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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. Scott Pilgrim vs The World, also, the Watchmen movie was nearly 1;1 until the end, not games but they very faithful adaptations, perhaps too faithful at times. The Dynasty Warriors Netflix film is pretty 1;1, games just don't translate well to film if you're going for an adaptation, they have cutscenes which are the story, but a lot of the big and memorable moments are played out by the player, variable from gamer to gamer. These aren't comics or books that have a single flowing exact story, I don't feel they're comparable at all. I mean, like I said above, I wouldn't compare adapting a book to a game, that's not even a reasonable comparison. Game of Thrones translated well onto TV from a book, yes, would, say, the Telltale Game of Thrones game? No, not at all, for the same reasons almost no other game would either. To each their own, I probably wouldn't have bothered if it was a 1:1 adaptation, I already played the games, I don't want to watch them. There's also the fact that a first person shooter campaign, Halo 1 for example, isn't going to translate to a narrative series easily, or at all. It's a few cutscenes of actual story, then killing stuff, because it's a game, a series in its own universe and continuity gets to focus on the story and characters, something the Halo games were almost never known for, people love the Halo games because of the gameplay, most forget the story beyond kill aliens as Not-Doomguy. Do you not think this will have fan service? Do you think this won't have Master Chief laying waste to Covanent troops just like in the games? As far as Halo goes that's what most people know about the series, and I'm sure this series will have plenty of that, and a Halo, and Cortana, it's all there, just not in the same order or told the same way, let's wait and see if this is any good before we jump to conclusions, once again, the story in the games isn't anything special, and literally everything else from the games is in this series. I'm not sure what you're getting at here, if you wanted an exact adaptation of the first game's story unfortunately you're not getting that. Approve of it or not, it's what the showrunners decided to do, for the best IMO.
  2. Ms. Marvel looks like fun, I'm definitely in! Interesting to see they changed up her powers, I imagine with Mr. Fantastic on the way at some point they didn't want to confuse viewers with two very similar powers, achieved in different ways. Also, it seems Disney wants to wash away memory of their one big, undeniable failure, Inhumans. Good choice, Inhumans was awful, but the MCU needs Kamala.
  3. Only the Grand Inquisitor, and if Vader learns his old master may be alive he'd obviously call on him to help with the hunt, every other Inquisitor is new to the Obi-Wan series, they were an order, usually twelve members strong at any point. Still seems an awfully silly thing to complain about considering they're the most obvious villains for a Jedi on the run after order 66, it just wouldn't make any sense if they didn't appear in this considering the time period. Appearing on Rebels first means nothing, they were just established in canon on that show, for exactly these kinds of stories in this time period, it's why they were obviously a big part of Jedi: Fallen Order as well, that game covered a lot of territory we'll probably see repeated on this very series. Star Wars was made to sell merch and toys to kids, that's the whole series. Lightsabers are the weapons of the force sensitive, some Inquisitors were former Jedi already, some were kidnapped force sensitive individuals who would've become Jedi, lightsabers would always be the main weapon. Jedi temple guards had lightsabers too, plenty of non Jedi and Sith used lightsabers.
  4. It happened on Star Wars Rebels, it was an absolutely brilliant moment and had tons of tiny details going on in it, it was beautiful. Easily one of the most meaningful and emotional lightsaber fights in all of Star Wars, from Obi-Wan changing stances from prequel to OT era, to Maul foolishly attempting to use the same move that killed Qui-Gon, it was easily one of the best moments in all of Star Wars. Rebels delivered some of the best moments in Star Wars period IMO, the Ahsoka and Vader moment was absolutely incredible as well.
