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Yamato weathering versions


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Another problem I have with the pre-weathered versions are that if you apply the stickers, it doesn't look right because the stickers are clean and might need to be applied over the weathered areas.

It's not a problem for people who don't put any stickers on, but for those that do, a non-weathered version would be better. That way it looks consistent whether you keep it clean or weather it yourself rather than having a weathered destroid or valk with strangely factory fresh markings.

In my case, I weathered mine and tried to make the stickers look a part of it with paint wear, chips and dirt.


Edit: Replaced with less stupid looking picture.

Edited by MacrossJunkie
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Agree on the 'no-stickers-over-the-weathering' thing. Here they without.

Wish Yamato had done a few more tampo print areas on the shoulders and crotch before applying the effects...


I concur that they should have added more tampo printing to the weathered versions. Already paying a good bit more for them and they aren't really meant for customizing so they might as well have stuck with the standard markings so that it wouldn't look so bare.

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For whomever is interested, these are the VF-1 Kakizaki and Max. I got them new - for Max's i had to fight a bit but since i had won Kakizaki's i wouldn't let it go so easily :) - i think i may keep them in their boxes for now. Still you can see the top details. The Max variant has a slightly more severe weathering around the middle.


Edited by Dimis
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