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Why are they preachin to the Choir?

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LOL - I never thought about that but it is stupid to guilt trip people who are actually paying for the movie.  For some reason, that doesn't bother me as much as the dam commercials.  If the movie industry is still losing money after charging me $9 a seat, an arm and a leg for some snacks and a drink, and whatever they get from advertising, then there are bigger problems than people downloading.

The movie industry doesn't get any money from the drinks and snacks. Only the theatres do. The movie company gets the all the money for the ticket sales for the first one or two weeks and then the theatre chain gets a cut of the admission fee after that. The percentage of the theatre's cut goes up as the weeks go by. That's why the movie studios push the opening weekend so much, to make sure they get a majority of the money being made and that's why the theatres charge so much for food and drinks.

So here's another guilt trip...when you sneak in food you're actually stealing from the employees that work at the theatre you go to... :ph34r:

I understand that but I still consider the theaters as part of the movie industry. That is where I go to see movies and where I drop the big bills. Everyone is trying to make money and we are the ones having to pay for it. If theaters cannot make enough money selling expensive tickets, expensive food, and hitting everyone with countless commercials, then there is a problem IMO. It's similar to the problem in professional baseball. There is no salary cap, so teams are spending more and more and fans have to pay for it. At some point, the cost is going to get too high and fans will lose interest. It is already happening in baseball and also in movies but they can't seem to figure it out for themselves.

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do i hear alot of people whining about breaking the law? i hope not. as for the topic:

for one, it's their theater, no one likes a bunch of cheezy adds before a movie, but you know what? not only is it your choice to be there, you PAID to get in.

if you dont' like it, simply save yourself the money and don't go. you know what your in for, why are you PAYING to be annoyed?

it chapps me to see tv commercials and public service anouncments, but not enough to whine and moan about it. it's the theaters choice to put it in. it's your choice to pay them to let you in. you don't have a RIGHT to see those movies. you have to pay for it. if its not worth the price then don't go. if it is then quit bitching. arg!

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Woah guys... I like the support but keep in mind we live in a material world and I am a material... uh guy.  :lol:

Seriously I like advertising, hell, I work in the marketing industry.  MY iritation has to do just with preachin to me in the movie theatre about ripping off the movie industry when I obviously don't rip off the industry... I paid to see the movie.

wow, I havent been to the movies in a while. My view,,,,which is deranged sometimes is,,,OK, I will start down loading flicks cause your ussing my hard earned money to "preach" how I should conduct myself in the privacy of my own home,,, once I see it, thats what Im going to do.

Also they have a new law in effect in my POS state that requires you too get plates for your vehical even if its not on the road, or else they charge you late fees every 6 months (great for those hot rodders working on restoring thier cars),, not to mention i ussed to register my trailers just for the summer time and now they want the full year price,,,ALSO the ticket for no registration is $250 non refundable, the counties going comunist,,,,sorry to change the subject, i couldnt help myself :rolleyes:

you know what bugs me?

in my state (liberal cali) we ALWAYS get ballots for stuff like "yes or no, should we give discounted buspasses for war widdows" but when its stuff like "should we tax the holy hell out of law abiding car owners" we never see the ballots, it just gets passed!

what the hell. i can support any law if it is approved by the majority , but this behind the back stuff really gets on my nerves!!

its like, stuff that might benifit part of our comunity, has to be submitted for us to vote on, but if it taxes us, or sucks money out of us, no vote is held, it just gets passed.

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LOL - I never thought about that but it is stupid to guilt trip people who are actually paying for the movie.  For some reason, that doesn't bother me as much as the dam commercials.  If the movie industry is still losing money after charging me $9 a seat, an arm and a leg for some snacks and a drink, and whatever they get from advertising, then there are bigger problems than people downloading.

