pro modeler and was demonstrating modeling a SBY when I went to a certain hobby show. And I also watched some models about Gamilas ships by him in Odaiba. I have no idea if such videos exist outside of Japan, but want to know it.
  16. Oh! "Tetsuko no Heya"!!! You guys remember Macross F the episode 10 and this scene below. Look at the woman who was sitting down on the right side of Miranda. She looks like the woman on the pic, right? The show in the MF was obviously referred to the program. When I watched that MF episode, I loled at it in the midnight.
  17. "Plamo Tsukurou" (Let's model Plamodels). A VF-0 modeled by Nobuyuki Sakurai. #1 #2 Mandarin subbed, hmmm. "TV Champion Technical Superstars; Pro Modeler Tournament" http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B0018OFIKY A VF-25 modeled by ImaginaryDock.
  18. Wow, 2,200,000 yen... I should have watched it more carefully when I went to Shizuoka Hobby Show in 2012.
  19. All of the contents of the 2ch boards and threads are now reproduction prohibited. Don't you know that? Its rule was changed about March 21 according to this news story below. http://buzzap.jp/news/20140321-2ch-afikasu/ Check the top page, too. "無断複写●転載を禁じます" http://www.2ch.net/
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