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Everything posted by Neova

  1. What kinds of paints were you spraying? If you sprayed enamels, you can clean the brush by spraying the cleaning thinner (its stronger than the "thinning" thinner) through the brush. After its mostly clean, take it apart and soak the head. Rinse and wipe clean. Reassemble and spray thinner through again before using. If you were spraying acrylics, even better. Get those BIG gallon refills of windex and spray that straight through the brush until fairly clear. You might want to put a cloth up to the tip (block it temporarily), spray full blast to knock any harden paint loose, then spray it out without the cloth. Take apart, soak, rinse it, wipe down, assemble spray again and re-use. Also try searching for airbrush instead.
  2. Valkyrie, Please keep us posted on the differences. It would be good as reference material.
  3. So stupid funny! http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4229347.stm
  4. Steve, Great work but damn, you did all that to a Low Viz!!!! Inspiring work no doubt!
  5. Mech Design - Check Combiners - Check Vampires- Check Spiritia - er.... check I guess... Feels like Getto Robo meets Final Fantasy... not a bad thing but need to get used to the concept. I am much more excited about Titania though!
  6. Drifand, OMG NICE DISPLAY!!! Right up there with Sithlord's! I need to break my Yammies out of their cardboard coffins for some display action! Graham, you gonna come over and help me? heh...
  7. I hope thats a commission job! Looking good actually!
  8. Can anyone just rip the subs for us with the R2 DVDS? Heh
  9. What about 2B w/o Macross Plus on top but the Sharon Apple Cube on the spine? The mechanical look is a perfect compliment to the two cockpits.
  10. I would say model glue plus some filler for smoother sanding. You can epoxy if never ever intend to split again. While SUPER HARD, it can be tough to sand.
  11. Ido, Here you go: Five min. Easy gun strap mod Missing gunstrap ring
  12. Get both if you can and if you had to get one, either would be great. Personally, Hikaru's Red Strike VF-1S with FP is my favorite since it was my first ever Yamato. I need to get more to pose in all 3 modes.
  13. Ug... I wish I could help you after working in the gaming field not so long ago. Game balance is key and I remember spending a big portion of our development time on that. Its a continuous process that never seems to end, even after shipdates (read: patches). But I do not possess the Weapon's table knowledge like Nanashi, Egan Loo or even Graham. If you want I can help go through it but it would have to be after the first week of Feb. My day workload is crazy right now (yet I find time to post on MW during work). hehe
  14. A without the Macross Plus on top, like B.
  15. As a person with a science background, that really cracked me up! Great photo! LOL
  16. Sweet Caroline! Captain, is it posable? Can ball joints be added to most the little feet?
  17. That was awesome! Great writeup! I bet it was written by a MW'er... Heh
  18. Neova

    What are these?

    I'll post some pics of my kits when I get the chance. The VF-11D is the sound force variant from Macross 7. There is also a VF-11C from M7 (CF actually). I have the 1/72 Reptuu so didn't get Wave's small 1/100. I wish there was a way to scale these kits up to 1/72. Grayson72, are you still working on the supersizing resin kits?
  19. How the heck did the VB-6 thread became the "Guess when / why Yamato will give up on Macross" thread? Yamato is a business. As with any business, there are both creative and logistical reasons why things are made and why some may be dropped. I'm sure Yamato must have shown all of the early prototypes to Big West and Kawamorie. If there were any disapproval, everything goes back to be re-designed. Once a toy is finalized, it is shopped to gauge sellable interest to store chains, buyers, etailers and whoever else legally can buy it (EG no one outside of Japan's market). If a designer or some guy who called the shots didn't like any of the designs, or if someone hated the line or if there were not enough interests to warrant tooling, the project would be pushed onto the back burner. I doubt most projects are killed outright as potentials such as Macross would be brought back up for review, redesign and reshopped. That’s the nature of the business. If I was working for Yamato TODAY, as much as it hurts me to say it, I would probably have made some of those decisions to delay some Macross projects and refocus the company resources elsewhere so we can make money. When the time comes where someone influential person backs Macross, those projects can be jump started again, despite the potential for small sales. I think it would best serve the fans if Yamato gave up on the license and let a new start up company with creativity; vigor and wide eye innocence take the reign and churn out all the fan boy items. The small sales and small market may be a better fit for them, unless Macross grows bigger and can be sold outside of Japan directly. On that note, I give HG the finger for keeping Macross down.
  20. I've yet to get display cabinets and while I don't have a kid, I am in the same boat as Graham. I rarely have time after work to play with my Valks after eating and cleaning the place up. Perhaps its because its so cramp here or work is just crazy. I can't wait to find some room and time to break out my 1/48s for a dio display.
  21. Would you guys mind listing the old Hobby Japan, Dengeki Hobby or etc... that has this stuff? I would love to pick up a few old copies for reference. Amazingly fresh even after all these years.
  22. Neova

    What are these?

    Holy! Those are Wave's 1/100 resin Battroid kits or recasts. Normally goes for 12800 YEN ~ 125 USD. I just picked up a couple of kits just to fill in any holes in my collection. The originals are VERY NICE but I don't know about the recasts (says preorders). Lacking in decals but has nice panel lines and the resin is super smooth. Good price for a recast if they can get it 95% close to the original. If anybody wants the original Wave 1/100s YF-19 Battroid with FP or YF-21 with FP, let me know. I saw it around a while ago.
  23. UN Spacy arms buildup project "Godzilla" exposed... Read the details at 9 and 10 pm tonight. Looks like we have a new Macross King today! Hail to the King baby! <looks over shoulder at XSToys, Kensei and Sithlord>
  24. Toonz and Jin, You two ROCK! Hikaru's VF-1S is now my desktop! How about some Gerwalk or Fighter action? Or maybe even Custom 1/48 action? Can't wait for more...
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