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1/48 Hikaru's VF-1J FP and VF-1J

Just Gundam

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Vf-1J w/Fp precio=SUS MARIYUSEPPP!!!!!!!!!!! MASHADO NAMAN!!!!!!

yes i realize its actually 5$ less but dear god whats shiping gonna b on the monster?

but we get new hands too!!


take that hurricane isabel!!!!!!!

(ok thjat had nothing to do with it but nonetheless im glad its all over now phew)

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Woohoo, I'm glad Yamato is giving fans the options of buying the J with and without FP's. Both sides win this time, as Yamato gets to sell double the VF-1J's and fans have the choice of picking up one of the other. So why isn't the Hikaru VF-1S coming with FP's? I guess Yamato doesn't have much confidence in a lone VF-1J, so they're gonna bundle it to ensure that it sells. The 1S, they figure, is popular enough to sell on it's own.

As for the Strike Cannon, I don't think the VF-1J will come with it. After all, the 1/60 Hikaru VF-1J only came with super armor.

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I don't think the VF-1J FP will come with a Strike Cannon.

I'm planning to buy one non-FP VF-1J and one VF-1J w/FP. I'll display one in fighter mode and one in battroid mode

However, the FPs along with one set of TV hands and one Hikaru TV pilot will be transfered to a spare Focker VF-1S, to make a TV accurate VF-1S.


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I'm planning to buy one non-FP VF-1J and one VF-1J w/FP. I'll display one in fighter mode and one in battroid mode

However, the FPs along with one set of TV hands and one Hikaru TV pilot will be transfered to a spare Focker VF-1S, to make a TV accurate VF-1S.


Aw... Graham, you're now making me want to do that too. This is now become a special item that give you a chance to own a TV FP, TV style Pilot, better hands, and the best looking "J" head.

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Nope. DYRL only has a VF-1J briefly, and that is in GBP-1S armor. Hikaru switches from 1J to 1S before FAST packs are introduced in the series, so unless his old ride appears far in the background somewhere (*), you never see a Hikaru 1J with FP. You do see Max and Millia's with FP, though.

Strike version of FP only appears in the movie.

(*) I'd say "it doesn't", but I wouldn't exclude it from the realm of possibility, having never examined every frame of the animation...

Edit: Actually, I'm sure the Hikaru's old 1J never showed up again--it lost a wing and Hikaru had to bail...thanks to Misa...

Edited by ewilen
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In regards to complaining, I would like to point out that there are two camps of complainers:

The group that is super extra anal-retentive about every little detail being absolutely perfect and in accordance with whatever TV series or show is being reproduced in model or toy form. These people tend to fit the stereotype (not physically, of course, but attitude-wise) of the comic book guy on The Simpsons. They will always complain about everything, but not necesarily without good reason. It might get annoying to some, but then again, you have to ask yourself why whatever company is being complained about doesn't employ a few of these detail-crazed people to ensure accuracy? Or, if these type of people are employed at the company, why aren't they heeded?

Then there are the people who just complain because they want to know that they are getting something really and sincerely ultimately great for their hard-earned dollar. These people usually have less money to blow on their hobbies, and what some guarantee that their money will not be burned without a very satisfying return. I fall into this camp. I couldn't give less of a damn about how accurate the VF-1J is, or whether or not it ever had the TV fastpacks on it during the show, or whatever. All I want is something that is extremely well made, highly articulated, and has proportions that match very exactly what the original design was (otherwise, why bother?) You can change the proportions if it makes it look a bit better, although that is subjective, of course, and you still won't please everyone.

My only gripes with the Yamato 1/48s so far is simply that I hear a lot about the quality of them being somewhat mixed, and I truly do not care for Fokker's Valk's proportions. I think the chest is too big, or the head is wrong, or something... It just doesn't look as slender and graceful as it did in the show. Otherwise, the only complaint I can think of (I'd like to get it all out now) is that the damn things /are/ expensive, I can't afford any of them at the moment, and I worry that they will all be selling for astronomical prices before I get myself in a position where I can throw money at my hobbies again...

