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Valkyrie Driver

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Everything posted by Valkyrie Driver

  1. I really want a Kairos, but I can't spend any more money on Valks this month. I already have a VF-31C and an SV-262Hs w/Lil'Draken set that hopefully arrive today.
  2. Where do you have to live to see this stuff. This never seems to happen where I live...
  3. I'm actually curious. I enjoyed delta, even if it wasn't as good from a storytelling perspective as, say, Frontier. I don't know if I can actually put words to why I enjoyed it... I can say that there were a few things I didn't like, the pacing was one issue, and I didn't get enough MechaPorn. That's ok though, The movie will hopefully change that. @Zx31, If you want to have the discussion of why you liked Delta, we can take it to PM. I really want to know if we liked it for the same reasons, or if there's something that you saw that I didn't, or vise versa.
  4. I know it's only been seen in animation in M7: The Galaxy is Calling Me (I think?) but I'd really like to see the VA-3 get a toy. I'd love to have one...
  5. I find myself agreeing with this. I'm disappointed that they decided to go this route, but at the same time, it's not unexpected.
  6. Well, I guess that answers that. The VF-19F/S were 2nd production types, those would have been in federal service too right? They weren't just local variants were they? Huh, so that's what those are. Guess I didn't register that's what those were, since they didn't look like any thrust reversers I'd ever seen.
  7. I just finished "Is it Wrong to Try to Pick up Girls in a Dungeon?" and it was pretty fun. The title is a bit odd but it's not bad.
  8. Now, I want to pull my VF-25F v1 out and see if it has yellowed. I keep my blinds drawn so there is no direct sunlight on any of my valks... My v1 hasn't been on display for a while...
  9. I didn't think Delta was great, but I definitely enjoyed it. This news about the Movie being a retelling is a bit saddening...
  10. I'd expect that it is a combination of downrated engines, less advanced avionics, and targeting systems. Looking at the VF-171, VF-25, and YF-29, they all have the vernier ring, though in the case of the VF-25 and YF-29, it's split and resides on the foot...
  11. So the VF-19EF/A is essentially just a cosmetic change with uprated engines? Also, Where does the VF-19P fit in? Also, I'm curious, since you mention that the VF-19EF is a monkey model. What role does the VF-19EF serve in the frontier fleet. I wouldn't think that a NUNS branch would get a monkey model, since it's all NUNS. Now SMS getting a downrated aircraft, or uplifted planetary forces like the Zolans or Ragnans, getting them seems right, but not forces that are part of the NUNS and supposed to have parity.
  12. You know, it played such a minor role, I overlooked the VF-22 in Delta. That would be great to go with my VF-19 Adv... If they did that i'd even be tempted to go back and get a VF-31J Hayate, just to do a Father/Son team up...
  13. You know, I really loved the M&M callback of those two...
  14. No body has quite done the VF-19 gun pod right. The original Yamato 1/60 YF-19 was too stumpy, the Yamato 1/60 VF-19F gun pod was bulbous (anime accurate though...), and Bandai's VF-19 Adv was too slim, and I hated the way they implemented the "break". The Bandai gun pod should have had an articulated and indexed handle and trigger guard so the gun pod stayed in line, and it should have had a bit more diameter and thickness. It doesn't look like it has a five barrel cannon in it. That's a sick pose by the way though.
  15. I'd really like a DX Chogokin VF-1EX... Or a VF-19 Advance in Low Vis grey... Or both would be nice...
  16. How exactly did you manage that? I would love to be able to display mine, but it's so floppy...
  17. The VF-19 Advance is not a direct modification of the VF-19A, correct? It's actually derived from the VF-19EF/EFs lineage? Aside from Appearance what really distinguishes the VF-19A/B/C/D from the VF-19E from the VF-19F/S and then the VF-19EF/EFs? Looking at the Bandai Toy, the only visual difference between the VF-19A/B/C/D and the VF-19 Advance is the way the cockpit opens, other than that it's almost identical. What really are the differences?
  18. I'm still waiting on my VF-31C, which the Japan post has not updated it's tracking for. Still showing that it's in Tokyo, and has been since the 5th.
  19. I've got a VF-31C Mirage Type and the Sv-262Hs Draken III with the lil Draken set on the way. I hope to have it all very soon.
  20. I probably need to break down and get some yeti stand stuff. Especially that wall mount, it will make displaying all of my stuff so much easier, then I don't need to be so worried about them getting knocked over...
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