  5. The Inquisitors are jedi villains period though, they just appeared first on Rebels, there's quite a few Inquisitors, not all were featured and defeated on Rebels. As I mentioned, they're the main villains in the Jedi: Fallen Order video game as well, they're the villains of the jedi, all jedi, in the post jedi order beginning of the Empire era. Obi-Wan can't fight or duel Vader, that would betray what he said in ANH that he hasn't faced Vader since what we now know was their fight on Mustafar, Inquisitors are jedi baddies that exist and make sense in this time period, Cal Kestis from Jedi: Fallen Order faced them as well, roughly in this exact time period, under nearly identical circumstances. They're the most common sense villains for this time period and were already established in canon, even Moff Gideon on Mandalorian wasn't a "new" villain, he was another Imperial baddy that made sense and fit into that timeline and period. There's no other Sith he could face besides Maul, which he eventually does on Rebels, he didn't face Vader between RotS and ANH which was stated in ANH, I think you're downplaying the Inquisitors too much, they make the most sense, they're the logical villains for a jedi on the run after Order 66, they exist because of surviving jedi from Order 66. Outside of some random, made-up sith or sith-like baddie that would have to be explained away, who should Obi-Wan face? Myself and many others already suspected Inquisitors would be a big deal in this, the timeline just makes sense, they're not Rebels enemies, they're enemies of surviving jedi.
  6. Inquisitors make the most sense, what other threat could there be? Inquisitors were established in Rebels and the fantastic game Jedi: Fallen Order, they are a major threat in this time period and make the most sense. I'd honestly be disappointed if Inquisitors didn't show up, to me, that wouldn't make any sense, there's zero chance Obi-Wan didn't run into a single one of them between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. ANY jedi in this time period would have to have come across one at one time or another, they are literally the Empire's main jedi hunters, trained by Vader, Vader can't hunt them all down himself. Whether people like it or not, or watched them or not, Rebels, Clone Wars, Jedi: Fallen Order are all canon and integral parts of the Star Wars story, I absolutely love seeing their influence and creations running into the more mainstream stuff.
  7. Got my order in at BBTS, this is The Batman for me. I was thinking maybe Hot Toys, but that price, even for the standard release, is pretty absurd. Even the price here seems a bit high for what you get, I definitely think all of The Batman merch has been overpriced just because.
  8. Damn, agreed, seeing Ewan back is fantastic! I thought Book of Boba would win me over easy enough but that just wasn't the case, Obi-Wan though? Yes please.
  9. That opening is a banger, I love it! Epic final season so far, I actually liked the ending to the manga so I'm hyped to see the anime wrap things up!
  10. Affleck Batman at least gave us the most Batmany fight in movie history, that fight scene from BvS was straight from a Batman Arkham game, it was fantastic. Agreed though, I'm pretty hyped for this movie, reviews are very positive overall, I love reading that this leans far more into the often forgotten, for movies at least, title of World's Greatest Detective, we haven't gotten much of that from most Batman films.
  11. Damn, I'm starting to get really hyped for this, Moon Knight has always been a favorite of mine, before the Disney+ show was announced I made sure to track down a solid CGC graded Moon Knight #1, one of my holy grails. Mr. Knight is happening, I figured he would, he should, there's a lot to this character.
  12. I'm probably in on The Batman, Damian Wayne Robin for sure. Turtles are enticing, but I've already got four sets of Turtles and really don't have room for another, both Joe ninjas look good, but I'm not big on the Joe franchise overall so they're a pass for me. Definitely more interested in updates on current figures on pre-order, I'm pessimistic on these new reveals, based on what's already on pre-order all this new stuff is years away.
  13. Agreed, that finale was awesome, honestly though, the whole season was pretty fantastic. I was weary about this whole show from the beginning, Peacemaker was fun enough in The Suicide Squad, but holding up a whole series? It worked. Cena nailed it. He's still not a great actor IMO, but he killed it in this roll, the whole season was a ton of fun, I'm glad HBO already greenlit season 2.
  14. Yup, I'm in for Figuarts Thor and Mighty Thor. Bandai needs to announce a pre-order for MK III Iron Patriot, then get on those Tobey and Andrew Spider-Men.
  15. I'm excited to check out Horizon Forbidden West on my PS4 Pro when I can, I'm only 15 hours into Dying Light 2 so I've got a ton to do there first, then I'm trying to do Last of Us Part II after that.
