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Star wars episode 3

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I like the fighter. Only thing i really don't like is the seemingly random placement of the R2 unit. Felt that way about the EP2 starfighter too.

It's kinda like, "Great! We've got this ship designed finally. It's like the fighter in EP2 had a baby with the TIE fighters in the original trilogy. D'oh! We forgot the R2 unit! hmm......where to put him...where to put him........."

To me, these guys should have always been behind the pilots.

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Thing is, the Y-wings were supposed to be out and used by the republic by the time the empire was founded. They were old already by the time of the original trilogy.

I do like the idea of using the Tantive IV toward the end. A nice tie-in effect to have the then-brand-new ship be used.

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Thing is, the Y-wings were supposed to be out and used by the republic by the time the empire was founded. They were old already by the time of the original trilogy.

I do like the idea of using the Tantive IV toward the end. A nice tie-in effect to have the then-brand-new ship be used.

The empire is founded around after Anakin becomes Vader. I'm guessing episode 3 is during the ending months of the Clone Wars and the eventual formation of the Empire. I think the movie will end with Anakin being Vader and that's where it ends. Y-wings and the Rebel Alliance will appear only during the gap between end of Ep3 and start of ep4, which is about say 16-18 years, which makes the Y-wing old. I doubt we'll see the Y-wing, unless its some secret brand new spanking fighter that Obiwan uses to escape or something. :lol:

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Perhaps the Y-wing will be a seperatist fighter design....for the non-droid combatants? Since the Republic is show the designs towards the Empire.


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i cannot seem to find it anymore but i am going to continue looking, but i saw a line art pic for the protoype X wing, it did not look to bad it was far better than the ships we are now seeing , these are plain farting ugly

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Perhaps the Y-wing will be a seperatist fighter design....for the non-droid combatants? Since the Republic is show the designs towards the Empire.


Good theory there. Would also further explain why the Empire didn't adopt them.

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Now you'll excuse me while Lucas continues to rape my childhood.


Fanboy hyperbole aside, here's another picture of the new Clone/Stormtrooper armor, from the Star Wars booth at Comic-Con. Today is supposedly Star Wars day, and there's that they'll unviel some neat stuff. Maybe even a trailer...?


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..because everyone ELSE is the fanboy. How does one transcend fanboyism to such an elite position as yours? :rolleyes:

This former "fanboy" felt that Lucas did indeed symbolically "rape my childhood" by way of ruining the franchise with the total abortions called Episode I & II.

The prequels destroyed all interest in the Star Wars universe for me, and while I will no doubt go and see Episode III, I am preparing myself for unparalleled disapointment.

This is all IMO, of course.

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anybody save that picture of the wookie clan? They are all posed like their gansta's. Pretty funny but cool pix. Post it if you have it. Thanx! :p:D:lol:

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anybody save that picture of the wookie clan? They are all posed like their gansta's. Pretty funny but cool pix. Post it if you have it. Thanx!  :p  :D  :lol:

[Cylon] By your command [/Cylon]

Ooohhh riight!!! Thanx dood!! :p:D:lol:

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You may say he's raped your childhood yet these films are his vision. His creation. The biggest problem with the PT is that we all grew up. How was the OT so superior? Was the acting great NO, was the dialog cheesey YES, but we were young and were easily moved and awed. Now we are older and see things totally differnt. Now if the PT was winning awards for best actor and actress and supproting roles they would never fit in with teh OT. How many times when you were a kid did you discuss how bad Mark Hammill's acting is. We were just swept away with what we saw and what we could imagine from it.

Anyway I liked E1 loved E2 and I can't wait for E3. This look very promising and I am happy and sad that this is the last movie.

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You may say he's raped your childhood yet these films are his vision. His creation. The biggest problem with the PT is that we all grew up. How was the OT so superior? Was the acting great NO, was the dialog cheesey YES, but we were young and were easily moved and awed. Now we are older and see things totally differnt.

While the original OT wasn't a hallmark of wonderful acting... there was still something about the story and presentation that left a mark not only in youth, but in certain older audiences as well. And going back and watching them now leaves an entirely different flavor than watching the PT does.

Some of it can be attributed to nostalgia, sure... but even nostalgia doesn't prevent me from wincing at Robotech when watching it now. Some of it simply is due to better filmmaking, better writing, and yes... better acting due to better directing. I have to say, with whatever biases I might have, that the Original Trilogy were simply better films.


