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Valkyrie Driver

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Everything posted by Valkyrie Driver

  1. I went to post a VF Generation breakdown, but my initial list was somewhat incomplete. So I decided that I'd go a head and update it. This includes YF air frames, as well as half generation upgrades and designs. It does not, however, include one off variants (Like many of those from Macross the Ride). Gen 1 - VF-0, SV-51, VF-X-1, VF-1 Gen 2 - VF-4, VF-3000, VF-5000, VF-9 Gen 3 - VF-11, VF-14 Gen 3.5 - VF-17 (could be gen 4), VF-1X+ Gen 4 - Y/VF-19, YF-21, VF-22, VF-171 Gen 4.5 - VF-19EF series, Sv-154 Gen 5 - VF-25, VF-27, YF-29, YF-30, VF-31, Sv-262 This should be a bit more comprehensive than my original breakdown, and hopefully more accurate. I post this because I found myself not remembering what all was included in what generation, so I figured that I'd try and head off any confusion before it started (also, to make a handy reference as we go forward with our discussion).
  2. My Airbrush system is a Paasche H-series, powered by a husky Jobsite style tank compressor. I've got 2 water traps and coiled hose to remove moisture from the line. My set up is pretty basic and was relatively inexpensive. So if you have a compressor, it's easy to get into airbrushing with minimal money. Then all you have to do is practice. The only downside to my setup is noise. It's loud. Air Cans do get expensive, and I have found that they have an ester additive which is an irritant, so unless you're in a well ventilated space, it will be most uncomfortable (It makes your eyes water, makes you cough, it's just thoroughly unpleasant).
  3. The Toynami Masterpiece is a 1/55 Scale if memory serves. It's also hideous compared to a Yamato/Arcadia 1/60 v2. Heck the Yamato v1 was better looking. I'm so sad that my v1 brownie broke (the hinge for the backpack). I wonder if it's just that toynami doesn't care, or they generally lack talent...
  4. I just purchased a VF-31C Mirage Type from AmiAmi, just waiting for it to ship.
  5. I use a single action paasche, and it does pretty well for me, in both base coating and doing fine detail, Though really fine detail is something for which I use a brush. I need to get some fine paint markers, so I can write words and do fine block lettering. I also have had my eye on a double action airbrush for some time, but as I rarely have to paint... I actually like to let my primer do my pre-shading. I layer up from black most of the time, since I do so much with camouflage (I play Imperial Guard in Warhammer 40k...). That's very true. I got my airbrush set up so that I could do my larger vehicle models for my Warhammer addiction...
  6. Just out of curiosity how much do they usually charge for shipping? I chose DHL as my carrier since I knew them.
  7. Ok, well I purchased early this morning, so, I'll probably see it shipped Monday or Tuesday?
  8. I just ordered mine, I hope they ship soon. AmiAmi was cheaper too.
  9. Tried with Chrome and with Internet explorer. No Dice, same error message. *Edit* Contacted Customer support, and ended up submitting a ticket to resolve the issue.
  10. Oddly no I have not. I'm going to have to wait a month before I can order mine, because I had some bills to clear up, and the VA won't give me back the money they owe me.
  11. Can the VF-31C still be had? AmiAmi says that orders are closed, and Mandarake is sold out. Help I have to have one!!!!
  12. Well, I feel the same way about it in Macross as I do about it in the real world. I have to imagine that the procurement process works similarly to the way it does in the real world. There would be a stated mission goal for the proposal. Then there would be a RFI (Request For Information) from manufacturers. After there are respondants, then a Project would be announced with the stated mission goals, after which an RFP (Request For Proposal) would be issued to the initial respondants. The Field would narrow as manufacturers decide if they can meet the stated goals at various stages. Then the proposals come back, and the designs are evaluated based on how well they meet criteria. The Field narrows again, as proposals are rejected, and development would begin. At this point manufacturers begin to build demonstrators, and flight test and refine the designs. Testing will narrow the field once more as designs fall short of requirements. and so on and so forth until it boils down to two candidates, after which something like we see in M+ happens. A winner is chosen and the design is revised over and over until it is ready to begin production. So, as a general philosophy I dislike the Jack-of-all-trades mentality. It's fine for an aircraft to perform multiple roles, but it should have one role at which it excels. Enter VF's like the VF-17, VF-19, and VF-22. They are intended to be high performance strike fighters, designed to penetrate enemy defenses and neutralize high priority targets. That would necessarily make them poor choices for a dedicated Fleet defense fighter, as their primary role lies far from the fleet, as projected airpower. Then there are VF's like the E/VA-3 which are slower attack oriented craft, designed for support operations. Again, that's projected airpower. Then there are VF's like the VF-4 and VF-11, which are best suited to Fleet defense. They are excellent dogfighters, but would be best served staying in range of the fleet, to shoot down whatever the defensive guns cannot. There are some oddities like the VF-171, VF-25, YF-29, YF-30, and VF-31 that for various reasons defy classification.
  13. Wow... Just wow. Where did they find her a helmet? Also, wasn't the point of that whole thing to show the desperation? I mean, do you have any idea how long 2 people could survive off of one tuna that size? I mean, kudos showing minmay as something other than useless and self absorbed, but... That's just unrealistic... That's too good for Robotech... They need to produce low quality crap, because it increases their volume of product without driving up their costs.
  14. Ok, well... Best Fighter from the 2030-2050 timeframe? Or how about best fighter in terms of in-universe impact? Best use of technology? Most innovative? How about those for a start?
