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Although these laser/lightsaber equipped snakes still prefer to biting you and making you die slowly and painfully. They only activate their lightsabers and turn on their head mounted lasers when Sammy Jackson shows up.

But... for the sequel, there will be a big surprise. Sammy Jackson will have back up in the form of Urkel and Martin Lawrence. Ha ha, didn't expect that, did you.

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all this movie is missing is JLO


But that would make the movie bad. :(

Besides, she was already in a snake movie. Anaconda. And although the movie was pretty lame, she was the only one in the cast who was watchable. Back then, she was hungry and actually acted.

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Only thing missing from this movie is a Kurt Russell cameo... and maybe have David Hayter do some voice work...maybe as a flight officer so he can talk on the PA. If you're gonna have snakes on a plane, might as well have Snakes on a plane too! :D

You gotta love the title, though. Totally agree with Sam Jackson that it is THE title for a movie like this. I would've been adamant about it myself. BTW, I don't think he forced Lucas to give him a purple one. The way I remember it, he asked Lucas if he could be in the PT and when Lucas said sure and said he'd make him a Jedi and what color saber he wanted, Jackson said purple and Lucas didn't have a problem.

When I first heard this title without any context a few months back, I assumed it was yet one more 9/11 movie... had absolutely no idea that this was a movie literally about snakes on a plane....

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Here's everything you need to know about the Samuel L. Jackson movie Snakes on a Plane:

There are snakes on a plane.

Samuel L. Jackson is in the movie.

Samuel L. Jackson beats up snakes.

Samuel L. Jackson uses Mace on a snake.

There are snakes on a plane.

Samuel L. Jackson demanded that the producers not change the name of the film from Snakes on a Plane.

There are Snakes on a Plane.

Now, if that's not enough to get you psyched for this movie, nothing will.




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Only thing missing from this movie is a Kurt Russell cameo... and maybe have David Hayter do some voice work...maybe as a flight officer so he can talk on the PA. If you're gonna have snakes on a plane, might as well have Snakes on a plane too!  :D

All I want to see is Harrison Ford going "Snakes... why did it have to be snakes?"

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Only thing missing from this movie is a Kurt Russell cameo... and maybe have David Hayter do some voice work...maybe as a flight officer so he can talk on the PA. If you're gonna have snakes on a plane, might as well have Snakes on a plane too!  :D

All I want to see is Harrison Ford going "Snakes... why did it have to be snakes?"


:lol: LOL!!! That would be so perfect!

"Indiana Jones & the Snakes on the Plane"

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So what's the motivation for the snakes to get on the plane?

I mean, why would all those snakes all of a sudden decide to get on the same plane?

It won't be believeble if I don't know these things.

So maybe they could make some 'Lost' like flashbacks for each of the snakes showing there individual story's.

Like the story of the snake that keeps getting harassed by Steve the Croc Hunter who just won't stop shuffing his finger up his ass. So the snake decides to go back home to his cousin who offered him a job at this pet store.

There's a great story hidden somewehere in this movie just waiting to be told.

This is Oscar material


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IMDB news

New Line's Snakes on a Plane, due to open on Aug. 18, has already produced an avid cult, "the first cult following created entirely by a movie's title," according to Canada's Maclean's magazine. According to the magazine, an uproar among the cultists ensued when studio executives decided to change the title to Pacific Air Flight 121. Even star Samuel L. Jackson joined in the ruckus, saying, according to Maclean's: "We're totally changing that back. That's the only reason I took the job: I read the title." The magazine said that in the end, not only did the producers restore the original name but that they "recently returned to Vancouver to film new scenes with profanity and gore, bringing the final product closer to the kind of garish B movie its name suggests."

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I wonder WHAT the HECK has Samuel L. Jackson, Planes and M.F.ing SNAKES to do in a Anime and Science fiction thread... specially when this are MW boards. Meanining... ANIME (mostly) and Sci fi related stuff.

Everytime I see this thread is still up and running on the first page makes me want to ask G-Man "please make me a moderator".

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I wonder WHAT the HECK has Samuel L. Jackson, Planes and M.F.ing SNAKES  to do in a Anime and Science fiction thread... specially when this are MW boards. Meanining... ANIME (mostly) and Sci fi related stuff.

Everytime I see this thread is still up and running on the first page makes me want to ask G-Man "please make me a moderator".


Well, it's science because it involves a plane, which has technology and is therefore science. And we have snakes ON that plane, which is fiction, because we all know there's never snakes on planes. Therefore it fills the requirements. :)

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I wonder WHAT the HECK has Samuel L. Jackson, Planes and M.F.ing SNAKES  to do in a Anime and Science fiction thread... specially when this are MW boards. Meanining... ANIME (mostly) and Sci fi related stuff.

Everytime I see this thread is still up and running on the first page makes me want to ask G-Man "please make me a moderator".


Quite simple, my dear friend. If the administrative or moderating staff of MW likes a certain off topic subject, it stays. Its why we have a gun thread, and a car thread, and a wrestling thread, and a... Of course, we don't have a baseball thread because they don't like baseball. Otherwise, we'd have one here too.

How about a surfing thread? A gay cowboy movie thread. A wood floors vs carpet thread...

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I wonder WHAT the HECK has Samuel L. Jackson, Planes and M.F.ing SNAKES  to do in a Anime and Science fiction thread... specially when this are MW boards. Meanining... ANIME (mostly) and Sci fi related stuff.

Everytime I see this thread is still up and running on the first page makes me want to ask G-Man "please make me a moderator".


Quite simple, my dear friend. If the administrative or moderating staff of MW likes a certain off topic subject, it stays. Its why we have a gun thread, and a car thread, and a wrestling thread, and a... Of course, we don't have a baseball thread because they don't like baseball. Otherwise, we'd have one here too.

How about a surfing thread? A gay cowboy movie thread. A wood floors vs carpet thread...


How about a thread debating whether a thread is on, or off topic for MW forums?

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What Jemstone said.

Anyways----Snakes on planes are a serious problem for planes coming from Guam. Brown tree snakes LOVE to climb aboard and thus spread to other Pacific islands--notably Hawaii. Hawaii and Guam literally have a task force trained to inspect planes before the leave and after they arrive, and to hunt down any brown tree snakes they find. They are also about the hardiest snakes there are, with no natural enemies. They're hard to shoot or drown and love to eat Hawaiian native endangered species. And they rapidly lower property value--nothing like a million-dollar home with snakes in the trees. (Which will of course be the movie's sequel, once the plane finally lands at the end of the movie).

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Food threads tend to get locked REALLY fast. 

PS--Pepsi makes Mountain Dew.  Thus, Pepsi wins.


But Mountain Dew looks like urine(at least in the bottle).

Coke has no urine-colored products. And makes Cherry Coke.

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