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indeed the OT will always be the shiznit when it comes to any of the SW movies. Skull 001 does have a point regarding age and mentality.

little kids go crazy for NT toys like the naboo fighter, the AAT and MTT. we(older folks) obivously don't feel the same way since the x-wing will always be fresher than the lameassed naboo fighter as well as the JSF(though i kind of like that one). imagine comparing the AT-AT to the MTT....do i even need to explain this one?

well see what happens when it comes out but i don't think the NT will ever be in the same league as the OT....well maybe when the kids who saw epi 1 when they get to be our age. epi 1 sucked(or not so good for you senstive folks), epi2 rocked, and i hope epi 3 leaves me satisfied.

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anybody save that picture of the wookie clan? They are all posed like their gansta's. Pretty funny but cool pix. Post it if you have it. Thanx!  :p  :D  :lol:

[Cylon] By your command [/Cylon]

Now there's a team I would hate to have to referee a soccer game for. Seriously it looks like a sports team posing for a team picture, I half expect someone to photoshop in a soccer or football in there, maybe even uniforms, pads and helmets, lol.

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I'm gonna have to chalk this up to nostalgia. The OT was new and exciting for the time, it was one of those movies that set new benchmarks (for special effects mind you). The same can be said today as ILM is still THE place to go for your special effects needs, and while some may scream that WETA made Gollum better than Jar-Jar... etc... keep in mind that WETA actually contacted ILM for tips on how to do what they did with Gollum.

I have the advantage of seeing the OT when I was a teenager, so I wasn't blown away or anything, but I totally had fun watching it; even though they were for kids. The new trilogy serves its purpose, plus with the exception of the space battles, the NT blows me away far more than the predecessor ever did. People also like to bitch about the CG etc... yadda yadda... but the NON-SE OT effects look HORRIBLE!!!! I'd rather have a living, breathing CG environment full of wildlife etc than a bunch of obvious people in suits running around. But that's my preference...

I just think that for many, nostalgia increases the value far more than it should be.

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Episode I was less than stellar, easily the worst of the Star Wars movies. Not because of bad acting, it was no better or worse than A New Hope in that regards except for possibly the kid.

They could have put Anakin in his early teens, and it wouldn't have been any less believable and the story would not have suffered at all. I daresay it would have benefitted if anything. I hear that Lucas originally wrote EpI with a 14 year old Anakin in mind, but was swayed by someone. That could simply be rumour, though.

Episode I suffered from kid Anakin, overuse of Jar-Jar and medichlorians in my eyes. It unfortunately suffered in a big way due to these things.

Episode II on the other hand, no kid Anakin, and no mention of medichlorians. Unfortunately, it seems painfully obvious that Lucas is not at all good handling a love story. Anakin's goth poetry dialogue was especially bad. Also, though Jar-Jar was reduced to a role that was actually pretty good and definitely entertaining, C-3PO and R2-D2 got stuck with some horrible moments. However, I was pleased with the majority of the movie, that which did not directly deal with Anakin Vader's angsty teen goth leanings.

I expect all Episode III has to do to be every bit as good as the OT movies is to move far away from the love story, continue to make no mention of medichlorians, not go over the top with any comedy relief roles, and end on an Empire Strikes Back ending note.

Feel free to disagree, this is simply how I see things.

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Also, I'm a sucker for political stories, so while many complain about all the political talk and Senate scenes in the PT, I actually enjoy them quite a bit, on a level that the OT never addressed.

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Episode I suffered from kid Anakin, overuse of Jar-Jar and medichlorians in my eyes. It unfortunately suffered in a big way due to these things.

I expect all Episode III has to do to be every bit as good as the OT movies is to move far away from the love story, continue to make no mention of medichlorians, not go over the top with any comedy relief roles, and end on an Empire Strikes Back ending note.

Feel free to disagree, this is simply how I see things.

i couldn't agree more. :) the mentioning of medichlorians(i couldn't spell it before :p) really killed epi1. that was the biggest mistake lucas made IMO. the force was something that had no explaination, either you had it, or you didn't, it suppose to be this mystical unexplainable thing. by adding science to the equation it took the mystery(that didn't need solving) out of the force.

if epi3 ends like ESB(how else could it end?) then i know i'll like it...i hate it when the good guys win. ;)

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Episode 1 should be redone. What a piss @$$ poor movie. It is pretty bad when the coolest thing about it had two lines......... :p

NSYNC should have been left in Episode 2. :p I bet his kids cried when they found out he took NSYNC out. Writing those movies for his little girls was a bad idea. :p Only the last 45 minutes of EP 2 were cool.

