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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Maybe take half of a globe of the world and use that as the base.
  2. Thank you, I had not known of that technique! That build may not be to far off after all! A good rule of thumb is that it is only 'butchered' if it is seen on the outside! Those hands will look good too!
  3. Okay, I am psyched! As if I wasn't psyched before. Just a few more weeks!
  4. Before the Covid, I bought quite a few from them. Always had good service, though now their shipping prices just about equal the item price!
  5. Yeah, the Madman one is full of striations. It'll take a lot to prime and sand, fill and prime and sand, and then maybe sand and fill and prime. Though I do hear that Badger 3D Primer does a good job... For the new kit, Starship Modeler Store still has a few at $50 before S/H. They do deliver fast though. The Eagelmoss XL Enterprise is over $70.
  6. I'm right with you there on all counts! It's too huge for the previous 1/1000 fleet and too small to fit the AMT 1/500-ish of the Refit/Reliant. I mean, they could start making new molds to fit the 'new' 1/1000 and make new Refits and Reliants and Excelsior and... Barring that though, the only options I can think of to get a 12 inch Discoprise is to either get the Eaglemoss XL (extra large) Enterprise or contact Madman Shipyards. He sells 3D prints of the Discoprise that fits the earlier /1000 scale. http://www.madshipyard.com/ Or, if you have a friend with a 3D or resin printer...
  7. Oh that was precious! I agree, they should re-edit the entire series will little nuggets like that!
  8. Yeah, Luther is the least emotionally developed, because he was reliant on Hargreeve for so long, and then shipped off to the moon where his only friend was a plant! And great point @Dynaman. A Force of Nature is an apt description.
  9. For someone who says he doesn't have much skill, you made a great looking display. I love the homage to the scene and I'll second, or third, that the choice of light gray over white was a nice one.
  10. Just watched the season a few weeks ago, and I really liked it. All the character are really interesting in their dysfunctional way, with a lot of problems coming by how mishandled they were by their 'Father.' The one I liked best however was Vanya. She is a very downtrodden character, though I wouldn't characterize her as a super villain, but more of a tragic 'villain.' And at this point I use villain loosely. She was a tool that was used and discarded, disparaged for most of her life as her siblings were celebrated, and then used again by the one person who seemed to openly care about her. That she had no context for control is pretty clear. There was a point in which all of it could have been defused - but...
  11. Not watching the movie doesn't deprive of anything, as season one of Hanna is a reboot of it. The series has a lot of similar plot points, although its expands and ads its own as it goes along. Both were enjoyable, though as you would expect there were some aspects of one that I preferred more than in the other, and vise versa.
  12. You know, your mods to the base 222 kit are pretty good and I'm sure your skills have only improved since then. But however you choose to go about it, I'm also sure it'll look good!
  13. Some good shows I came across recently (though two have been out for a while already. Those two are the Umbrella Academy, A really fun romp of dysfunctional 'super heroes' as they battle more of their own personal demons as well as the coming apocalypse. Four days and counting... I recommend it! Season Two should be out shortly. The other is Hanna, Based on the movie of the same name with Saoirse Ronan, it successfully expands on the original, adding a lot sub-pllots and altering some character motivations. Esme Creed-Miles is just great as the lead, and Joel Kinnaman, whom I last saw in Altered Carbon, is a great Erik Heller. Liked him better than the movie version, though they are very similar. And of course, a stand-out villain played by Mireille Enos. Season Two comes out in under a month. And I just started watching Warrior Nun. Just a few eps in and I was a little iffy at first. It looks good, but there were some moments where it felt a little b-grade. But! The lead played by Alba Baptista is fun and quipy and carries it off well, there are a number of good twists and turns, and is has some very nicely choreographed fight scenes. Five eps in and I have to keep from binging!
  14. Great job,Pengbuzz! Looks like time has shown the error of your younger days. Also looks pretty neat in there. I wonder if you could salvage the interior and put that into a newer kit, including the removable panels from the start?
  15. I like that he has the canards moved back. May have to do that whenever I pull VF-19 box off the dusty shelf.
  16. Great looking plane, and real nice with the paint/weathering. Enough to make the lines pop but not enough to make it look dirty. Absolutely awesome and congrats on some great work! You have much to be proud of there. Also great about pushing the practical models. They should just use CG for the environments but real models for the ships and all else.
  17. I think those have been kicking around for a few years. I really hope to see more of the Aquarius and that other big Andromeda variant.
  18. Michael coming back as (an older) Batman sounds great. His are still some of my favorite Batman movies.
  19. Will be nice to see that peeking through the top coat.
  20. We chose a bad day to go golfing Bob... You should add some tiny figures holding golf clubs maybe stuck in the sand trap. Real nice looking BOP!
  21. Great work with the colors on that Fitter. Sweet.
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