The movie industry doesn't get any money from the drinks and snacks. Only the theatres do. The movie company gets the all the money for the ticket sales for the first one or two weeks and then the theatre chain gets a cut of the admission fee after that. The percentage of the theatre's cut goes up as the weeks go by. That's why the movie studios push the opening weekend so much, to make sure they get a majority of the money being made and that's why the theatres charge so much for food and drinks.

So here's another guilt trip...when you sneak in food you're actually stealing from the employees that work at the theatre you go to... :ph34r:

I understand that but I still consider the theaters as part of the movie industry. That is where I go to see movies and where I drop the big bills. Everyone is trying to make money and we are the ones having to pay for it. If theaters cannot make enough money selling expensive tickets, expensive food, and hitting everyone with countless commercials, then there is a problem IMO. It's similar to the problem in professional baseball. There is no salary cap, so teams are spending more and more and fans have to pay for it. At some point, the cost is going to get too high and fans will lose interest. It is already happening in baseball and also in movies but they can't seem to figure it out for themselves.

hehe... I have no qualms with bringing food in, I do it all the time. In fact my friend that manages the theatres calls me up and asks me to bring him something. Free movie and better snacks... what more could you ask for.

I was just trying to lay a guilt trip... :p

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And sometimes the trailers tell the ENTIRE story of the movie they're advertising. Thus saving me the trouble of ever watching the piece of dreck.

Double Jeapordy with Tommy Lee Jones...

No need to watch since the whole plot and everything was shown in the trailer. :mellow:

edit: On the subject of bringing food and drinks in the theater... I'd rather bring in a six pack of coke or beer, rather than pay $50000000000 for a watered down syrup-drink without carbonation, that's supposed to be coke. :angry:

Edited by Sumdumgai
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do i hear alot of people whining about breaking the law? i hope not.  as for the topic:

for one, it's their theater, no one likes a bunch of cheezy adds before a movie, but you know what?  not only is it your choice to be there, you PAID to get in. 

if you dont' like it, simply save yourself the money and don't go.  you know what your in for, why are you PAYING to be annoyed? 

it chapps me to see tv commercials and public service anouncments, but not enough to whine and moan about it. it's the theaters choice to put it in. it's your choice to pay them to let you in.  you don't have a RIGHT to see those movies. you have to pay for it. if its not worth the price then don't go.  if it is then quit bitching. arg!

Apparently other people expressing a negative opinion is more than enough to get you to bitch and moan, though. ;)

Your argument has the same mentality of "you don't like something about America... then MOVE!" Not going to see a movie won't stop stupid PSA's and commercials... but complaining to theater owners will. As does spreading negative sentiment in public. Most of Hollywood is keenly aware of internet gripes... go look at the effect of negative pre-release reviews on Aint It Cool News on films.

People in Hollywood want your cash and if enough people "whine and moan" they will change things. Why do you think movies have alternate endings? Studios like to make folks happy, then have them shut up and eat their popcorn.

Your argument would make sense if you were talking about selling goods, but in the entertainment industry, negative buzz is a profit killer. If you don't believe me, find out how many people went to see Gigli. :p

Edited by Blaine23
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hehe... I have no qualms with bringing food in, I do it all the time. In fact my friend that manages the theatres calls me up and asks me to bring him something. Free movie and better snacks... what more could you ask for.

I was just trying to lay a guilt trip... :p

I hate it when the cheapskates bring in their own food that's wrapped in noisy plastic or paper bags.

I rarely bring outside food to theaters, but I do remember bringing KFC to Chicken Run because we skipped a meal to catch the flick. Sweet irony. :lol:

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Woah guys... I like the support but keep in mind we live in a material world and I am a material... uh guy.   :lol:

Seriously I like advertising, hell, I work in the marketing industry.  MY iritation has to do just with preachin to me in the movie theatre about ripping off the movie industry when I obviously don't rip off the industry... I paid to see the movie.

wow, I havent been to the movies in a while. My view,,,,which is deranged sometimes is,,,OK, I will start down loading flicks cause your ussing my hard earned money to "preach" how I should conduct myself in the privacy of my own home,,, once I see it, thats what Im going to do.