Lucas should get out more and go see the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Maybe that would give him some kind of reality check.

Another movie with stiff bad acting. SW died the second Lucas started the script for Ep 1.


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The thing people really need to realize is the problem with the new trilogy is that Lucas is actually writing them, at least he did for Phantom Menace. For the original trilogy Lucas was really more of a creative consultant, he was the creator to be true and it was all his vision and had to be okayed by him but he did not write it, or direct any but the original. Star Wars (ANH) was ghost written by Alan Dean Foster after Lucas wrote something like 17 versions of it. When the NT came about no one wanted to touch writing it for Lucas even though at first he asked a few writers to help him. Everyone wanted it to be purely Lucas' vision, and we all saw the result, so now he has taken a bit of a step back and while still having great creative control he is not the one at the typewriter anymore, he's just standing over the writers shoulder. Now, TPM could have been easily fixed and made a far superior movie IMHO by making the following writing changes:

1) Make Anakin at least 14, make him more believable and easily too old for training as a jedi, at 9 you are still very open and your personnality is not so set

2) Make Amidala at least 16-18, 14 was too young for a queen by any standards

3) Make Jar Jar less of an idiot and maybe more of a rogue then a bumbling clutz, maybe just a little slow, in this way he can also prove himself in the final battle

4) Eliminate the Midichlorian thing entirely or in place of all but saying that Midi-Chlorians cause the force, say that they are attracted to force sensitive individuals, like how you test for HIV, you don't look for the virus directly but the anti-bodies your body produces to try and fight it.

5) Eliminate the whole virgin birth discussion, just have ANakins mom not know who the father was, she was a slave after all and could have been "party favored"

6) Make ANakin's leaving his mother more emotional, lets face it this is the only family this kid knows and even if he is a teenager it would be an emotional response.

7) I'm not a fan of the pod races but ok, keep them, just not so much emphasis on them.

8) Keep the senate scenes, they just should have been fleshed out better.

9) Make the pilots pilots for God's sake, they did not seem like combat pilots at all, more like amateurs

10) Make Anaking a dark to begin with, as 14 yr old slave he would likely have a quite a bit of anger, making the arguement for not training him even better. Even as a 9 yr old slave he would likely not be the happy go lucky kid you see.

11) Y-wings, armored sheathed Y-wings, come on people

12) Not Tatoonie, though considering what comes later it is necessary to keep it, but that could still be easily remedied by having Shmi be sent there between movies, just don't have it be his home, less reason then for him to want to ever return. Or have him say a line like Luke's that he would never return, but more extreme, saying how he hates that world.

As much as I would like to see some EU vehicles/ships/characters/locations I can understand the reasons why not to show them unless Lucas wants to.

AOTC was in my opinion a far superior movie, but I think also could ahve been better with just a few changes, sorry for the rants but as SW fan and a writer these things just blare at me.

1) Make Anakin and Obi-Wan have periodic visits to Amidala over the years, to just check up on behalf of the chancelor. THis allows for a relationship to develop over time and not suddenly develop in a few weeks out of an obsession of ANakin's.

2) Make Anakin less Stalkerish, easily done if number one is used.

4) More focus on Obi-Wans hunt for Jango Fett, that was one of the best parts of the movie IMHO, but a little more detective work and tracking would have been great to see.

5) Have Obi-Wan argue against ANakin acting as Amidala's bodyguard, works even better if the secret relationship has been years in the making.

6) Have Anakin and AMidala have a couple heated arguments and passionate moments, this is the first time they've really been able to be by themselves and the secret relationship could easily be strained. Even have Anakin get angry about it, and Amidala try to calm him.

7) Anakin should have lied about the slaughter, shown no remorse about it. When Amidala asked he should have just replied simply that he destroyed the animals, no crying no mention of women or children, just refer to them all as animals. And if he cries just have it be over his mother, personnaly I've never met a woman who would fall in love with you after admitting that you slaughtered an entire encampment of people, oh its ok he's sorry about it.

