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Everything posted by ErikElvis

  1. NY got 2 orders for 171's from me and 2 for weapons pack. I paid for em already cuz christmas time is going to suck with MP soundwave and the VF-4 coming out.
  2. ErikElvis

    Macross figures

    Has anyone learned anymore about the Sheryl Basara?
  3. HLJ has always taken a tad longer to ship for me. But I love the Fed ex.
  4. Well just ordered number 2 from nippon-yasan. I was debating. but since I already paid for 2 weapon packs I might as well do it now instead of possibly pay out the arse later. Im glad I had enough foresight to buy a super pack for the yf-29 right when they opened the preorders. There asking ridiculous prices for them now.
  5. O ordered form Nippon-yasan yesterday morn and its on its way.
  6. anyone that ordered from dendenhobby NOT get an email yet? I sent him a message late thursday i think and haven't got a reply on whether he was going to be able to fill my order or not. edit: and according to previous posts I think its saying the 29 will be released in 1S colors. edit#2 just got an email from dendenhobby that he is not optimistic about filling the orders. I requested a refund and hope i can pick up a 171 somewhere.
  7. Looks real good panel lined. I should order some cheapie VF-1's and start practicing.
  8. Ill complain. The invoice they sent me wa sin a different language. Ill say I didn't know what was going on.
  9. I never paid for my 171at NY and it seems my preorder for the 25g is still good
  10. X2 weapon parts ordered. Now hopefully at least 1 171 comes through.
  11. I think the site was having problems after the upgrade. I was unable to see random things. probably fixin bugs
  12. I did. I think I was the 2nd sold. I doubt its going to be a problem
  13. Id def say the 22 and 19. other than the outer wings being a little floppy i think the 22's look great.
  14. I wasn't for the S head at all at first but it really does look a lot better when you have it in hand.
  15. The hand thing doesn't bother me at all. Ill put it in the mode I like best and if I don't use the hands Ill throw em in the box.
  16. this is fairly accurate IMO. First season interesting nothing special. Second season ok first like 2 episodes then seems to suck till around episode 10 then just gets better and better. Im half way through season 4 and this season is real good.
  17. The GNU's are awesome little fillers and thats super cheap. I think I paid $100 for the three with the extra add on weathered parts. For the shirts do you have to order up a size or 2 to fit our american bodies?
  18. I pray to the Engineers that I can swing 2 of these.
  19. I know other places do this but HLJ is where I like to buy from when I can.
  20. jesus. Ive never bought, watched, asked anything about any of these BD's before. Crucify me.
  21. I had an email to go through to choose. It didn't pop up when i visited the site. And what I was trying to say is I passed on buying things I wanted before because I didn't feel like paying the $40 for 1 thing.
  22. Kinda excited about this. You can now pay for items and hold them for 2 months while you search for more toys! I think this is great. I haven't bought there before as I didn't feel like paying $40 for shipping just to buy something else a couple weeks later at another 40 bucks a pop shipping. Edit: I buy from there all the time but sometimes I just don't feel ike paying $40 for a single valk.
  23. I never really looked into them but do these have english subs?
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