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Everything posted by antibiotictab

  1. ”Just" is not proper. MF movies are also screened and no FB7 in Osaka.
  2. Megumi Nakajima's name is on the top of the credit titles of the new PreCure movie. http://www.precure-allstars.com/ By the way, Macross Con and the all night screenings were held after the heavy snow in Tokyo. The latter will be in Osaka and Nagoya, too. No reports?
  3. I sometimes feel what are hell do they want to do. "No photos" but they don't stop being spread firmly. A sort of marketing? IDK At least I never take some pics when I recognize the photography prohibited signs, because I don't want to be blamed by the other Japanese fans on the Net, not only by Arcadia. Hmm, honesty doesn't pay under the circumstances! アルカディアの方、このスレチェックされてますかぁ? マーケッティングなのか何なのか知らないですけど、結局転載されてますよねぇ、写真? そりゃ日本語で転載するなって書いてあるだけだったら、日本語圏以外の人物に転載されてもしょうがないですよ・・・。 会場行っても、表示がある展示物は写真撮らないように我慢してるのに、なんだかなぁって感じです・・・。
  4. I didn't go to WF 2014 Winter, but went to his booth at Treasure Festa last May. His items are so easy to be sold out and he had been back home before the event was over then. If you come to Japan and want to buy them, you have to get up early.
  5. Your deed is an extremely brave thing. ※無断転載禁止=reproduction prohibited. I will never do such a thing.
  6. I have that Family Mart exclusive VF-25, too. We could buy it only on the Family Mart web store in Japan. I recently bought this poster. Only 300 yen.
  7. Finally I will have a chance to watch MII. During the OVA boom era, I didn't watch it. Or there might have been no MII videos at the rental shop I usually went to. G0080 and G0083 were known as "the Gundams made by the Macross staffs," so I chose 0083 at that time. Anyway, I look forward to it. I will recognize why the fans in Japan call it "the black history"(黒歴史).
  8. Worth watching for the Macross fans, I think. The mecha designer of LFOs is Shoji Kawamori. You know, the Macross Quarter rode on the large debris and did the air surfing thing in the Sayonara no Tsubasa movie. He actually said it was a self parody, self homage or some sort of the Nirvash in EureKa Seven. Well, in case of the Gekko-go, I have no idea. Although, at a glance of it, everybody would remember the Bird-of-Prey in the Star Trek Series.
  9. Of course, Gwyn Campbell, Daniel George and so on, too. P.S. AH, should not forget westfall.
  10. I have watched almost every episode from the last April. How about live watching? The cast can be watchable from outside of Japan. One day, some English comments were being posted on Niconico. I answered to the viewer in English. I left some comments in switching both in English and Japanese at the time. He was in LA. He is a big fan of Starblazers/ Yamato. Finally he came to Japan to watch the last chapter of 2199 in August and September. We met in Shinjuku and had dinner. He is Tim Eldred. The picture you posted came from Ourstarblazers.com, right? The webmaster of the site. That's the reason why some pictures there were offered by Antibiotictab (sic).
  11. You can'.t The term of validity had been already over. Until Dec 22. Only a week. P.S. Huh? Uploaded on the Niconico Douga Section. http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm22521807 http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm22521896 http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm22521948
  12. Haruhiko Mikimoto sometimes held the exhibit of his art prints in Akiba. And the pics are sold there. But so expensive. For your information. the Macross Art Exhibit has already ended last year. http://www.macross-gengaten.com/ I have not pointed out before. Some Tenjin's pictures were sold at the venue in 2012, but those were "art prints," not the original hand-drawn ones. And so expensive. IIRC, one of them was 180,000 yen. About 1,762 dollars. Can you pay for it? And it was not the original. Their own hand-drawn pictures have not been sold, AFAIK.
  13. I don't feel like going to Makuhari today. It's so cold and I have headache... No photos and movies by me this time...
  14. The venue is Ishinomori Manga Museum in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Pref. It was ruined by tsunami on 311, but now is re-opened. Ishinomori (former Ishimori) drew many characters like Kamen Rider, Kikaider, Inazuman and so on. One of them is Gorenger. It was the first Sentai Series TV program. You know the Power Rangers series, right? It was exported and localized version of the series outside of Japan. Without Ishinomori, those rangers would have never exist. He is Joe Shimamura in Cyborg 009.
  15. Nendroid May'n. From May'n Official Web Site. http://mayn.jp/
  16. May'n appears in Wonder Fest at Makuhari Messe on the next Sunday. http://whl4u.jp/stage/ Shoji Kawamori also appears in Wonder Fest, as a mechanical designer of Good Smile Racing team. He finally designed a real racing car.
  17. A promotional video of Megumi Nakajima's last live concert BD. A promotional video of Haruka Chisuga's new song. It is a theme song of a new anime "Zetsumetsu Kigu Shoujo Amazing Twins."
  18. Not scoop things, but trivial news about Macross and some related things.
  19. The movie will start screening in late autumn. Probably November. http://yamato2199.net/index.html
  20. You beat me to it. Yeah, to stop, push the button # 1 and #3 at once.
  21. An NDA between HG and Creavision? No way...
  22. TBH, I didn't know Æon Flux well, but it actually looks like its animation. And Space Dandy also reminds me of many 70s and 80s animes like Space Cobra, Tatsunoko animes especially Hurricane Polymar, Urusei Yatsura, Highschool Kimengumi and so on. The model of Honey in Boobies is probably Cutie Honey. The episode 4 was really amazing. Yeah...
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