8) More Dooku, underused character that could be very charismatic show more of that, especially his playing both sides against the middle, that was great.

9) No R2, 3P0 comedy, was very out of place in the battle, broke the mood of jedi getting slaughtered in a bad way, that should have been a much harder more desperate scene.

10) Live actors for clone troops, at least those in the foreground and close up (ok not a writing thing, but come on people)

11) Y-Wings sheathed in armor and prototype X-Wings or Tie Fighters.

12) Have Yoda perfrom a much more "magical" force fight, less of the Krispy Kreme hopped up YOda, though that was cool to watch.

13) I have a hard time believing that the REpublic has no army to speak of, at least make mention of a peace keeping force, say that it is dedicated strictly to defense though, not an offensive military. True it makes the needs for clones less, but gives them an available space navy and mandates the production of larger more advanced ships instead of the smaller ships more likely for a defense based military.

Well those are my two cents, I think with those changes the movies would be much better and there would be far fewer complaints about them.

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Episode I suffered from kid Anakin, overuse of Jar-Jar and medichlorians in my eyes. It unfortunately suffered in a big way due to these things.

I expect all Episode III has to do to be every bit as good as the OT movies is to move far away from the love story, continue to make no mention of medichlorians, not go over the top with any comedy relief roles, and end on an Empire Strikes Back ending note.

Feel free to disagree, this is simply how I see things.

i couldn't agree more. :) the mentioning of medichlorians(i couldn't spell it before :p) really killed epi1. that was the biggest mistake lucas made IMO. the force was something that had no explaination, either you had it, or you didn't, it suppose to be this mystical unexplainable thing. by adding science to the equation it took the mystery(that didn't need solving) out of the force.

if epi3 ends like ESB(how else could it end?) then i know i'll like it...i hate it when the good guys win. ;)

It makes no mention of midichlorions as indicative of the level of force power in a person. Plus, in a society as technologically advanced as the one portrayed in SW, straight up magic would need some explaination right? It seemed to me as more of a surveying tool to measure the potential of initiates. I mean, if Vader is more machine than biological in the OT... wouldn't his midichlorian count be lower simply because he didn't have much flesh? However, Vader proves himself to still be a formidable force practitioner. I think this is why they were mentioned(to show Anakin's great potential) and now that they are past the "interview" stage there is no need for any mention of them.

Young Anakin was about as annoying to me as Luke was in the OT. . . but I must say they improved the characters. Plus, Episode 1 had without question THE BEST lightsabre duel EVER(maybe not the most emotional/pivotal that goes to Vader/Luke in ROTJ). Plus its cool to see things in decline, the Republic was all groovy until everything transpired according to his plan...

I do hope Palpatine displays some lightsabre-age in ep3 though. . .

Personally, I think that Episode III could quite possibly become the greatest Star Wars ever... but Vader is my favorite character, so I may be biased. :)

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Then it wouldn't be SW... it would be Knight26 Wars...

1) Make Anakin at least 14, make him more believable and easily too old for training as a jedi, at 9 you are still very open and your personnality is not so set

Meh... doesn't matter too much to me. 14 year olds are still kids/losers... :)

2) Make Amidala at least 16-18, 14 was too young for a queen by any standards

Pff... says the expert on intergalactic politics... ;)

3) Make Jar Jar less of an idiot and maybe more of a rogue then a bumbling clutz, maybe just a little slow, in this way he can also prove himself in the final battle

Meh, he's served his purpose.. he's the one that everyone can blame for the Empire. Isn't that enough? :)

4) Eliminate the Midichlorian thing entirely or in place of all but saying that Midi-Chlorians cause the force, say that they are attracted to force sensitive individuals, like how you test for HIV, you don't look for the virus directly but the anti-bodies your body produces to try and fight it.

They're not the "cause" they give them the ability to use it. I don't really care though as the movies have moved past the midichlorion "interview" as I put it.

5) Eliminate the whole virgin birth discussion, just have ANakins mom not know who the father was, she was a slave after all and could have been "party favored"

Doesn't matter to me... she could have been lying anyway. Maybe Palpatine had something to do with it.

6) Make ANakin's leaving his mother more emotional, lets face it this is the only family this kid knows and even if he is a teenager it would be an emotional response.

Its the only family he knows, but he's been a damn slave all his life and has a chance for a better life and to live his dreams.

