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VF-15 Banshee

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Everything posted by VF-15 Banshee

  1. So i just listened to all of episode 5... that was a heck of a thing.
  2. Speaking of Gundam, I would agree with one of the points you made about art imitating life. Gundam AGE is failing in Japan because Sunrise and Bandai didn't do their market research before the show aired and when the ratings started tanking for their target audience (pre-teen boys) they did a survey and found out, guess what? Pre-teen boys don't care much for anime about wars and space colonies and such. At least that's what i read.
  3. Uh oh, Psycho Gundam is NEVER a good thing...
  4. The statute of limitations expired back in 1993.
  5. Guys. guysguysguysguys. Looks like Lancel finally updated Wings of the Fairy.
  6. I agree that, given how fanatical the Vagan are about their goals, I wouldn't be surprised if it was actually, "wipe out those Earthling scum." 'Course I bet you they're not allowed to say that because this is technically a kid's show. (Even though they seem to be miserably failing in that department.) I really am interested in this new Diva bridge crew, especially poor adorable Captain Natora (after all that's been said, I'm not touching that last name; what is it with this show and their frakking names?!) Especially goes to highlight how bland the last bridge crew was. I'm actually rewatching AGE from episode 1 and it's interesting to see things begin to crystalize somewhat. So that was probably Decil in his Zedas at Nora right? And how did Yurin already know how to use her abilities? And Emily! At least she had spunk and I have a whole new level of respect for her, especially when it shows kust how bland, flat, boring and useless Romary was. And Dique swimming through microgravity was hilaribad.
  7. FUS-RO-DAH! Not mine, just found it.
  8. How about we not bring real-life into a discussion of a space science-fiction cartoon?
  9. Wouldn't those have been MiM-31 Karyovin Fighters?
  10. Wasn't that just a retcon that didn't make sense given past history to justify the anti-UNG having model kits, er, I mean VFs in MZero?
  11. That's why you should take Doc Brown's advice and think four-dimensionally!
  12. Hell, I'd arrange for Hikaru, as much as I like the guy, to have a little "accident" for her!!!
  13. You know I'm starting to see why Kaifun had so many problems with the UNG and the UN Spacy. Still doesn't change the fact he's a douche though.
  14. Makes me wonder what would happen if the Zentradi had shown up five years early.
  15. Remember, Valkyrie Addict, that little big scene in Return of the Jedi where an A-Wing pilot does the same thing and brings down a 19 kilometer Dreadnought?
  16. Nobody's perfect. Wasn't there also the implication that Anti-UN forces did the same thing to Shinn's family? I never figured out why Shinn never said something like, "We're the same," to Nora. Also, according to the Compendium, the UN forces were initially mainly American, British, French, Japanese, Soviet and German.
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