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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. CDs are not copy protected (generally - there have been attempts to make them protected), so you are not circumventing copy protection by making a copy - and thus avoiding the DMCA (which makes it illegal, more or less, to break copy protection, I'm not a lawyer, this is not legal advice, yada yada yada) The other major difference is you are NOT just copying something you bought - you bought a non-subtitled disk, by downloading a subtitled version you are technically getting something you did not pay for, if you somehow had seperate subtitles and a disk and managed to merge them yourself then that is OK (as long as you don't copy a copy protected disk by breaking the copy protection...) Short answer - yes it does since Japan and the US have mutual trade protection laws in place. Long Answer - there may be a loophole somewhere...
  2. He is on the latest kick, the one where black roles can only be played by black actors, asian by asians, latinos by latinos - even if the role is rewritten for a caucasion. The same people do not seem to have any problem when caucasion roles are done by non-caucasion actors. I agree that if Kaneda is going to stay an asian in the US Akira (which is/was going to be in Neo New York) then he should be played by an asian actor. As an aside - nobody wants to see the atrocities you had picture of again, and lets not forget all the indians played by whites, or the worst case I can think of - Mexican Americans being played by white actors in the movie "Giant" (notable as worst for me since it had a subplot about racism...) Not all cases of people playing someone of a different background is bad though, let us not forget Vasquez (sp?) from Aliens.
  3. I would not have a problem with it and I doubt a studio is going to go after you, but it is technically not legal to do this (here in the US), it could be considered breaking the DMCA.
  4. If the fight between Dread Pirate Roberts and Inigo was not realistic, well then, reality is just going to have to change.
  5. I liked it, especially the Darth and Jar Jar bits. My kids didn't like it though (what do they know? They watch the live action nickolodean cra, er crude)
  6. I like George, but his reason in this case is wrong. It basically boiled down to "it will suck becuase they are going to use caucasian actors". That is reverse discrimination and not a valid reason. Most likely a name change would be a good idea, two examples I am thinking of where the source and the adaptation were excellent. RAN - Shakespeare's King Lear (I especially loved the cinematography in Ran, and the use of color, stunning work) The Magnificent Seven - We all know what this is from, and M7 usually gets the same "not as good" bit of reverse snobbery shot at it as well - it is just a little different from the source is all. Not to say there isn't offal in both directions though.
  7. How about people like myself who didn't like Thor... (It wasn't atrocious, like the latest Pirates movie though) My problem with Thor, like many movies these days, is that it consisted of yelling, screaming, running, and people hitting things for no discernable reason. Or maybe it was the big bad mechanical thing that couldn't kill three guys standing around in the open, it had shades of sharks with laser beams on their fricken heads...
  8. I'm avoiding spoilers like the plague, only reason I stopped in now is I saw a release date of October 20th. I'm surprised it is so soon and we know this far in advance. Didn't the first movie get released in November and not anounced till the day before? (I'm joking a bit there of course, it was 2 days in advance...)
  9. I've been on a Miyazaki kick recently. Currently watching Kiki's delivery service. Previously I watched The Cat Returns and Porco Russo. As everyone knows, he is a master storyteller, Kiki is something I normally would not be interested in but it is excellent. Same for all of them of course.
  10. It most certainly is a ripoff of Clonus. I strongly recommend watching the MST3K riff on Clonus, darn funny - and the guy who made Clonus in the first place was honored to be riffed on by MST3K on one of the DVD extras. (he freely admits his movie had problems - I give a hearty congrats to anyone that has the guts to admit that)
  11. Did you read Tom Bateman's post? HE did, to the only people that could bankroll the toys, and THEY believe it will not make money. You want to convince someone you need to get on the phone with HG. Personally I seriously doubt the Macross and New Generation based toys are making that much money to begin with - there just not being enough people even aware they exist to make it very profitable. (in their RT incarnations that is)
  12. Not a series, but I watched the first 45 minutes of "Sword of the Stranger", excellent English cast, excellent animation, and the story is interesting.
  13. Yup - they don't put shows up till after the season run is done. I'll have to put Camelot on my watch list, I got rid of Starz and never did see it.
  14. That was before Torchwood was picked up by STARS (I think it was STARS). Different producer means different distribution rules. On the plus side the new owner does appear to put most of it's stuff on Netflix as well (I forget their name but I remember they put their stuff on Netflix)
  15. There was a website showing pictures of the Japanese version of the BT mechs as well - they ALL looked much better then the BT designs (excepting the stuff stolen from Anime shows to begin with)
  16. Maybe a new controller slapped onto the PS3 and called the PS4 - but if Sony had a new machine ready for lunch by 2012 they would have said so at E3...
  17. True - it always amazes me when people see the cut scene trailer for a game and say "That game looks amazing!".
  18. Just saw it, loved it. They did a very good job updating the show, even though it did drag a bit. A good argument that anime can be done as live action (admitedly, Yamato would be one of the easier ones in a technical sense)
  19. Only if you ignore the TV show... And it was still Meh!! (so was the show for that matter)
  20. Other then crazy fueds can get even crazier when the offspring get involved. (no comment on Nishizaki's son, I have no idea what he is like - just a general comment)
  21. A director's cut might help with most of it, the biggest problem (other then the black hole dudes...) was the extreme 180 degree change in the alien's actions without any time really spent on laying a groundwork for the change. The black hole guys were really, really, really, over the top though - could easily have done without them completely.
  22. It DID spawn one of the greatest movie reviews ever though. "Arnold proves he can count, one, two, your right..." (in response to someone saying it was ten against one). That movie was bad, the comic relief thief, Grace Jones (Nuff said), and those silly decapitation effects.
  23. Ditto, the upcharge here is $4 a ticket, when the base ticket is $6 (matinee) then I have NO desire to pay the extra except in rare cases. For my family of four it is $24 for 2d or $40 for 3d. To make it worse, some films have looked worse in 3d then they did in 2d. (Tron and Avatar being exceptions)
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