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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Sadly, lessons on basic safety just never seem to stick.
  2. @505thAirborne - nice seeing a Macross going together. And that's what I say too whenever someone says 'stay healthy.' @derex3592 - Very nice work on the C. I'm sure Capt Garrett approves! Is that E- 1/2500?
  3. Well, they always have the choice to do or do not. Most choose to do, though they had Luke mostly do not until the very end. They wouldn't be the protagonist if all they did was sit on their hands. That's how I took it also. Begs the question though, since Anakin was supposed to the Chosen One and bring about Balance in the Force, would Qui-Gon misinterpreting Shmi (for whatever reasons be they just ignorance or fanaticism) then mean they were wrong about that the whole thing? Kenobi pushed the Chosen One angle because of his Master, but if Qui-Gon was wrong because of that simple reason, then all of it was false from the start, and they themselves set up the fall of the Jedi Order by concentrating on one individual to save them all.
  4. Same here. I can watch it and see what's wrong but still enjoy it. There's enough there that compensates. Thing is, that's a Star Wars trope. From the first moment we learned of Luke's father, and then it being reinforced by TPM 's midichlorine nonsense all the way through to TRoJ. It's always been about family lineage and legacy. Personally, I like that, and that they turned it around a bit by making her a Palpatine. If only Episode 8 had been about this story arc and not Rian's sudden tangent...
  5. I looked for it today on Disney+ but didn't see it... Odd, since they own it and it is for sale on other sites. Not that I'm paying twice for it. I'll pay to own the actual disc but not the immaterial stream. That could only be guessed at! It's what happens though when follow-ons add material and plot devices that did not already exist or, as you say, they did not take the time to logically work them in.
  6. Welcome back Pang! And roaring right back into it I see! Lovely work in the slats and flaps. Keep it up!
  7. Could that reason be used for Kirk seeing Vulcan being destroyed in 09 Star Trek..? As to the being a Force-ghost, I don't think being so makes one omniscient. Everyone thought Palpy was dead. That's what happens when they don't have a main story arc for the next storyteller to adhere to, and having them then trying to recover from the middle movie feeling like it was from a different series entirely. Everything that should have been in Ep 8 was then crammed into 9. I wonder if someone could make a cut of the movie getting rid of most of the chase scene and the game planet and just concentrate on Rey, Kylo and Luke...
  8. Well, gotta say I love those tilt-rotors!
  9. Love that helmet and the wings. Will always wish they'd get the pleated 'skirt' though.
  10. Sorry things are going bad for you 'Buzz. Hang in there. Can't do much else but give you positive thoughts, so here they are...
  11. I would love if they stopped remaking the beginning over and over again. Do it like a Bond film and just make a movie about an established Batman kicking criminal butt! That being said, nothing I've seen so far is dissuading me from giving them money to see this.
  12. As stated in one of the comments, 'inspired by actual events' means there were boats floating on the ocean. Still looks exciting though and, unless it says it's a documentary, I'm not going to be too worried about some fiction.
  13. Welcome!! First shot of primer is on!
  14. If TLJ had foreshadowed (at all!) the re-rise of Palpy, then it all would have been more enjoyable as a whole. And I say that being someone who did enjoy TFA and TRoS. Poke as many holes as you want, they were fun!
  15. See, that I would have been okay with that. It would have allowed Geralt and Yennifer to be introduced and fleshed out without any time-jump confusions. Both are very good characters who can definitely carry their weight, as well as the first half of the season. The character of Ciri would have been introduced in a more round-about fashion, such as through the wedding ceremony and the Surprise, and then could have been shown in small snippets as she was growing. But of course not really being 'there' until the climactic fall of Cintra in the middle of the season, something that could have been really built up to become far more dramatic than it ended up being. Then once she is there and in character, the focus shifts more to her and Geralt. Or they could have just time-stamped the scenes whenever they switched eras...
  16. "We don't see you." "Look down..." Must have been an incredible sight to see in person.
  17. Okay, the ears might be a little too much... LOL
  18. I didn't think so at first, but yeah me thinks that is right. Not only the fishtail under the rudder but also the straight wings and the contra-props.
  19. Good points, but when they start numbering the ideas in order of importance rather than what was more likely just being called out and written up on the fly, then I'd start to be worried.
  20. Thank you Mechtech! Joscasle, that is a cool looking bird. Nice work. Galactic Diva, your E-C is looking outstanding!
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