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  1. Mine finally came in....think I'm good with one, unless they come out with the "Macross Anime-style" repaint.... First pics are with the KitzConcept 1/72 VF-1.... ...with a 1/60 Yamato/Arcadia VF-1.... ...with a CW 1/72 VF-1.... ...with a CW F-14..... It's a nice display to hold one of your VF's...but only either the 1/72 toys and the 1/60 VF-1's....the gimmick is pretty well done and. for the most part, it is very well-built....on my sample, one of the small square "netting" came loose straigt out of the box, so I will need to dab a tiny bit of glue...other than that, evrything else worked, including the lights and sound fx....if you can get past the price tag, this would be a nice add to your collection or just to have an alternative way of displaying one of your VFs....
  2. Bands can be swapped....the watch faces not so much...
  3. The heavy-duty panel lining was one of the things that was a complaint about the first KC VF-1S release....it was considerably toned down on future releases....guess ThreeZero must have been a fan of that "look"... But that's just paint apps which can be fixed....the mold can't be fixed for this release if it turns out as bad as it looks...maybe it's just bad camera angles...
  4. The more I see these "on display"....the less I am impressed by them... They seem a bit too stocky...
  5. LOL....if you're going to bring up semantics....I could tell you I never asked if it was stopped...but I guess it's ok for you to make the same assumption that it was more or less on "hiatus" (is that better?) for a decade (which is likely not true considering the armada the Emperor and his loyalists also amassed on Exegol during this period of time)....meh...as I've said in the past, some of these shows are good but they all ultimately still lead to TROS...
  6. agreed, not much of a watch collector though...haven't worn a watch since probably the cell phone became a thing....but I'd definitely get something like these kidlogic watches rather than the over-priced seiko ones that hardly even look like they have anything to do with Macross
  7. Agreed!...but sadly, there is no precedent, so far, for such a common sense release...
  8. The watch faces look too busy...and the color matched bands make them look like they are more for kids...not that any kid would be itching for a "robotech" watch these days...lol
  9. Nah....just like the "Mechanic" DX....it'll drop in price once it's released...patience padawan!
  10. I wonder what this does to the release timing for the Max and Milia figs? And is this a Hikaru "Deluxe" in UN Spacy Pilot uniform?...
  11. Nice...I like the V1's better though
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