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VF-15 Banshee

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Everything posted by VF-15 Banshee

  1. VF-15 Banshee

    Macross 30

    The HUD on one of the screenshots showed a VF-11C as a target. And can't a VF-25 actually fly in atmosphere with its packs?
  2. VF-15 Banshee

    Macross 30

    Now that would be fun. 4Gamer has more news and more and better screencaps about Macross 30. Apparently the story for the game has been penned by Master Kawamori and Ukyo Kodachi. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Kodachi work on the Frontier novelizations and Macross The Ride? I HAVE FOUND A REASON TO LOVE AGAIN. THE FEELS.
  3. Just wanted to let you guys know, you're getting a lot of free press in the Gundamn!@MAHQ podcast courtesy of me quoting your articles. Starting in episode 110.
  4. VF-15 Banshee

    Macross 30

    So... what do you guys think will be some of the scenarios in the game? Me? I'm looking forward to Isamu, Sheryl and Basara bouncing off each other. (figuratively speaking) Isamu: What the--?! Guld, that crazy guy's flying his Valkyrie with a guitar! Basara: LISTEN TO MY SONG!! Guld: Heh, doesn't sound any crazier than you, Mad Skywriter.
  5. Extra large exclamation marks anyone? BWAHAHAHA!!
  6. I was browsing through MAHQ.net and found some Valkyrie variations that I was wondering if anyone had info on. http://www.mahq.net/mecha/macross/advvalk/index.htm http://www.mahq.net/mecha/macross/aircavalry/index.htm First of all, in ACC, what are the factions of Asturia, Fanelia and Zaibach Empire? Is it an alternate universe of Macross or far future? I recognize some of the designs as pre-Varauta or early versions of the Y/VF-19. One design is very obviously an early version of the VF-9 Cutlass.
  7. Started watching Frontier. I do like Ranka's voice better in the TV series. She's definitely doing the "I'm the cute moe-girl" voice in the movies.
  8. Because I'm going to start reviewing Gundam for my Podcast, I figured I'd need to brush up on all the ones I've missed out. Currently the only show I've never really seen a lick of is ZZ Gundam. I'm not looking forward to this but it ain't worse than AGE or Destiny, I'm sure, and I have Macross Frontier to dull the pain. Since the first episode is just a clip show recap of MSG and Zeta, I'm going to skip that one and start with episode 2 and post my first impressions after episode 6. Wish me luck. Oh and rest in peace, poor Saegusa.
  9. And maybe 'cause the the AKB48 song used in the end credits of both the english and Japanese versions is called Sugar Rush?
  10. Does anyone have any art of Lex and her space biker gang?
  11. VF-15 Banshee

    Macross 30

    And a slight correction, it's not Bandai Visual that's dead, it's Bandai Entertainment itself. Why? Because Bandai Japan forced them to compete for licenses like everyone else. Rather strange that, isn't it? Bandai Visual is still charging outrageous prices for Gundam Unicorn.
  12. Finished watching Macross Zero and watched the Deculture edition of the first episode of Frontier. My opinion on Zero hasn't changed much; I still think it's the weakest entry in the franchise. In fact, I would go so far as to say that without the Valkyries, the UN Spacy kite and Roy Fokker, you probably wouldn't know Zero is supposed to be a Macross OVA.
  13. VF-15 Banshee

    Macross 30

    Yeah but the Japanese don't see it that way. If they really wanted to make money off of thier stuff, anime wouldn't be dying here in the U.S.
  14. Yes, in all fairness, New York City isn't known for its Hurricanes. It's still a sad sight to see and yes, I'm still baffled that Houston didn't get a Shuttle. A lot of the people my dad knew over there were very, very, VERY angry about that. It's now used as a Delta IV launch pad.
  15. Ugh, I saw a link about turning Macross Plus into Robotech Plus. The sheer gall made me stop thinking for several seconds.
  16. So is fold carbon the fuel that all fold drives have been operating on all this time? I always did wonder if the fold drives were just powered by plain old electricity like the flux capacitor.
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