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on the new trailers, did I see a union jack on the Daleks? (the trailer for the UK has a close shot of a Dalek, and I thought I saw the flag on it, it's pretty small and could just be a red and white smudge though)

EDIT - never mind - the trailer above CLEARLY shows that it was a Union Jack...

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on the new trailers, did I see a union jack on the Daleks? (the trailer for the UK has a close shot of a Dalek, and I thought I saw the flag on it, it's pretty small and could just be a red and white smudge though)

EDIT - never mind - the trailer above CLEARLY shows that it was a Union Jack...

Yeah, it looks like it will be one of the weirdest Dalek stories for a while, which I think is very promising. I mean, spitfires fighting Dalek saucers in orbit, nice.


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new trailers look pretty good, by the looks of it there seems to be a alternate dalek WWII arc or something,be interesting,and the shot of the crying angels all perched on that city like structure was cool.

I think i may quickly adapt to matt as the new doctor.

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I think i may quickly adapt to matt as the new doctor.

The transition from one doctor to another can be a difficult time for the series, but its been done so many times now that you'd think it wasn't impossible to get it right every time now....


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Very enjoyable episode, the only thing I really didn't like was the

new opening title sequence

, but who cares about that.

More please....


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Very enjoyable episode, the only thing I really didn't like was the

new opening title sequence

, but who cares about that.

More please....



the opening sequence was the weakest part of the whole thing

. But like you said, who cares? :)

Matt Smith is an excellent Doctor so far. As much as I loved Tennant, I feel like I might end up liking Smith even more.

I already like Amy Pond a lot too. Something about the way she says, "No.", I just love it.

The new Tardis is a joy to see. All the random doodads make it look like an intergalactic antique store

. Can't wait for more!

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I don't know about Smith. He's no looker that for sure.

Did a great job in the episode doing an impersonation of Tennant's Doctor. Like they are following a writer's bible for the 10th Doctor. Same Doctor new Face. I hope in future episodes there is more of a difference.

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I don't know about Smith. He's no looker that for sure.

Thats part of the charm from me. I get sick of all of the "pretty boys and girls", and I am all for more average/normal looking people on TV.

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Amy Pond can arrest me any time! :D

I'll second that.

I thought Matt did a wonderful job.

This is the first time since Collin Baker we have gotten to see a new incarnation trying to get the hang of himself and Matt did fantasticly.

I think this season will be one of the best since the reimaging. I loved David, once I got used to him, and Chris did an awesome job of reinventing the series but I think Matt was mad for the role and will make the most of it.

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Thats part of the charm from me. I get sick of all of the "pretty boys and girls", and I am all for more average/normal looking people on TV.


Don't you see enough average looking people in public? TV is meant to be a fanasty land of people who are pretty enough that you want to $@%* 'em.

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Don't you see enough average looking people in public? TV is meant to be a fanasty land of people who are pretty enough that you want to $@%* 'em.

Did you want to $@%* the previous Doctors? I suppose Tom Baker was pretty hot. :p

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Don't you see enough average looking people in public? TV is meant to be a fanasty land of people who are pretty enough that you want to $@%* 'em.

Explain to me how you $@%* somebody and I'll let you know.


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Hey, he did land Lalla Ward. Although I think he should have gone for Mary Tamm, the first actress to play Romana.

Mary Tamm was alright but she was already taken. (She was pregnant by the time she finished her season on WHO and would have been even more noticably pregnant if she had done a second season.)

Lalla Ward was extremely cute, good work to Tom for scoring there.....

Actually, quick poll question for those interested.

WHO WAS THE HOTTEST FEMALE COMPANION ON DOCTOR WHO??? Can be any girl from the "classic" or current series.

Personally, I would be obvious and give the top spot to Nicola Bryant with Billie Piper coming in a close second...


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This is going back quite a bit, but I really thought Wendy Padbury who played Zoe was hot.

I'd have to go with Zoe as well.

Surprisingly enough, I think Sarah Jane looks better now then she did during Dr. Who. (maybe it was just those seventies fashions...)

(Natiest would have to be Joe Grant and the picture of her with a Dalek...)

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(Natiest would have to be Joe Grant and the picture of her with a Dalek...)

With all the talk of the "close" relationship between Pertwee and Manning, I would not be surprised if they were having an affair when they were working together....


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Pics are floating around of the

new Daleks

. They're a little different, but I like 'em. I haven't visited any Who forums in a while, but from what I've heard there seems to be a bit of an uproar. They don't really look that drastically different to me. :/

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Pics are floating around of the

new Daleks

. They're a little different, but I like 'em. I haven't visited any Who forums in a while, but from what I've heard there seems to be a bit of an uproar. They don't really look that drastically different to me. :/

Die-hard Who fans are just as fickle as fans of any other franchise. Can't be bothered to go to those forums because they are really good at hating the new stuff, which I have been enjoying.

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