  16. So is this in the comic universe and not the TV show? I'm fine with that, I've read the whole comic series three times over, it's wild, the Hughie we saw in the trailer is very clearly the Simon Pegg-based comic Wee Hughie, Butcher as well.
  17. Just spent a few days in Disneyland and California Adventure, grabbed the new UCS Tumbler/Batmobile and Sonic sets from the Downtown Disney LEGO store, I'm excited to start the Tumbler! I got the vintage or whatever cab set as a free gift as well, pretty neat.
  18. I thought US had great performances, but the story was horribly stupid if you thought about it for more then five seconds. Get Out was fantastic though, I'm in, this looks pretty good.
  19. Letterkenny is one of my all time favorite comedies, I push Hulu on whoever I can for that show alone. Gotta hard disagree on the newest season, I felt it was back to form so to speak, last season was the boring one, the McMurrays weren't even in it! This latest season feels like early Letterkenny, better then ever, as good as it's ever been. I'm ready for Shoresy, give yer balls a tug.
  20. I'm having a lot of fun with Dying Light 2. I absolutely loved the first game, it was definitely one of the better hidden gem games of the last generation, I played it to 100% on the base game and DLC, loved it. My only gripe with Dying Light 2 is the available settings for Series X, only 1080p at 60fps, really? I expected 4K at 60fps, 1080p at 120fps, I thought the Xbox store even said 60fps+ in the game's description. I can deal, 60fps is still workable, and it's a quite stable, locked frame rate, I just expected more considering all the other games I've played on my Series X with better quality and performance modes.
  21. Everyone also needs to understand that this isn't a direct adaptation of the game's story, the showrunners stated the series takes place in its own universe, an alternate timeline. We'll get a Halo, there's Spartans and the UNSC, Covenant, but this won't follow the story of the game series, it's doing its own thing. I'm hyped, I've been playing Halo for two decades now, these games are still my all time favorite FPS games. The story and characters are quite excellent, the tie-in novels have all been pretty great, some added to the lore and told new stories, some covered the events of the games in greater detail, either way there's plenty of content and story to pull from and tell. Looks pretty too, I'm bummed we never got that Neill Blomkamp Halo movie or series, he did the live action shorts and those were fantastic! Landfall still holds up today IMO. Halo has certainly borrowed a lot over the years, it's tropey, but at this point it's also set standards for gaming and storytelling, world-building, lore, it's a fantastic series and I'm glad some kind of live action content is finally happening.
  22. I've never played a Crysis, are the games even any good? I've never heard anyone actually talk about or mention the gameplay, or if the games are even fun, every discussion about this game is just about graphics and if you can or can't run it. I may check it out on my Series X, I don't know, these games always looked insanely good, but horribly generic, you're just another super-suit wearing super-soldier doing FPS stuff in tropic locales, that's just not that interesting. In other news Dying Light 2 is almost here, and I'm hyped, it seems Microsoft confirmed 60fps+ for those that have a Series X and a compatible TV.
  23. XL Roci is up at BBTS, I grabbed one there. https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/193407
  24. Agreed, Cena is killing it in this roll. He's still not the greatest actor, but this is clearly a roll made for him. I've seen one or two of his garbage "Marine" movies, the serious action stuff just doesn't work, he doesn't pull it off, but this? He's fantastic in this roll, me and my buddy are already planning to go as Peacemaker and Vigilante for Halloween this year, like many others I'm sure.
  25. So I guess it's official Slave I is being phased out? Boba referred to his ship as Firespray right? That's like Han calling the Falcon "Corellian Light Freighter", Not the biggest deal with this show though, I'm entertained but it's beyond middling, and really dumb at times, Boba comes off as a bit of an idiot most of the time. I still really don't think his revival and this entire show are justified yet, I feel The Mandalorian already used up a lot of what could've made up the story of this show, a mostly helmeted, lightly speaking badass in Mando armor, making his way in the galaxy like his father before him...
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