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Valkyrie Driver

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Everything posted by Valkyrie Driver

  1. I wonder if the Japanese audience was as put off by these one dimensional characters as we are? ^quoted for funny Could have been both...?
  2. I just have a special connection with the Tomahawk is all. I mean, you're not wrong JB0, they are all cool. The Tomahawk though strikes me as the one Destroid that would have been the most useful and most likely design to survive to the current in universe era. Except the Monster, but that's more because the monster is a walking artillery company, not because of it's combat utility. Though it seems like the Cheyenne is the Destroid of Choice for Frontier and Delta...
  3. As long as they keep making Mecha Anime they can have the Moe Blobs and Harems and whatnot.
  4. Yep. the pucker factor was high. Drawing at least 100psi of pressure...
  5. Ok. I had to be sure. I mean once you introduce a foil (in this case Sivil) it's hard for a character to be boring and uninteresting, but somehow Basara manages. Let's be honest, I only hate Basara because he's a flimsy one dimensional character. It's not like I have an actual visceral emotional reason to hate the character (Like how I hate Cersei Lannister, but that's a conversation for another thread). Hmm... What? I... uhh... crap... Well... Maybe not the best part but top 5?
  6. So, Is it just me, or did Basara become more interesting once Sivil showed up? I mean I still hated him for being poorly written and flat as roadkill. Maybe I'm just interested in learning more about Sivil...
  7. I guess M+, being one of my first real intro's to Macross is kinda what my impression of it was. I liked SDFM (I actually saw the ADV dub on DVD in best buy and recognized it, so I started buying them). I knew that Robotech used Macross as part of it, and I loved Robotech: Battlecry, so the recognition was there. After that I started to watch everything Macross I could get my hands on, and well here I am. I feel like my review of M7 was pretty fair, and I don't know if a Japanese fan would disagree with it, or at the very least understand why i didn't like the things I didn't like. I'm not saying that Delta was bad, just that it wasn't as strong as some of the others in the franchise. I mean, I didn't expect that he did the whole thing. The man has talents but they can only go so far... Now, that, makes sense. DYRL had a bit darker feel to it too, IIRC. I guess that makes sense then. I'll have my Macross with a side of optimism thank you. If I want the crushing moral weight of a war story with mechs I'll watch Gundam... Or read a Battletech novel.
  8. Great! Very helpful. I wasn't planning on doing a transformable one for my first real go at a kit. That comes later.
  9. Welp... I Stand Corrected. Is it just that Western Audiences tend to want more seriousness? I mean, I liked Plus (it's the one I show people to get them interested, also the animation has stood the test of time well), but I also liked SDFM, DYRL, and Frontier. M0 was wierd, Delta was more mediocre (It was ambitious like Frontier, but it fell a bit short of expectations), and M7 was poorly focused, but still I liked them all. Maybe I'm just strange... I hope they do. The only thing we could compare non-Kawamori Macross to would be M2, and M2 was... I don't know. It doesn't quite look like Macross, and it doesn't quite feel like Macross. But at the same time it has enough Macross elements to make you think it is. I mean it would be like MGS without Kojima.
  10. I do like to prime first, so that's not going to be a huge problem. I do a lot of dark camo patterns so, I find that priming does an excellent job of helping with pre-shading, which will give the pattern depth. I was thinking of doing a grey base with 2 tone green and brown blobs, to break the outline, and then adding weathering. Additionally I don't mind chipping and wear around the joints, as that can be touched up with a darker metallic paint to help the weathering pattern. I will of course hit the model with a clear coat, and some texture paint around the areas that would contact the ground regularly. The Dish soap pre-wash was something I've never really had to do so thanks for the heads up. I'm used to my models coming ready to prime and paint. If you don't mind me asking, with handling, where are the usual areas of wear and tear on the paint?
  11. Awesome, thanks guys! I was actually thinking of doing a custom paint scheme, so I'd wouldn't be trying to paint match. It would still be dark, but I was also wanting to do some weathering work on it as well. So it's good to hear that citadel paints and washes will work. I'd also be Airbrushing if possible, do you think that would pose any real problems for getting paint to adhere?