7) I'm not a fan of the pod races but ok, keep them, just not so much emphasis on them.

wheee... showing his prowess with machines/piloting....

8) Keep the senate scenes, they just should have been fleshed out better.

No... they said everything that needed to be said. Do we want the Simpsons episode to come true? HELLLL NOOOOO!

9) Make the pilots pilots for God's sake, they did not seem like combat pilots at all, more like amateurs

They did have pretty wussy fighters. If they had a badass force, then they would have never been invaded...

10) Make Anaking a dark to begin with, as 14 yr old slave he would likely have a quite a bit of anger, making the arguement for not training him even better. Even as a 9 yr old slave he would likely not be the happy go lucky kid you see.

Nah, its not like Watto was terrible. I mean, they're still speaking terms.

11) Y-wings, armored sheathed Y-wings, come on people

Sure, ok... more ships = win.

12) Not Tatoonie, though considering what comes later it is necessary to keep it, but that could still be easily remedied by having Shmi be sent there between movies, just don't have it be his home, less reason then for him to want to ever return. Or have him say a line like Luke's that he would never return, but more extreme, saying how he hates that world.

Nah... I like how it is. Tatooine is cool, reminds me of Arakkis.

1) Make Anakin and Obi-Wan have periodic visits to Amidala over the years, to just check up on behalf of the chancelor. THis allows for a relationship to develop over time and not suddenly develop in a few weeks out of an obsession of ANakin's.

Yeah, that works for me. The love story parts were worthless. Most of the time, less is more with dialogue in scenes like that.

2) Make Anakin less Stalkerish, easily done if number one is used.


4) More focus on Obi-Wans hunt for Jango Fett, that was one of the best parts of the movie IMHO, but a little more detective work and tracking would have been great to see.

Well, I do love Obi1...

5) Have Obi-Wan argue against ANakin acting as Amidala's bodyguard, works even better if the secret relationship has been years in the making.

Meh.. wouldn't add too much

6) Have Anakin and AMidala have a couple heated arguments and passionate moments, this is the first time they've really been able to be by themselves and the secret relationship could easily be strained. Even have Anakin get angry about it, and Amidala try to calm him.

Doesn't Anakin have enough going on?

7) Anakin should have lied about the slaughter, shown no remorse about it. When Amidala asked he should have just replied simply that he destroyed the animals, no crying no mention of women or children, just refer to them all as animals. And if he cries just have it be over his mother, personnaly I've never met a woman who would fall in love with you after admitting that you slaughtered an entire encampment of people, oh its ok he's sorry about it.

He's not sorry about it persay, but he's angry... emotional. Fear is the path to the dark side sez Yoda. Anakin is stressin n cryin, wants an easy way to end his pain.

8) More Dooku, underused character that could be very charismatic show more of that, especially his playing both sides against the middle, that was great.

Damn straight. Dooku rocks.

9) No R2, 3P0 comedy, was very out of place in the battle, broke the mood of jedi getting slaughtered in a bad way, that should have been a much harder more desperate scene.

These movies ARE for children. It was probably to lighten the mood while they killed off the non-hero jedi.

10) Live actors for clone troops, at least those in the foreground and close up (ok not a writing thing, but come on people)

They're brand new, shiny clones with brand new stuff. I think the CG worked here really well because cg owns the shiny, clean look. :)

11) Y-Wings sheathed in armor and prototype X-Wings or Tie Fighters.

Prototypes? Nah... isn't anyone sick of X-Wings yet? Why go see a NEW movie to see things you've seen a million times already?

12) Have Yoda perfrom a much more "magical" force fight, less of the Krispy Kreme hopped up YOda, though that was cool to watch.

He's a jedi... he can absorb stuff and lift things... with the exception of the emperor, every Jedi uses his/her lightsaber. I mean come on, he's not Merlin, he's Yoda and I'd expect him to use a lightsaber. Yoda's speed would have to be part of his style, he's a little guy and a human sized Jedi has a considerable advantage in reach and sheer leverage to bear down on him. I liked it.. Yoda kicking ass. But then again, its just so damn popular to say that he looked stupid... meanwhile in my theatre everyone let out a collective "HOLY poo!" when Yoda busted a move.

13) I have a hard time believing that the REpublic has no army to speak of, at least make mention of a peace keeping force, say that it is dedicated strictly to defense though, not an offensive military. True it makes the needs for clones less, but gives them an available space navy and mandates the production of larger more advanced ships instead of the smaller ships more likely for a defense based military.

