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Everything posted by Thom

  1. what'you talkin about..? I'm just saying, unless the computers are constantly updating with some central Imperial Remnant, then the scan they have of his face may not have survived the blast.
  2. Well, who knows. The Resistance got its can kicked in TLJ so maybe there aren't many T-70s left, so they start out using old 65s.
  3. ...which more than likely wrecked the computer system that did the scan. So it may not have any consequences at all, other than showing Dinn that maybe he can trust some people to see his face and that maybe the Way does not have to be the Way, but still be the Way. With Bo-Katan and Boba not wearing helmets all the time maybe he'll loosen up a little.
  4. I like all the barrels flashing, but I wonder about the color of the tower windows..?
  5. As of now, Rogue Squadron is being set after The Rise of Skywalker. So, no OT side missions, and apparently no Force... https://www.indiewire.com/2020/12/new-star-wars-movie-patty-jenkins-rogue-squadron-announced-1234603696/
  6. Same here! It's so cool seeing them come down like the 60's sci fi rockets. And though I would love to see an actual working spaceplane, one that starts and ends at a normal runway, I'd rather they stay focused on VTOL.
  7. I totally agree and don't mind it at all. As long as it's not just fan-service. But still, even those two seconds melted so many snowflakes.
  8. It's also weight. Yes, there's weight in the fuel needed to slow it down and land, but that lessens as they go along. The weight from the gear, which will always be a complicated set up, would be something carried all the way from launch to landing. Also, getting it to land on a small pad makes it easier than having to build a long runway on Mars.
  9. Kennedy can do good for Star Wars - by not being in charge of it! As shown by Favrue (sp) when the creator of the show is given the freedom and knows the subject and wants to do it justice, then something good can come from it. I'm hoping with Patty Jenkins that, just like WW, she has creative freedom to make a good movie. I'm optimistic. About two seconds at the end of TRoS.
  10. Saw that flight and loved every second of it. Kept thinking 'go baby. go!' And 'please don't mess up!!' But yes, that was an awesome flight. Poor bird just didn't have enough room to slow down. But, onto the next one!
  11. Looking good. Will the motor have variable speed control so you can really whip it around the tower? Good looking update! Ol' Bert is looking better and better!
  12. Once you dig yourself out, grab some balsa wood, some scale plans and start whittling! I'd like to see that come about.
  13. If that's true, then I am going to miss the movie-going experience. Yes, I have a big screen TV and I can have cheaper popcorn and soda at home, but I'm an Eighties kid and I've loved going to the movies. Sure, some of the experiences have not been worth it for the cost, but overall I've enjoyed it far more than not. My local cinema has great seats, a wide and tall screen, a good sound system and good popcorn and soda. I'd go to the matinee where the price of the ticket was about the same as said 'corn and soda, sit back in a half-filled cinema and just enjoy the movie being played out in massive color and sound. Really hope they can hang on until this sh*t is over!
  14. Yeah was on the other night! Ride on to Valhalla, shiny and chrome!
  15. That's always the best way to look at it. As a way to make some slight adjustments/improvements if needed.
  16. Ah, thank you. I read granddaughter in an article and with Lee as the last name.... This was an awesomely done clip! I felt more in this five minutes than I did for the entire prequel trilogy! Those I would love to get!
  17. I'm okay with the show. Some things I like about it and some things are WTF, such as Tilly being given the Number One spot, even as an Acting. That just doesn't make any kind of sense. But as for the ship, I like it better now far more than I did before. They've smoothed the lines out all over on it, got rid of the boxy belly and slab-sided neck, changed the saucer and the hull detailing, and the impulse deck... Basically, the only thing that is the same is the general outline, which I still don't like. I would have loved for it to have looked like something between a Connie and an Ares. About the only thing I really don't like about it now is the Tron-motif and the detached nacelles, but all of that can be changed once it's in plastic. I basically had no plans to ever buy a 1/1000 Disco (if they come out with one) but now I would (if they come out with one.) And that would be because this redesign is far closer to a fan-redesign of the Disco that I really like and would like to recreate. And I would loved it if they had gotten a new ship. But the way our luck goes, it would have been the Nog... As for the Short Treks, I view most of them as the show's own fiction. Like Calypso, I view it as them telling a sci-fi story just using the Discovery set for convenience. We know it can't happen now because of the refit and they are in an entirely different century than the one it was portrayed in. It was a good story though.
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