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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. AGREED!!! IA all the WAY!
  2. Freaking HLJ is sucking on my wallet like vampires LOL! The new sale is on and they got me again for: 1/60 VT-1 Super Ostrich 1/60 VE-1 Elint Seeker Got me for a Virgin Road and M&M 1J's......*sigh*...I am weak......
  3. Had to wait till I got home from work to do it...but it's DONE! Virgin Road, both M&M IJ's. All 3 were down to "Dec Restock", so I guess I will just have to be patient....
  4. tempted...very tempted....Virgin Road and the M&M IJ's for x-mas??????
  5. I'm confused... The new fan racer is a completed/painted model?? Says no cement/painting/assembly needed....can someone clarify?? I know the first release was a real model.
  6. 1:60 Fan Racer http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00186 MAN I want that!!!! Just not sure I have the skills to build it and make it look halfway descent....
  7. That's the wonderful thing about Over-Drive...they kinda don't update the website too much, and they DO charge your card when you order. NO MATTER WHAT.....if you click on the link they send you, if it has shipped, it will show where it is. Usually they go from Ack???-something province, then to Detroit, then to your local post office, then to your house. They will require a signature btw....try to be home, or you'll be driving to go pick it up.
  8. I'm in Texas and from Over-Drive it is ALWAYS on my front porch in 3-4 business days. Assuming it's in stock of course.
  9. I should have KNOWN better than to get excited for .05 seconds when I saw this thread bumped.........
  10. Ordered a Yamato 1:60 Millia Q-Rau from some cheap seller out of Hong Kong on evilbay.. ...hope I don't get burned. He had 100% feedback so here's hoping!! Shipping was cheap, so I guess I will be waiting a while. oh well, always wanted one and the $$ was right.
  11. Dude, I so would, but ALL my Valks and stuff are packed up for my move in a couple of months.....sorry. Use Jenius's Website...lots of great pics!! oops! sorry for the double post.
  12. plane LOOKS awesome...But those spots...OMFG....NOOOOOooooo.....................
  13. as a 100% heterosexual male........... ..............the fact that I almost spent $130 on the Ally McBeal DVD box set that came out (finally)......i thought that show was pretty funny, and the women were all smokin....
  14. To bad. I would probably go back and buy the first two also, if I knew they would release a Bartley/Fuke at some point. Just to have 4 all in the same scale.....
  15. OK!!!....Got my MegaHouse Yellow today, and I gotta say, it's not a bad little toy. I emphasize the word "little". When you are use to Beagle size, this thing is tiny, lots of little parts that can easily get lost also. BUT having said that, I transformed it first time out, (and it comes with English instructions)....in about 15 minutes. The stand could be a little "tighter". May require just a drop of superglue to hold a permanent display pose. It's a fun little toy for less than $100...the non-helmeted head sculpt is pretty awesome too. One can only think how truly epic a Beagle one would have turned out...... ."sigh"......here are a few quick pics...notice the "Toynami" Logo on the box, in place of the "MegaHouse"....interesting.
  16. ummm....like giving us 2 out of 4. The 1st and 2nd release were like dreams come true for Mospeada fans. Fairly $$$, but totally worth it IMHO. AND the fact that we SAW the prototype for the Bartley and then just saw it go "POOF" into vaporware was just sad.
  17. So I just took the plunge and bought my first Megahouse Ride Armor. Got the Lancer/Yellow Ride Armor on Evilbay for like a somewhat good price. It was at least in the States so shipping was cheap. After being ROYALLY SCREWED by Beagle--THANKS! --I will now have 3 out of 4 (almost) matching scale Mospeada bikes......Hope I like it! .....Soooo Megahouse never made the Fuke/Rook Red Bike right? Only CM at this point?
  18. OMG!!! TOoooo Many Valks!!!......... NOT! That's AWESOME!
  19. Last couple of pics now that panel lines are finished and all stickers are on, not the easiest bird to panel line, (need a white Gundam marker to clean up some areas at some point). Lines are bigger than 1:60 ver 2, more along the lines of the 1:48's lines, so they kinda "pop" more....oh well, guess I better learn to like it!
  20. AND................here ya go..........Much thanks to Graham's Youtube YF-19 transformation videos!! Thanks!! Makes things go SO much quicker than trying to interpret the errr.....manual... Some stickers done, panel lines and the "no step"s will have to wait for tomorrow.... All in all, it's not that bad of a transformation...going to things from fighter...easy....going back to fighter...little more of a challenge!!! I would say it's worth the $$$.
  21. No worries.....throwin some stickers on now, and gotta find some grub...after that....I'm gonna try a transformation or two, so YES, I'll post pics.....just keep telling myself..."come on, it CAN'T be as bad as the 21!"
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