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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. Puke......gag......gross...yuck...... here's an idea for the genuises at Toynami.....throw that Alpha mold in nearest trash can and concentrate on something NEW like..oh, I don't know,.......ENEMY INVID MECHA........ sorry...had to vent.
  2. Hey Kicker.....where did you lay your hands on Max?? Didn't know he was out yet! Just ordered the Hikaru, why do you say you need to swap heads on these guys?
  3. that's probably what somebody else around here thought right before they chunked their 21 up against the wall!!
  4. That's the main reason I got into the 1:60 ver 2's, to get those 4 and a 1D all in the same scale. Of course, others followed...
  5. NO!!!! GO WITH MAX!!! He never does you wrong!!!
  6. Ordered 2 Revoltech's today off Evilbay from some joint in Hong Kong....the YF-21 and the YF-19. They were cheap, and hey, they are fun.....
  7. I didn't find any videos either when I got mine, but fear not...the VF-11B is very simple to transform. Nothing like the 19 or the 21 which videos are a must have for first timers. Just kinda follow the pictures along, take your time, and don't be too nervous about it! Yamato actually engineered a GREAT toy here. It won't fall apart. Whenever I transform these things I go with the "gentle, but firm" approach, and I have yet to break anything. Have fun with it! It's an awesome piece! p.s. ---read back though this thread for help on figuring out the heat shield clip together part--it helps!
  8. I agree. I have a 50" Panasonic, and my main viewing distance is about 10 ft away, but I can see it from my dining room and kitchen also which are about 15-20 ft away..50 is a good size if you don't want something that overwhelms the room its in. 65" can look a little nuts in some rooms. Panasonic also makes 58" plasmas, might want to look at those....
  9. I second that! Who needs a retirement fund anyway??!!
  10. Cheng is the man, couldn't agree more with his post.....if you want huge size, and $$ isn't a factor, go with an LCD projector. However, a 65 inch plasma would not be a slouch.....I would go with Pionner ELITE, Panasonic professional series, or normal Pioneer isn't bad either. Or Sony....good luck, in your hunt....don't listen to most TV/electronics sales people, most all of them are complete idiots....
  11. DUDE! I'm in Fort Worth, can I come over and wear your helmet??
  12. What exactly are you guys using to file the pins down with, AND how are you going about it??? That is a VERY small part. I'm going to have to attempt this at some point in the near future.
  13. same story here......I have one 1:48--a Roy--and that's all I'll ever have. 1:60 ver2 FTW.
  14. Little late to the thread party here but, just want to give a BIG shout out to Graham for actually talking to, and seamingly getting results from Yamato on these issues. It is really great to have someone who can do this for all of us. Especially us Americans who are so far away.....Bummer about the Destroids and enemy mecha, but maybe someday. I still have faith in this company as a high end toy provider, just look at that 1:24 scale Patlabor Police robot they put out last year... I think that shows what this company is truly capable of producing. Thanks again Graham...
  15. Testors Model Master Gunship Grey might be pretty darn close...don't remember the FS #.......
  16. I didn't care that much for the movie, and didn't think I would like the series either, but season 1 was pretty good, Ahsuka...lol...is annoying but you get used to her...Ventress is by far the coolest character IMHO. Love her saber fights!! Season 2 so far is VERY good. Debating whether to pick up season 1 on blu-ray......as I probably missed a couple on Cartoon NW, and would love to see how it looks and sounds on Blu-Ray!
  17. I'll put my vote in the 1:60ver2 column. My first every Yamato was a 1:48 Roy. Still have it. Its a little floppy, but nothing to write home about. It's also still ALL IN ONE PIECE. However, that being said, I don't like the radar cone being lose, and the flaps all but fall off if you look at them wrong. I prefer the newer, smaller, better fit and finish of the ver. 2. They are just so much fun. Easier to display, and just all around prettier IMHO. I haven't had any shoulder problems as yet, but my stuff doesn't get moved around or played with much, and I'm sure as I have a first run VF-1S and 1J, it's a problem just waiting to happen. All mine after that have been perfect...I think...Still gotta check em all at some point.
  18. Just to report in--just checked my Virgin Road VF-1D, and my M & M VF-1J's and it is smooth pins all the way as far as I can tell.....THANK YOU! will check others later this weekend.
  19. Looks like I'm gonna be digging out EVERY Valk I have this weekend out of storage and checking this sh*t out.... <_< YAY! What a fun way to spend my days off! Thank you YAMATO.
  20. I'm SO NOT dropping coin on this until the shoulder problem is "resolved"---somehow-- Yamato can suck it.
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