  15. Oh dear God in heaven. Where do I start... Just... Why... Harmony Gold, who hurt you?
  16. I guess I can see that. I was kinda at a toss up between the VF-171 and the VF-11, but the VF-11 has been a favorite for so long that it edged the 171 out. The VF-11 seems pretty versatile as well, though I'm a bit less of a fan of the multirole attitude. I actually think that the pairing of the VF-11 and VA-3 is really neat idea. I don't know if the VE-3 is a fan thing but that also intrigues me. I did do most of my growing up in the 90's and early 00's, so the pairing of F/A-18 and E/A-6 is what I grew up with. I always thought that a military aircraft should have a primary role, and a couple of secondary roles. AEW and EW should always be a primary role, and for the most part the Macross franchise has kept those separate. I do like the VF-31A more than the Delta Platoon VF-31's (Though I do plan on buying a VF-31C Mirage Type, because Mirage is best girl). The VF-4 is a fantastic design, and I hope we get to see a callback to it in the next macross installment. I discounted the VF-1 and VF-4 in my estimation on service life. I knew that they had long service lives with special units after their official main service had ended. The VF-1 hanging on as a trainer was likewise discounted, as that's an auxiliary aircraft. I get that service length will vary so that's understandable. In your estimation?
  17. I still have my Ertl ones from back in the day. Including the F-15A I crashed into my forehead whilst running across the yard. Needed stitches, I think I was 4... I'd love to collect Die Cast planes, and I'd probably go with my favorites from the Jet Era, Namely the F-14D, F-15E, F-16C, and F/A-18C and A-10C. I'd probably also go back a ways and collect the ones my Dad flew (getting extras for him as well). The B-52G/H, the RF-101C, the RF-84F, The F-106A, and the F-4C/D, were all the planes my dad flew and those were the ones I grew up with. If Only I could get the fighters with 171st FIS markings...
  18. I thought that Since we seemed to lack a general Mecha discussion thread, I'd start one. Questions, Comments, Debates, whatever could go here. It would be really fantastic if this could get pinned, but I'll let the mods decide. Or they could decide that I'm just asinine and delete this thread. I hope not... So to kick it off I'll toss a Question out there: What is the best Variable fighter in Macross? I say the VF-11. It looks cool, Probably has the longest service life of any VF in universe and has been flown by more hero characters than any other (I think, I know that M&M flew the prototype, and also first run production models probably, Isamu, Kinryu, Ray Lovelock, Gamlin, and Mylene all flew variants of the VF-11). What say you?
  19. I was sort of speaking from my own opinion, and also speaking from the perspective of plot. In terms of plot strength, I'd put SDFM, DYRL, MF, M+, at the top in terms of clear and concise plot, and cohesive storyline. That's just my opinion. I'd definitely say the M0, M7 and MD were not the strongest. M0 had a bit too much Deus Ex Machina plot resolution, and M7 was mired in filler, and MD either tried to do too little for too long, or too much for not long enough, and the plot suffered in both cases. In terms of fanbase sure, MD might be one of the stronger installments, and if it's reviving interest in the franchise then fine, I'm happy. Maybe some new fans will go back and watch the stuff that set the stage and appreciate it in a way that nostalgia glasses won't let us older fans. Right. I think that as long as the creator is still involved it's a balancing act between retread of old material and forgetting what the franchise is about. Neither is preferable. That's fair. I think the two are very complimentary in that regard. Eh, my memory ain't what it used to be. Very true, and I think that's not a bad thing. Universal Century Gundam makes it very clear that neither side is innocent in the story. It is also very clear that humanity is violent and so driven to division that we will visit atrocity on each other in the name of a particular view. Macross, doesn't have that so much. Probably due to the survival mechanism that's built into the show, what with humanity being driven to the brink of extinction, in the face of an alien foe. I mean if you want to see humans being dickbags while aliens ravage the planet and population, watch Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse.
  20. I think if we were to see a grittier story in Macross, it would have to be an OVA. I think that a gritty war story in a 25-27 episode series would just be exhausting for Macross. I think that the OVA format would be best since it's both long in episode runtime, but short in total runtime, compared to a 25 episode series. I mean a 6 episode OVA with 50 minute episodes is 5 hours total runtime, while a 25 episode series with 30 minute episodes is 12.5 hours of runtime. As for Freyja's emoji-ness... That was actually something that I didn't mind. It was stylistically similar to Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, and I actually really liked how expressive her character was. Freyja actually broke up the monotony of all the angst. Messer broods, Hayate rebels, Mirage is constantly frustrated by Hayate, and there is this looming shadow over the whole show, that sort of has this feeling of dread. Granted, I don't think it was as well executed as FMA Brotherhood, but having an overly expressive character did break up the tone a bit and give some reprieve. Even in real life, there are moments in such somber and horrifying events, that make you smile (and not in that macabre death is funny kind of way). Take the Christmas Truce of 1914 as an example, 2 days of Jocularity between enemies, in an otherwise horrifying and tragic war that claimed millions of lives. Or when you have truly over the top people like "Mad Jack" Churchill, who commanded an amphibious raid into Norway during WW2, wearing a kilt, brandishing a broadsword and Longbow. Who was also recorded as having said to an american soldier at one point, after retrieving his sword dropped earlier during battle, that they were on their own because he wasn't going to make a third trip. I don't mind some of the frivolity, or indeed how much, in Macross. I like the optimism that it shows, because I am not an optimistic person when it comes to people...
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