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Everything posted by Thom

  1. They used that, and I was left wondering why they didn't do that and imitate every human they needed to in order to get what they wanted? I hope they don't use it, as it is far less Transformers and just a rip-off of Terminator.
  2. I futzed it! Ugh! I was looking for the clear gloss and all I could find was a big can of Krylon. Won't hurt, right? Wrong! As soon as I sprayed it on, it looks like it turned the AK paint translucent! I could suddenly see all the color gradiations, like splotches of shadows all over. On the plus side, I did it on the bottom first, so the damage was restricted to there. Still, shazbot! Ended up masking the decals, carefully, and then hitting the bottom with Tamiya silver leaf to cover it, and then going over with the AK Dark Aluminum again. Good thing there are no decals on the bottom.😑Still, damage was done. There are some areas of 'orange peel' now on the bottom... Not trashing it though! The top side looks really good and I have no plans to display this on its back. The real kicker? After all that, I found a brand new can of Tamiya Pearl Clear - which looks great on the top side!
  3. It's funny with the jump-cuts between characters, and they're all just raising their heads up.
  4. Alright cool. Kind of like the new Planet of the Apes, where I'm wondering how the apes take over, and they tie in the drug that made them intelligent with a virus.
  5. @Chronocidal That is a great looking model! Bit too pricey at 1/100 for me, but awesome looking. @MechTech Thank you. Now if I can keep from futzing it up! @arbit More fine work on those figures. Well done.
  6. The first one was a good start. But yes, they just went downhill harder and faster, with character 'development' done in the form of KABLAM and KABLEWEY and the plots basically being just how big can the next explosion be, and who is the next supermodel they could put in as an 'actress?' They catered to the lowest common denominator of 'flash and bang,' and were thus complete waste's of time. Until Bumblebee. They got Bay out of everything but gathering money for the project, put Knight in who clearly has a love of Transformers and had a writer that actually wrote a movie with heart in it. And an actress who could actually work with the heart in the script! Plus, the Transformers looked like Transformers! For that, Bumblebee ranks second of all the Transformers movies for me, and that is including the 1986 Transformers the Movie. The first Bay film is a distant, distant third. You can see it there, in the distance, if you squint. That tiny dot so far out there, just barely discernible from the haze of the horizon... I do wish Knight was staying behind the wheel for this one, as I know very little of Steven Cable Jr. The only movie I know he directed was Creed II, and I never watched it. And Joby Harold doesn't seem to have many writing credits. I liked King Author, Legend of the Sword, but the only others I'd be interested in are Kenobi, which is in production, and this movie. Never saw Army of the Dead or Awake, his other writing credits.
  7. Decalling started on Race 80. There aren't many and most of the surfaces are nice and flat. I did cut the long decal in half to help in placing it better, which had the added bonus of getting the maple leaf over the closed camera port easier. I think that decal is a little long, so the cut ends were doubled up a bit, which isn't even noticeable. I'll let those dry before I start putting the rest on. Model on! Thom
  8. The painting and decals on that Refit look excellent! As to the Defiant, I think those skull and crossbones should find a home somewhere on the nose!
  9. Just keep the feel and look of Bumblebee, which was like a love letter to the original series, and let's start steering way clear of the BaycrapMovies. If we never tie back into those 'movies' then I will be a happy guy!
  10. Captain Pyewacket! Overlooking the fitting out of his next command. Any 'berg crosses his path and he will protec!!
  11. I'd say it's a common thread in our real society as well. Just look at all the trash we're leaving for the next generations to deal with, including nuclear waste that will be deadly for thousands of years. I'd say the depiction of a species that is totally aware and controlling of its every aspect is less realistic than one that copies our own inadequacies. Consider, that if the Protoculture had been active in policing their tech and creations to the point that they were not a threat for the modern story, then there would be no modern story.
  12. One of the best parts of the movie was when he shared the power with the others.
  13. Welcome! As to his glasses, I imagine they would have waived restrictions, considering the situation they were in. And considering how great he was!
  14. Sorry to hear that Pengbuzz! Do what you need to. The models, and us, will be here! Take care.
  15. I do like the suit. What I don't like are the fake muscles. But, that is awkward position to be in, so I'm assuming it's a little 'rumpled' in places.
  16. @MechTech Great work. That's above and beyond right there.
  17. AK Extreme Metal does spray really well. The only problem I had with it was the stink, as it's an enamel. I usually work with Tamiya acrylics.
  18. I wonder if you could add a color pigment to the resin? Have it printed in the base color at least.
  19. Thanks! I used AK Interactive Extreme Metal. Sprays pretty good straight out of the bottle and doesn't need a glossy black base. And @arbit wow, that is one tiny little print!
  20. Well, main paint is done for the Spit. I had to redo some paint, as I had some lift from masking. A little maddening, but that happens. Now all I have left to finish building are the gear, the exhaust and the prop. Don't look too close at the paint job. It is my first NMF, and it shows!
  21. @peter Despite their small size, they do come packed with detail. The few that I had bought looked good for that, despite the closed off barrels. Wondering if any of the after-market metal barrel sets, like for secondary guns on larger models, would be small enough to suit the main turrets on them?
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