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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. I don't have the Alto Super Parts but I was planning to do this with Michael's.
  2. You're not bootlegging anything. Dunno what Jenius is on about but I'm willing to bet you have a better idea how to mount everything than T-Rex does.
  3. If I may, I believe they got the shoulder missile launchers slightly wrong. I think they should be on arm mounts that move around like the missile launchers on the VF-25 super packs. Just an idea to play with.
  4. Was it actually wavy in the anime? I don't recall. Tough call now. No telling if they'll ever bother with repaints but I love the way it looks in all three modes.
  5. I like the drab in fighter, I don't particularly care for it in Battroid.
  6. I'm stuck in that position too. Hopefully NY doesn't bone us and lose the Alto parts we've all already paid for.
  7. I think it's pretty clear Mr. K would make EVERYTHING from Macross in EVERY scale he could if he were actually allowed.
  8. I just want my blue, delta-wing plane...more pictures.
  9. Not sure why this is necessary, I already said I respect him for giving an honest effort to sort his life out.
  10. I wouldn't say any of that excuses bad behavior. But I will say that it seems like he's taking a genuine stab at being decent now and that's enough for me to give him another chance. Personally knowing several individuals who have struggled with a difficult childhood is enough for me to respect his attempt to change.
  11. That's not even a video game scheme, it's a custom paint job by one of our members. The M3 scheme is almost entirely blue/red with orange highlights and looks terrible.
  12. I'm not sure how popular a Max inspired scheme would actually be. But I know I'd have at least a few to stuff down my pants.
  13. It does seem like a no-brainer. A lot of people LOVE the look of the VF-4 and pretty much any Skull Squad paint scheme sells like hotcakes. Would be cool if they could hit that. But if not I know of a blue and red one I'd buy...
  14. "Ain't got no time for bird sex" is surprisingly catchy if you're listening in the background at work.
  15. It's too bad Gerwalk is so limited due to that silly brace.
  16. I suppose they could completely redo the Masters portion of the show. Since nobody seems to like Southern Cross anyway they could completely redo it and as long as the Earth gets trashed in the end nobody would really care.
  17. He's responding to my comment a few posts up. I didn't "wish" mass suicide on anyone, however.
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