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Why are they preachin to the Choir?

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I get really iritated when I go to a movie and I have to sit through the speech given by some production lacky cryin me a river about how file sharing is wrong and how someone who doesn't pay to see the movie gets to "reap all the benifit" of the movie makers by not paying anything.

Why does this iritate me you ask?..

Well I am at the fukin movie... I paid to be there... If I paid to be in there why the hell should I have to listen to some hand job girly man tellin me about how bad it is to rip the industry off when I obviously DON"T DO THAT.

Does this bother anyone else?

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Sure it bothers me.... it probably bothers everyone. Don't we have enough crap before a movie already? When I pay for a ticket... I usually just want to watch the damn movie, and not sit though countless of crap that doesn't interest me at all.

On another note... I think it bothers me more how you have been throwing thie girly man thing around. Girly man this girly man that.... I start posting less and everyone becomes weird. :blink:

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On another note... I think it bothers me more how you have been throwing thie girly man thing around. Girly man this girly man that

Every action has a reaction, in AgentONE's case the reaction has something to do with pointing out someone behaving as "Adolescent Female-like Males" :D

.... I start posting less and everyone becomes weird. :blink:

Nothing abnormal about that, it's called: evolution -not seen on a day-to-day basis, but more noticable when viewed over longer periods of time :lol:

As for the P2P warnings: walk out and ask your money back

If you had to worry about this stuff: You'd be at home downloading it

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On another note... I think it bothers me more how you have been throwing thie girly man thing around. Girly man this girly man that

Every action has a reaction, in AgentONE's case the reaction has something to do with pointing out someone behaving as "Adolescent Female-like Males" :D

.... I start posting less and everyone becomes weird. :blink:

Nothing abnormal about that, it's called: evolution -not seen on a day-to-day basis, but more noticable when viewed over longer periods of time :lol:

As for the P2P warnings: walk out and ask your money back

If you had to worry about this stuff: You'd be at home downloading it

That ain't evolution... its devolution. Seriously.... sounds like that old SNL block... Hans and Frans I think it was called. With 2 "muscular" guys calling every man "girly man". :blink:

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Exactly, I think it's comedy

we have Vostok drooling over Milla every chance he has - no harm in that!

we have AgentONE adding all lame things/persons "Girlyman"s - any harm in that?

Now the only question: Is AgentONE Hans or Frans? :p

edit: typo

Edited by Nightbat®
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I can totally relate. It's like...oh, let's see...issuing a parking ticket ten minutes after my $12.00, two hour permit expired.

Milk, suck, bleed that middle class working stiff until he's dead then sell off what's left and tax it! :)

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I start posting less and everyone becomes weird. :blink:

I'm not weird. I'm the same old... me :blink::lol:

Yeah AgentONE man, the girly man thing is getting a little old. And abombz, it sounds like the SNL skit because AgentONE dreams of doing doorknobs with those two :lol::p

Vostok 7

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Before you question AgentONE, you should ask yourself what Crom thinks of you for questioning him, and will you be able to answer the riddle of doorknobs when you stand before him and Govenor Schwarzenegger.

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Before you question AgentONE, you should ask yourself what Crom thinks of you for questioning him, and will you be able to answer the riddle of doorknobs when you stand before him and Govenor Schwarzenegger.


Vostok 7

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Real commercials I didn't mind so much. Some of the Coke commercials (I'm thinking of the one where the terrorists come out because they're hot and thirsty) were kind of funny.

But having the grunts whine at me that people are stealing movies that I paid to see is ridiculous. It's more ridiculous when you figure that, even with piracy, movies still probably make a lot for the studio, and definately make a lot for the no-talent hacks that pass for actors and actresses today (I'm looking your way, Keanu). So you're not convincing me that Joe Stunt Guy is going to be out of work because some nerd fanboy downloaded Lord of the Rings a the day before it's theatrical release (because he'll probably see it three or four times in the theater anyway, then buy the regular and special editions of the DVDs, and the boxed set if that comes out too). Putting the grunts out of work would mean an end to the film industry (which is probably what they want you to think will happen if you download a movie), which means an end to money for the big wigs and and burger flipping for Keanu. But what's more likely to happen if the studio really is loosing that much money is that the studio wants to pay Keanu less, he refuses, they get one of those kids on the WB, pay them half what they'd pay Keanu, and make the film anyway.

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I remember when they used to show Bugs Bunny cartoons before the movie.

By the way, I've fallen down and I can't get up.

Heck yeah, I remember when they used to do that..........like 25 years ago :lol:

I say bring them back.


