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Valkyrie Driver

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Everything posted by Valkyrie Driver

  1. Welp, I had a windfall, and I decided to go ahead and submit my order to Mandarake for both the SV-262 and Lil Draken set. Hopefully it's actually in stock and they can ship soon.
  2. I've been putting that one off, until I can binge watch. But I'm running out of other things. Just watched Highschool DxD, for reasons, and I'm trying to get into Fang of the Sun Dougram and MOSPEADA... Oh, and I'm doing another Rewatch of 08th MS Team.
  3. God, if they did a VF-11C armored in the HM-R line I'd be down for that...
  4. Holy Cow! $510 from NY! So glad I picked mine up shortly after it released. After 2 years the only problem I've had is some cracking by the intake due to the stiffness of the hip joints. I actually just went back in and tightened the joint back up, because the legs got all floppy. Now it's back to being like it was out of the box and I'm happy. This is still my favorite of my collection, and I would definitely pick up additional paint schemes. Especially if they did a Low-Vis grey. I'd also love to have that Nothung.
  5. I'm re-watching delta because reasons. Is it just me or is the Sv-262 a higher performance fighter than the VF-31? Or is just that the Aerial Knights are just better pilots?
  6. I really love the DX Chogokin line. Even though it lacks some of the VF's that I really want... Arcadia still has a stranglehold on the Licenses for those, and I'll never be able to afford them. I'm really glad to have the Yamato stuff that I have, but alas, I'll never have a better VF-0A or Sv-51...
  7. Guh. I'm anxious to see what you come up with. Also... Perhaps you need to spend more time in prayer, to appease the machine spirit...
  8. Excellent, I should probably get some of those missiles for my Valks...
  9. So are all of the pylons compatible with all bandai valks?
  10. I know what I'd like to see from Arcadia... VF-11C w/Armor parts...
  11. So, Looking at Macross Mecha Manual, and looking only at internal armaments, the Stampede Valkyrie has the Strike beat. With a total of 64 missiles to the 18 on the strike, a single large bore beam cannon to the strike's double barrel, though it seems that there is a loss in firepower with the rotary cannon, 35mm 3 barrel on the Stampede, to the 55mm 3 barrel on the Strike (the GU-11 gunpod). The Stampede has no listed external hardpoints, so the Strike wins there with variation in types of munitions it can carry. Personally I like the strike better, because the Strike parts can be jettisoned, while the stampede is what it is, and as such would not work in atmo.
  12. With Harmony Gold out there, do we really have much choice? Anyway... I liked Macross Zero when I first saw it. I still do. The VF's were great, and I really liked them. The whole thing made a lot more sense after I saw M7 though, as many others have said. It does rely a lot on earlier productions. It's a puzzle piece that doesn't make total sense until you watch M7 and MF, to truly understand the implications of the events for the macross universe.
  13. I really don't know what to expect... Part of me wants a retelling, but another wants an original follow on story...
  14. The Battroid mode for the Kairos shouldn't be too much different from the Seigfried, just the wings and the head will be different, I'd imagine. Bandai hasn't released any Prototype photos yet.
  15. I'm going to have to wait until next month, And I'll try to pick up the 'lil draken set with it.
  16. After being hounded incessantly by a friend, I relented and watched Stein's;Gate. It was pretty good, though it got a bit confusing when characters started talking in circles...
  17. Oops, I should have been more specific. I meant thee Base fighter too.
  18. Are these still available?
  19. I was going to suggest that you make a disclaimer or something, but I find it annoying when YouTubers do the shameless self-plug at the start of their videos. In this case it might be the only option though, so...
  20. I mean that actually seems like more weaponry than a Strike.
  21. The stampede Valkyrie is sort of the Gundam Heavy Arms of Macross. That would really be cool though...
  22. Here is the link to the User's page. I've seen the video above, and the VF-31J pop up with his username attached, though when I searched his page, I did not find the videos. He's a multiple offender so, there it is. I'm a big fan of Jenius' work, he's helped me make good buying decisions in the past with his reviews and I'd like to support his endeavor however I can. I'll keep bringing re-uploaded videos to your attention whenever I find them.
  23. OOh... VF-31A, the only other VF-31 I wanted. I don't like Hayate, and I don't like Messer. Chuck and Arad are probably the only other Members of Delta Platoon that I cared for. So I'd be down for getting those two and a Kairos.
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