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VF-15 Banshee

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Everything posted by VF-15 Banshee

  1. I believe it's footage from the Macross pachinko game.
  2. Man, that sucks for her. I hope nothing shady was going on...
  3. So is Sayaka Kanada going to come back after she recovers or is she out of it for good?
  4. This is so beautiful that I almost cried. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=QunN-z2EIaE
  5. Aye, there's the rub. I'm still not very good with photoshop, so I haven't yet attempted to do any of the shading or anything.
  6. Would it be possible to be able to watch the Studio Musix broadcast here in America?
  7. So that means that it will be the same as when we first saw it?
  8. OK, I gotta hear how you got Mari Iijima to agree to show up! Grr, I really wanna go now, but money's tight right now... plus that 9 1/2 drive to Cali is a killer.
  9. So, just finished watching DYRL again. Definitely one of my favorite movies. I noticed a couple things. First, do you think Space McDonald's has better food than regular Mickey D's? Also, I just noticed that Roy was piloting a VF-1S Strike Valkyrie during the scenes when he and the others were captured by Britai. That's what I love about movies like this. You're always notice things you never noticed before. Now to finish up Macross Plus and on to 7!!
  10. Nice poster dude. Also, here's some QUALITY nostalgia:
  11. I first became a Macross fan 18 months ago and I've enjoyed it ever since. I'm going to watch DYRL tonight in celebration. ^___^ Here's to 30 more years of awesome.
  12. Anime-Spiritia? You did that on purpose didn't you?
  13. Man that sucks. You're all pumped up to do your show and then get struck down by disease.
  14. In honor of the 30th Anniversary, I present the Iron Valkyrie! This is a specialized VF-1 built by a company by the name of Stark Industries. They refer to it simply as the "Mark III" for some reason. For example, instead of the regular space metal frame most Valkyries are built of, this fighter is armored with Stark Industries' patented Gold-Titanium alloy. Red paint was added so it wouldn't look too pretentious... This is actually a WIP. I was hoping I could get some help for this from Mr March?
  15. Well I just re-watched Flashback 2012 and I think I enjoyed it even more this time around than I did before. A great send-off for the original Macross cast. Makes me wonder how much Macross FB7 is going to be like this.
  16. Well guys, here we are. The Week of Weeks. On Wednesday, I'm going to watch DYRL and try to post a chapter or two of one of my Macross fanfics. Maybe I'll bake a cake.
  17. Oh no, I'm not saying that will happen in FB7 just in a meta-sense.
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