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In Brazil... they used to show Mr Bee episodes before movies..... they were usually more entertaining then the movies themselves. :p

As for the whole filesharing BS.... they only do it because the ppl they are trying to reach just won't listen. So everyone else gets to pay the price. <_<

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I think that the ire that Agent one has for this "commercial" is what is intended... I think they put this "warning" in front of a movie you have paid good money to see for a reason: that reason is they want you, the man who just paid $8 to see this movie to get angry that people are "stealing" this same movie for free. The logic is that you, the upright and just person who pays to see the movie, will be filled with righteous indignation and leave the theater all flustered and write your congressman to get new laws about piracy and bootlegging... which you will then vote to pass when they come on the ballot.

What they are doing with these commericals in front of movies in the theater is working if you ask me, look at how pissed my boy AO got. In a way they are almost saying "go out and eliminate these crooks and you can watch your happily paid for movie in peace". Because remember, in america they need you the consumer/voter to get peeved at the issue and take action before any progress can be made. After all, that is how 99.9% of legislation passes in this country of ours... the ragged unwashed masses get pissed/scared/bothered/just want to do something and it happenes. Laws go though congress willy-nilly like crap through a goose in those situations.

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I think that the ire that Agent one has for this "commercial" is what is intended... I think they put this "warning" in front of a movie you have paid good money to see for a reason: that reason is they want you, the man who just paid $8 to see this movie to get angry that people are "stealing" this same movie for free. The logic is that you, the upright and just person who pays to see the movie, will be filled with righteous indignation and leave the theater all flustered and write your congressman to get new laws about piracy and bootlegging... which you will then vote to pass when they come on the ballot.

What they are doing with these commericals in front of movies in the theater is working if you ask me, look at how pissed my boy AO got. In a way they are almost saying "go out and eliminate these crooks and you can watch your happily paid for movie in peace". Because remember, in america they need you the consumer/voter to get peeved at the issue and take action before any progress can be made. After all, that is how 99.9% of legislation passes in this country of ours... the ragged unwashed masses get pissed/scared/bothered/just want to do something and it happenes. Laws go though congress willy-nilly like crap through a goose in those situations.

Seems like it had the reverse effect then.... A0 seems to be more pissed at the ppl who made the commercial then the ppl who file share. :huh:

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That is a known side effect of this kind of tactic...

And why should they be pissed anyways? If kids want to download movies, which look like complete ass, and watch them in 15" monitors... let them. When you pay $8 or whatever bucks... you are not paying for just the movie viewing... you are paying to watch it in a room with a big ass screen and good sound system.

No everyone can afford a good TV with a nice surround sound system.

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And why should they be pissed anyways? If kids want to download movies, which look like complete ass, and watch them in 15" monitors... let them. When you pay $8 or whatever bucks... you are not paying for just the movie viewing... you are paying to watch it in a room with a big ass screen and good sound system.

They should be pissed because the industry wants them to be pissed. This is nothing more than a cattle-car push to make the audience correct the problem the industry does not want to deal with.

Oops I just let my personal views on this slip out! :lol:

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And why should they be pissed anyways? If kids want to download movies, which look like complete ass, and watch them in 15" monitors... let them. When you pay $8 or whatever bucks... you are not paying for just the movie viewing... you are paying to watch it in a room with a big ass screen and good sound system.

They should be pissed because the industry wants them to be pissed. This is nothing more than a cattle-car push to make the audience correct the problem the industry does not want to deal with.

Oops I just let my personal views on this slip out! :lol:

Yes... brainwashing is always the answer. :lol:

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I think that the ire that Agent one has for this "commercial" is what is intended... I think they put this "warning" in front of a movie you have paid good money to see for a reason: that reason is they want you, the man who just paid $8 to see this movie to get angry that people are "stealing" this same movie for free. ...

Acutally it makes me want to download the next movie see so I don't have to sit through that fukin ad.

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I think that the ire that Agent one has for this "commercial" is what is intended... I think they put this "warning" in front of a movie you have paid good money to see for a reason: that reason is they want you, the man who just paid $8 to see this movie to get angry that people are "stealing" this same movie for free. The logic is that you, the upright and just person who pays to see the movie, will be filled with righteous indignation and leave the theater all flustered and write your congressman to get new laws about piracy and bootlegging... which you will then vote to pass when they come on the ballot.

What they are doing with these commericals in front of movies in the theater is working if you ask me, look at how pissed my boy AO got. In a way they are almost saying "go out and eliminate these crooks and you can watch your happily paid for movie in peace". Because remember, in america they need you the consumer/voter to get peeved at the issue and take action before any progress can be made. After all, that is how 99.9% of legislation passes in this country of ours... the ragged unwashed masses get pissed/scared/bothered/just want to do something and it happenes. Laws go though congress willy-nilly like crap through a goose in those situations.

