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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. I hate to break this to all of you disco haters but all of this modern Idol music with their 4x4 beats and electronics is all taken from Disco. It's just over-produced with computers now, but it's disco. So Sheryl and Ranka suck too!
  2. I'd recommend "accidtendally" showing them a picture you you SURROUNDED by every one of their Valks. It might up the cred?
  3. Wouldn't it make sense that they would likely take up more risky endeavors? Be more likely to join the military, or take up boxing or some other athletic activity that involved fighting/combat?
  4. That's an odd piece to break. It looks like whoever was working at the factory snapped it off and said "f**k it", threw it in there and packaged it up.
  5. Mommar


    It's in the Anime or Science Fiction section already, gentlemen. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=40648
  6. Are going to get to see some VF-4 in action here?
  7. He's from Buenos Aires, so Spanish.
  8. LOOOOOVE that VF-4 pic. So awesome, real action for once. I nominate you to draw nothing but VF-4 pics from now on.
  9. What a crap situation you're in Jenius, but from the sounds of things it might end up being really good for all parties if we find out how this whole mechanism works and between you and Froy can get it back together and working.
  10. Tough call. I think we answered this question somewhere before. Since Max was always my favorite from the original show I would probably grab his VF-1J if a fire ever broke out. The VF-4G next to it as well.
  11. I am very curious to see how it all goes down between Roy in a VF-1 versus an SV-51.
  12. I can't see it topping your masterpiece but I'd love to see it.
  13. The YF-30 does away with the shield and knife combo.
  14. Well, we've only ever seen them attached in animation in fighter mode. But the Bandai and Arcadia toys both have the shoulder packs mounted like that in Battroid. It might not be official but it's been a thing. To be honest I like this in it's own thread. It's easier for me to find.
  15. Mommar

    Hi-Metal R

    Nothing, man. I've been waiting for months to see or hear more about the Destroids and Battlepods.
  16. You're probably right, but maybe there's a possibility of a web-exclusive? Maybe Arcadia should play with that model, only release the Hero Valks but offer web-exclusive runs to reuse molds and release variants or less popular schemes fans still want. If I could write in Japanese I'd suggest there on their twitter feed. The 0D was supposed to be a general release, no? That means if enough were produced and they're selling well enough any given store could restock if they wanted to. Is this a good sign? Did stores REALLY underbuy thinking it wouldn't sell and it's done so well they're stocking up, or were all of us so hungry for a PT 0D that every old Macross fan came climbing from the wood-work for one? And ostensibly any new Macross fans from Frontier who have played Macross 30 will have been introduced to the 0D from the beginning of the game as well. Perhaps some new fans came out for a purchase too?
  17. Photo's of pre-production models at one trade show does not constitute an announcement for release. Anime52k8 is right. Just because they showed something at a trade show once doesn't mean it's an actual announced product. It's just a potential line they might be working on. If they put up a pre-order somewhere or even if they mention it again in a magazine with prices and release dates then it's "announced." Until then we have zero idea this product will ever actually come to market.
  18. I suppose I meant the lightbulbs and not the lamp. But that pic right there is very aqua, quite a bit closer to the anime.
  19. While the fit of the 171 is better than the 17, those tight tolerances and the odd decisions for transformation mechanisms make playing with it a lot less fun. The Yammie is orders of magnitude easier to transform. That being said, the design of the 17/171 all around isn't the most satisfying transformation in general.
  20. Wait a moment, while some HI-Metal stuff was shown off I don't believe Bandai has officially announced any of that stuff will be produced/sold.
  21. What kind of light do you have that thing under? That really looks a lot closer to the show there...
  22. Man, those comparison pics show off just how many of the things have been subtly altered but how much better they look in the overall package because of it.
  23. Mommar

    Yamato VF-19P

    Because nobody likes the shoulder speakers.
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