  12. I mean, that's fair. Granted that Japan is the primary target audience, and the producers don't much care what the rest of us think, I still feel that the fanbase outside of Japan is at least the size of the Japanese fanbase if not a wee bit larger. So, maybe that's where I'm drawing my conclusion from. But if that's the primary metric for success, why do the show? The show itself was a bit lacking in terms of story and character quality. Then again Most Macross Shows haven't had such a large primary cast of characters, so, maybe it was a decent job for a first attempt at a large ensemble cast? I didn't say the show was a complete failure, just panned. There have been plenty of successful media productions that were successful but also panned by critics and/or the fanbase (metallica's st. anger album comes to mind, financially successful, but universally hated by fans). Let's also be honest, Yoko Kanno is like the hand of God when it comes to Anime music. Agreed. That was the big disappointment. Not enough of what we came for. Normally with Macross, I come for the Mecha battles, and I stay for the music and story. Delta... Didn't deliver enough of what I came for, or what I usually stick around for. That would be an excellent follow up, because it would give us the resolution we really wanted. I'd have preferred a bit more character development happening in episodes 1-13, and then we could have had a bit more robot battles and plot development in episodes 14-24. Episodes 14-24 just seemed to crawl along barely doing anything to advance the plot, but then I should re-watch it to really see what I can see.
  13. So, I'm relatively new to the Gunpla thing. I built a few 1/144's back in the day, but never really did anything with them. I'm not new to building models (I have way too much Warhammer 40k stuff, both plastic citadel minis and resin forgeworld stuff, I have built many a Model airplane, Built warmachine, and even the Robotech RPG Tactics minis), so I am well versed in building and painting models. I was thinking of getting a couple of Gunpla models and for my first I was thinking of this one: https://www.amazon.com/Bandai-Hobby-Jesta-Model-Kit/dp/B00B596V6W/ref=cm_wl_huc_item What do you think? Too ambitious? What sort of paints and inks should I use? My experience was bad, it was like trying to paint a candle.
  14. I'm guessing they might be wanting to play their cards close to the vest in light of how panned Delta has been by the fanbase. Delta got tons of Hype, and turned off mediocre. Delta wasn't the worst entry so far, nor was it the best, it just... was. I can only hope for some cool new designs, good flight sequences, good fight sequences, some ship to ship combat, and oh, yeah, a story that isn't flimsy. Delta had a cool premise (magical girl shenanigans notwithstanding), and a cool setting, but they didn't do enough with it in the time they had allotted.
  15. Agreed that is a really spectacular hornet demo! Thanks for Sharing!
  16. Just finished watching Gundam Unicorn OVA. Also Watched Arpeggio of Blue Steel. Both were a ton of fun. I also watched Some of Gundam MS IgLoo and it was meh, though IgLoo2: Gravity Front was good, and really conveyed a sense of dread. Also, REDLINE is fantastic, and totally worth it. It tapers off after the first 10-15 minutes or so, but it starts back up again at the last 30-45 minutes, there is some action going on but the main attraction is in those two segments.
  17. You'll see that with a lot of characters. Many things about SDFM were toned down or removed altogether during the production of Robotech. There is a lot to go through here. Also some characters motivations and attitudes just don't make sense outside of Japan, so there's that too. Well... SDFM had a lot of great mecha, and that's actually how I came to Macross. Many of the iconic designs from BattleTech (the Genesis of the MechWarrior game franchise) were borrowed from Macross. It's partly why I like to see destroids so much. I just have a soft spot in my heart for the MBR-04-MkVI Tomahawk (or as BT knows it, the WHM-6R Warhammer), so much so that, against the advice of many toy reviewers, I purchased the Yamato offering. Hell I even bought a couple of the Robotech Tactics boxes, so I could have my Unseen favorites as minis. So yeah, the Mecha is great. Though later Macross productions have contributed my absolute favorites, the Y/VF-19/A and the VF-11B/C Thunderbolt, VF-1's were my first real toy purchases (My VF-1S Focker DRYL with Strike and Super Parts has a place of Honor in my collection alongside my MBR-04-MkVI Tomahawk). Keep watching, the show is much better by itself, rather than crammed into Robotech.
  18. Technically it's 5th gen, because that's the PAK-FA.
  19. I mean, spock ears would be fine, just to make you go, you're not human, but close enough. I wasn't thinking about the holy wah elf ears thing. I mean, That thing that Klan and Mirage have going on suggests more than just Zentradi blood is in the mix. But I get where you're coming from. Right, I meant just as a matter of course. When I try to write, I plan out my character's backstories before I ever start writing them. I would definitely say it starts off upbeat. I can't speak about IGLOO as I haven't seen it.
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