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Everything posted by ErikElvis

  1. Yeah Im not feeling the P. Might just need to see it a few more times.
  2. I know what you mean. I look at that and think it looks amazing but can't bring myself to try it. I might just find a loose VF-1 on ebay or wait for a HLJ sale to get one to practice on.
  3. Doesn't the picture of the box on the previous page say its with option parts? Not that I really care if it has them as I haven't bought a valk with them yet. So I don't know what I'm missing anyway.
  4. I have Griffith waiting to be shipped. Figured Guts needed company.
  5. Whats going on with this thing? Kinda neat. would be good for breaking up the monotony us just valks.
  6. Yeah Im pretty sure the HLJ site is just messed up again.
  7. I pre-ordered but I actually think Id rather put my money towards the 17D with fast packs. No way Ill pull both in October.
  8. Well I have a feeling Bandai will revisit the F+S. And am I the only one who likes Alto better in armor and Ozma with a super pack?
  9. I have not got a payment request from HLJ either. I originally pre-ordered a CF 1A but cancelled it. I was thinking of adding it to my order earlier but it wasn't on the site.
  10. I like the Macross II valks. Different. Id pick them up.
  11. Find a good pic of it and throw it up here.
  12. I wouldn't really be upset if it did need a stand. Ive always had some doubts about it.
  13. Man fighter look awesome. I don't see how battroid will be able to stand by itself though.
  14. How many times does it have to be said that the VF-X VF-4 is not the FB2012 version?
  15. from this poor pic it looks the same as the toy.
  16. I had no problem with the 171 swing bar. Now my 17 didn't want to move and I have a nice rock in the torso in battroid now. It annoys the hell out of me.
  17. It looks awesome. 2 for me unless its $400 or more.
  18. I have the Brera and Grace versions. I think they look great in fighter. You could say Battroid is not as good as the renewals but I certainly wouldn't say it is bad. I think Brera looks just fine propped up on a flight stand pointing his beam cannon.
  19. Im not upset im gonna miss this one. I would be pissed if i couldn't get a yf-29 ozma scheme. Ill add one too.... F U BANDAI!!!
  20. Im not impressed with fighter. Battroid looks good though. If one comes up and I have extra money maybe Ill get it. Id much prefer the Ozma scheme.
  21. I live in the woods. They don't want to drive down the driveway. Fed ex or UPS has no problem though
  22. god damn it. USPS just left the slip to pick up the package at the post office in the mailbox without coming to the door. This isn't the first time they have done that.
  23. I got the same thing from NY. said it will be shipped in a few hours. NY FTW this round.
  24. I think it looks awesome. It's ashame it never really got any screen time
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