You mean... like the Jedi? Keepers of the peace... hmmm...

You have some good ideas, but some of them seem to me like "Rather than seeing something new... how about we take things(other than the people required) from the OT and put them in the NT so people will like it better?"


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Then it wouldn't be SW... it would be Knight26 Wars...

*me dying laughing sounds*

you're such a jerk!


both you guys have some good points but the real point is there is no point. well not until epi3 comes out. ;)

lets face it, theres no way to agree which movie is better than which, its like saying the temple of doom was better than raiders of the lost ark. they're both good in there own way but neither of them really sucked sucked.

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Then it wouldn't be SW... it would be Knight26 Wars...

*me dying laughing sounds*

you're such a jerk!


both you guys have some good points but the real point is there is no point. well not until epi3 comes out. ;)

lets face it, theres no way to agree which movie is better than which, its like saying the temple of doom was better than raiders of the lost ark. they're both good in there own way but neither of them really sucked sucked.

Yep. That's why I think its funny that so many people(internet nerds like us mostly... well not like me cuz I like em.. but still) bash the movies... but then go around and argue points about them, buy all the merchandise associated... the list goes on. GL has a vision, and from his view on the top(of his pile of money), its VERY successful. I'm glad GL went back and made these, they add more to the mythos.

As for being a jerk... well that's never been a secret round these parts. :)

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When the NT came about no one wanted to touch writing it for Lucas even though at first he asked a few writers to help him. Everyone wanted it to be purely Lucas' vision, and we all saw the result, so now he has taken a bit of a step back and while still having great creative control he is not the one at the typewriter anymore, he's just standing over the writers shoulder.

This alone gives me actual hope for Episode 3. As fleeting as hope is.


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I agree and disagreewith some of the statments since my own last post. I just think medichlorians were unneccessary, and seemed far too much like a Star Trek pseudo-science contrivance. That's just how they came off to me in the movie. It ca n be rationalized after the fact, but the way it was presented in Episode i did not sit well with me personally.

An older Anakin would have sat better with my suspension of disbelief. You can argue it's fiction all you like, but the limits and touches of realism applied to the most fantastic and unreleasitic stories are what allow us to enjoy them without going, "That makes absolutely no sense."

Having Jar-Jar as comedy relief is fine, I have no problem with that, and as stated before I loved his role in Episode II. I just felt he was overdone in Episode I, far more than any other comedy relief in the OT. 3PO was equally overdone in EpII. It seemed out of place compared to the OT, it really was different. Different isn't always bad, but I personally thought it was overdone here. If anything, I think 3P0 and R2's roles should have been considerably smaller, and kept to specific characters, with Jar Jar as the primary comedy relief for the entire PT, just reel it in a little. Enough to get a laugh here and there, but not enough to make today's kids groan as they grow older and look back on these movies. Again, just my opinion.

I liked the pod race. It was cool.

I liked the Senate scenes, I'm actually dissapointed that they removed a Senate scene from Episode II.

I don't think Anakin should have been completely dark, perhaps leaning towards good but with a dark streak. They did that much with Episode II so I'm fine with it.

Yoda's fight kicked complete ass. Not just part of the ass, but the whole, entire ass.

Anyways, with any misgivings I might have, I see no compelling reason to sit and fret about it, wishing Lucas would go back and redo Episode I or anything like that, nor do I think he is raping my childhood. He's certainly not doing anything as bad as Starship Troopers or I, Robot. I enjoyed Episode II enough to pick up the DVD, and I'm looking forward to III. I might pick up Phantiom Menace someday just to complete the set, or more likely in a giant box set of all the movies combined, that we all suspect Lucas will eventually release.

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I like Star Wars. All of it. The Holiday Special rocked!

Seriously- The prequels are just as cheesy and corny as the original. I just think Lucas bit off a bit more than he could chew by starting with the discovery of Anakin. I felt he was trying to pack too much story into Ep1.

But hey, that's just me. I still liked it.

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Radd (and others) were right. Anakin was originally written as an older kid, but as Max said kids are annoying any way you cut it. But some of Knight26's suggestions not only don't work, they're actually contradictory. You wanted Anakin to be "dark" from the get-go (which really changes the character ark) but yet you have a problem with his "stalkerish" tendancies?

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