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Everything posted by ErikElvis

  1. Im fairly happy with the Bandai stands. You can't do a whole hell of a lot with them but you can still make the valks look good.
  2. Just started farscape. So far its watchable
  3. ErikElvis

    DX VF-25G

    Hey hey nippon-yassan up to $224
  4. did any body use den den hobby or dendenwok on ebay for the 29?
  5. ErikElvis

    Macross figures

    For some reason I'm psyched about this sheryl basara. Please keep this thread updated for release dates and all. Perhaps Nanoplasm can get a group buy going on sheryl basara
  6. In my opinion, since I just picked up the 29, the 17s is overall a better looking solid toy.
  7. ErikElvis

    DX VF-25G

    Nippon's back up for $204
  8. i was looking for 2 hours .. i literally closed my eyes about 520 this morn and had alarm set for 555. had all the sites up. Bull F'in S oh wait the 29 or 25g. I just woke up confused
  9. Tis 3 am and alls quiet on the "eastern" front
  10. ErikElvis

    Macross figures

    Sheryl Basara is cool.
  11. OK Im over it. If its gonna be like this Im not even going to bother.
  12. I don't believe in god but Im praying anyway for the CF 171. Its one of my favorite colors/designs
  13. I bit the bullet and payed a little more and also payed up front at anime export. Luckily mines on its way. We'll see if I'm so lucky with my ebay 171.
  14. I just want to vent. I pre-ordered this valk and the DYRL CF but I don't think I will get any more VF-1's unless Yamato releases the GD fast packs! I really need a 1/60 Roy too.
  15. Is there ever gonna be a FB2012 scheme? I thought there was some sort of legal issue?
  16. man she's a beaut. Battroids coming along surprisingly well too from what I can see. If the things not $400 Im in for 2.
  17. Is it possible to get an idea on how many of these things were actually produced on their runs?
  18. I was looking at my 19s in battroid and thought I kinda like the looks of the F better in battroid. the S will prob go back to fighter mode for display.
  19. I wasn't sure how I felt about the super parts in fighter mode at first but now Im kinda liking them. Battroid is meh.
  20. This is definitely a buy. probably multiples. and a pic of that torso has to be out there somewhere. This hobby is about to get much more expensive with all these great items Yamato and bandai are putting out.
  21. Kinda bummed its not in Hikarus colors but I still think it looks good. Ill definitely be getting this.
  22. Sooo when are they going to release super packs??
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