The moral of my post is obvious, and perhaps annoying: You can complain about the complainers, but they will never stop. They are everywhere (or perhaps, 'we' are everywhere). Perhaps we should all just be content... But it is hard to be blindly content when money is so hard to come by these days. I think we would all very much love to be happy, but we just want the absolute best for the money. While many people may be perfectly thrilled that they have anything at all, some of us aren't. We've been waiting for a long, long time for someone to produce Valks that were worth a damn in the first place (the HCM Bandais being the only good ones I remember), and now Yamato has come to help. But they just automatically put themselves in a dangerous position by doing so, because any group of fans that hang on to a show for years and years after it first came out can be expected to be a bit crazed. Especially the ones that actually go to an internet forum and discuss it. At least, some of us. I'm not saying everyone here is deranged. Although I think we should all at least admit, even if in a kind of sideways manner, that we are all gigantic dorks that are obsessed with something that has come and gone... It was really great, but the world has now moved beyond it. And posting on a forum about it is even a bigger testament to this. This forum is the warm yellow lightbulb to all of the Macross-struck people of the world. There are bound to be some really complainy people on it.

The moral of the moral of this post is also obvious, and I'll state it here for those of you still reading my ungodly rant: I know that it is frustrating that people are never pleased. But they will never be. Ever. Especially those people who are really into something like Macross, and analyze every little detail. And especially also those people who just want their money to be swapped for something of truly equal value.

I think that's it. If you are going to be offended by something I wrote here, I apologize for that in advance. There is a real possibilty that some things here didn't exactly make the trip from my brain to the keyboard without being harmed somehow along the way. So if you find your blood pressure rising (which is possible, given all the fanatics here), then just calm down a bit, grab a glass of water, and watch Macross a few more times.


Gregory Scott

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There is no problem at all about complaining, specially if it is constructive criticism, it helps the company know what the people wants or at least have an idea, though what might irk other people is complaining of the same thing over and over again, on every possible post they can, and even probably on other boards, Just the same crap over and over even if most of the member of the boards already know. Kinda like nagging :lol:

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There will be always complainers. And ppl will complain about products/services if they don't truly feel it is the value of the buck, yen, pound, franc, etc.. (insert your currency preference here). This is tue in marketing. And we know the ppl who complain bought the products. ;) But the catch is that will they buy the next product. :o Hence why they (the companies) will listen to the majority. If the majority is satisfied, why improve it if they know you, consumer will buy it again. But ppl aren't stupid errr... not that stupid (yeah, that's it! B) ) As Graham says, damned it if you do and damn if you don't.

I for one, am HAPPY with these 1/48s. I can afford it with all my OT :) Seriously, since I picked stuff from Toynami, I can tell you I have something to compare the 1/48s to. And I will say the 1/48s are perfect in my eyes. Sure there are minor gripes, like my strap broke clean thru the ring when you are to attaching it to the gunpod. But what'd you expect? At least I can get a strap from Monkey-N. Toynami? I should not have gotten them but that was before I discovered the holy grails: 1/48s. :D

Sure I want the GBP but what the heck? Maybe with enough constructive feedback, we can give yamato an idea that it is profitable to go that way. I say feedback as in, "would you please consider..." rather than "you guys suck because you didn't..." There are ways to get your view across. The latter will certainly get you nowhere.

As for me, I preordered the VF-1J FP Hikaru with VE. I won't use them but they look good on my low vis.


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There will be always complainers. And ppl will complain about products/services if they don't truly feel it is the value of the buck, yen, pound, franc, etc.. (insert your currency preference here). This is tue in marketing. And we know the ppl who complain bought the products. ;) But the catch is that will they buy the next product. :o Hence why they (the companies) will listen to the majority. If the majority is satisfied, why improve it if they know you, consumer will buy it again. But ppl aren't stupid errr... not that stupid (yeah, that's it! B) ) As Graham says, damned it if you do and damn if you don't.

I for one, am HAPPY with these 1/48s. I can afford it with all my OT :) Seriously, since I picked stuff from Toynami, I can tell you I have something to compare the 1/48s to. And I will say the 1/48s are perfect in my eyes. Sure there are minor gripes, like my strap broke clean thru the ring when you are to attaching it to the gunpod. But what'd you expect? At least I can get a strap from Monkey-N. Toynami? I should not have gotten them but that was before I discovered the holy grails: 1/48s. :D

Sure I want the GBP but what the heck? Maybe with enough constructive feedback, we can give yamato an idea that it is profitable to go that way. I say feedback as in, "would you please consider..." rather than "you guys suck because you didn't..." There are ways to get your view across. The latter will certainly get you nowhere.

As for me, I preordered the VF-1J FP Hikaru with VE. I won't use them but they look good on my low vis.


Word! :D:D:D

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That's a great moto.....and so true. Can I use it for my signature?

Hehe. Glad you liked. Use away! :p

Man, forgot I posted to this thread. Coming back now, it ooks like you really stirred up a hornet's nest. :)

Best Regards,


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Perhaps this might not be the right thread to post this on, but I just followed the link to the VF-1J pics and was pretty amazed. Man, that is cool looking. Finally something to replace my Bandai HCM with. It is considerably larger (of course), has what looks to be a great sculpt (much better than the VF-1S, the Valk I wanted to buy, but just could not get past the proportions), and so on. Excellent work. I hope that the hands are articulated, though.