Also they have a new law in effect in my POS state that requires you too get plates for your vehical even if its not on the road, or else they charge you late fees every 6 months (great for those hot rodders working on restoring thier cars),, not to mention i ussed to register my trailers just for the summer time and now they want the full year price,,,ALSO the ticket for no registration is $250 non refundable, the counties going comunist,,,,sorry to change the subject, i couldnt help myself :rolleyes:

you know what bugs me?

in my state (liberal cali) we ALWAYS get ballots for stuff like "yes or no, should we give discounted buspasses for war widdows" but when its stuff like "should we tax the holy hell out of law abiding car owners" we never see the ballots, it just gets passed!

what the hell. i can support any law if it is approved by the majority , but this behind the back stuff really gets on my nerves!!

its like, stuff that might benifit part of our comunity, has to be submitted for us to vote on, but if it taxes us, or sucks money out of us, no vote is held, it just gets passed.

WooHoo! I love what you are sayin, too political though. :) PM me and we can discuss the commie morons who like to give free lunches to losers on my dime.

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hehe... I have no qualms with bringing food in, I do it all the time.  In fact my friend that manages the theatres calls me up and asks me to bring him something.  Free movie and better snacks... what more could you ask for.

I was just trying to lay a guilt trip... :p

I hate it when the cheapskates bring in their own food that's wrapped in noisy plastic or paper bags.

I rarely bring outside food to theaters, but I do remember bringing KFC to Chicken Run because we skipped a meal to catch the flick. Sweet irony. :lol:

Yeah, my friend hold private screenings, so we can bring food and talk to crap to each other during the movie. But yeah... I can't stand people that can't keep their wrappers quiet during the movie. And how big is that f'n candy anyway? that it tkaes them 2 noisy hours to eat it??? :huh:

Edited by >EXO<
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Apparently other people expressing a negative opinion is more than enough to get you to bitch and moan, though. ;)

Your argument has the same mentality of "you don't like something about America... then MOVE!"

i guess you're right, i just have little tollerance for people complaining about stuff they willingly endure. and i doubt he's complaining to the movie guy, he's just complaining to us.

anyway, yeah. i can bitch and moan all i want, if you don't like it, get outa america! :p

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Apparently other people expressing a negative opinion is more than enough to get you to bitch and moan, though.  ;)

Your argument has the same mentality of "you don't like something about America... then MOVE!"

i guess you're right, i just have little tollerance for people complaining about stuff they willingly endure. and i doubt he's complaining to the movie guy, he's just complaining to us.

anyway, yeah. i can bitch and moan all i want, if you don't like it, get outa america! :p

You can take my right to bitch and moan when you pry it outta my cold, dead fingers! ;)

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Heck yeah, I remember when they used to do that..........like 25 years ago  :lol:

I say bring them back.


DAMN G-Man. Youa are OLD!


I must be old to as I remember them as well. Heck... I remember a thing called a drive-in :rolleyes:

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Heck yeah, I remember when they used to do that..........like 25 years ago  :lol:

I say bring them back.


DAMN G-Man. Youa are OLD!


I must be old to as I remember them as well. Heck... I remember a thing called a drive-in :rolleyes:

we still have one :p (drive in)

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Apparently other people expressing a negative opinion is more than enough to get you to bitch and moan, though.  ;)

Your argument has the same mentality of "you don't like something about America... then MOVE!"

i guess you're right, i just have little tollerance for people complaining about stuff they willingly endure. and i doubt he's complaining to the movie guy, he's just complaining to us.

anyway, yeah. i can bitch and moan all i want, if you don't like it, get outa america! :p

LOL - I hear what you are saying KingNor. That was part of my point to. The movie industry is complaining about slowing ticket sales but are blaming everyone but themselves. People are getting sick of paying a lot of money for crappy movies and all those ads and guilt trips are not helping. Thus, people are not going to the movies that much or not at all.

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