Seems like it had the reverse effect then.... A0 seems to be more pissed at the ppl who made the commercial then the ppl who file share. :huh:

I think most people will have that reaction.

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I think that the ire that Agent one has for this "commercial" is what is intended... I think they put this "warning" in front of a movie you have paid good money to see for a reason: that reason is they want you, the man who just paid $8 to see this movie to get angry that people are "stealing" this same movie for free. The logic is that you, the upright and just person who pays to see the movie, will be filled with righteous indignation and leave the theater all flustered and write your congressman to get new laws about piracy and bootlegging... which you will then vote to pass when they come on the ballot.

What they are doing with these commericals in front of movies in the theater is working if you ask me, look at how pissed my boy AO got. In a way they are almost saying "go out and eliminate these crooks and you can watch your happily paid for movie in peace". Because remember, in america they need you the consumer/voter to get peeved at the issue and take action before any progress can be made. After all, that is how 99.9% of legislation passes in this country of ours... the ragged unwashed masses get pissed/scared/bothered/just want to do something and it happenes. Laws go though congress willy-nilly like crap through a goose in those situations.

Seems like it had the reverse effect then.... A0 seems to be more pissed at the ppl who made the commercial then the ppl who file share. :huh:

I think most people will have that reaction.

What were they expecting? Ppl to leave the room, grab pitch forks, torches and go hunt file sharers down? :huh:

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I do find it a little irritating when they put the anti-filesharing ad in front of a movie. If they want to air it on TV, fine, but not when I pay 8.75, or 17.50 rather with a date to see a movie. Coke ads I don't mind, I like having good trailers, but no MPAA bull.

Ironically the adult industry doesn't care if you download their stuff, as long as you don't try to commercially pirate it for personal profit. They catch you selling boots, they may have some words for you. Get it for yourself they don't care.

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On another note... I think it bothers me more how you have been throwing thie girly man thing around. Girly man this girly man that.... I start posting less and everyone becomes weird. :blink:

CROM laughs at your iritations.

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On another note... I think it bothers me more how you have been throwing thie girly man thing around. Girly man this girly man that.... I start posting less and everyone becomes weird. :blink:

CROM laughs at your iritations.

Crom sure is a jolly fellow for a god with only one worshipper.

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On another note... I think it bothers me more how you have been throwing thie girly man thing around. Girly man this girly man that.... I start posting less and everyone becomes weird. :blink:

CROM laughs at your iritations.

Crom sure is a jolly fellow for a god with only one worshipper.

CROM is interested in quality not quantity. ;)

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On another note... I think it bothers me more how you have been throwing thie girly man thing around. Girly man this girly man that.... I start posting less and everyone becomes weird. :blink:

CROM laughs at your iritations.

Crom sure is a jolly fellow for a god with only one worshipper.

CROM is interested in quality not quantity. ;)

Thats an oxymoron then. :lol:

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Stupid question, but does downloading movies really hurt the movie industry that bad? I mean geez, I've seen these silly downloaded movies. They are small, low quality and I wouldn't even bother calling the audio stereo. Not to mention the jolts whenever the idiot holding the camera moves or someone gets up to walk past the camera... I'd just plain rather pay $6 and go to a matinee and see a movie then wait forever for some crappy movie to download.

The same way with mp3's. Unless you are downloading at 320 kbp, the quality is noticeably inferior to CD's, especially with orchestral scores. I just think it's a bad business model, and if they really are concerned about profits they should change it.


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Stupid question, but does downloading movies really hurt the movie industry that bad? I mean geez, I've seen these silly downloaded movies. They are small, low quality and I wouldn't even bother calling the audio stereo. Not to mention the jolts whenever the idiot holding the camera moves or someone gets up to walk past the camera... I'd just plain rather pay $6 and go to a matinee and see a movie then wait forever for some crappy movie to download.

The same way with mp3's. Unless you are downloading at 320 kbp, the quality is noticeably inferior to CD's, especially with orchestral scores. I just think it's a bad business model, and if they really are concerned about profits they should change it.


Its not... because ppl will eventually get the DVD. ;)

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What bugs me the most about hose anti-piracy ads is the way they try to tie ticket sales to the paycheck of set designers and stuntmen and such.

People that are payed a flat rate and get NOTHING from sales.

I realize their intent(no one CARES if big fancy actor guy gets 9.9 mill instead of 10, but someone with a "real" job is someone the audience can empathize with), but I see the ads as little more than badly-formulated lies that serve only to insult my intellect.

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