—gregory scott

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Question, will the fast pack the comes with the VF-1J be any different than the ones currently out?

2nd Question, will Yamato be coming out with different Fast Packs or are the ones currently out pretty much it? I forget if the DYRL Fast Packs were different for each character like in Macross.

Edit: Sorry I was too lazy to read through this post and didn't see the link for the picture above. But I'm still curious about the 2nd question.

Edited by rsvictor1976
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will Yamato be coming out with different Fast Packs or are the ones currently out pretty much it? I forget if the DYRL Fast Packs were different for each character like in Macross.

The DYRL FAST packs are the same for everybody, except that if you fly a 1S and you have a FAST pack, you get a Strike cannon. Yamato's DYRL FAST packs come with both options in the same package.

As for the TV FAST packs, we don't yet know if they'll be producing Max and Millia 1J's, let alone FAST packs to match them. The TV packs which have been announced for the Hikaru 1J (and which never actually appeared on his 1J in the show) are the same as the ones for Skull Leader. So if they'll fit the Roy 1S, you'll basically have the TV version of the Valk Hikaru inherits from his sempai. The only difference would be the color of the "arrows" on the sides of the head (black in the series, red in DYRL), and the resculpted arms. The arms are the same in DYRL and the series, but the 1/48 1J will include a redesign that makes it more accurate. Nobody knows if the rerelease of the 1S will include the redesign--or if they do know, they're not talking.

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those pics look pretty good! :)

well, one problem i having with yamato in general, is the lack of "hands" included and/or available. <_<

sculpting a hand is not that hard and doesn't cost that much to make, especially those TV style hands. personally like the the TV style hands as opposed to the petite ladies hands the 1/48's have now.

yeah they're articulate, but they were only designed to hold a gun and thats it! for 150 big ones, i think yamato could've done better. *whine*

i would really love it, if yamato included 5 sets of different hands with each 1/48.

not to sound like ned flanders, but we need some lefty gun gripping hands that aren't silly looking.

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This post is NOT meant to be a criticism of the 1/48 from Yamato. (In fact, I own 3 of them and absolutely love them).

Rather, I must admit that I don't think Hikaru's 1J colours/stipes are very attractive. I know that I am probably in the minority, because it is clear from previous polls/posts that many people find Hikaru's white 1J from the TV series to be their absolute favourite.

I, on the other hand, think it is very bland. I don't particularly like the red stripe going down the wings. I also think the tail fins look very plain, with no skull emblem. Similarly, the white plain heat shield in battroid mode makes the robot look very boring.

I think the colours look much better in the actual animation, but they don't look quite as nice on the Yamato 1/60 and 1/48 toys.

Just my thoughts. Anyone else agree?

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i hope they make it in light grey, *crossing fingers* as i am not too fond of white since it tends to yellow over time.

however, i don't mind the red high-lights as much as yourself since i happen to be a 1J kind of guy but i can see how the paint could be boring. i find the other 1/48's(excluding low-viz) paint schemes kind of YAWN myself since there seems to be no disguishing marks of any kind other than a blue stripe here and a red stripe there.

BTW, i'm not complaining, i'm just stating my opinions....well sort of. ;)

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I it just me or do the arms look thicker?

Arms look the same to me... might compare it to my -1S (using various reference points), but right now I'm too tired and lazy to go and get it.

It's probably the new hands that cause the arms to look bigger, combined with the angle of the shots. Plus, I highly doubt Yamato would make such a major design change in the 1/48 in enlarging the arms (this would also undoubtedly affect the legs as well for fighter mode, and would lead to many necessary changes in design)

So it's probably just you (though the pic angles and hands are probably to blame as well)

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Looks like the same scrawny arms to me.

I don't see anything to complain about. The white color is nice. It might turn yellow in the future like some suggested. But being white now is more important to me. I don't plan for it to last forever. There will always be something better in the future anyway.

There is nothing wrong with the red trim. That's Hikaru color for VF-1J. It's not a Roy color scheme. It may be plain to some people, but it's nice in its own way.

Oh yes, the chiseled-look head is awesome.

Just my opinion, folks. We all have our opinions. Otherwise, this board will be very b-o-r-i-n-g.

B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B)

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Thosenew pics look mad! I gotta get me one of those! Anyone got a pic of it in fighter mode with the head in view? I wanna see how well the head fits underneath.

This is the exact same thing I was wanting to see. As it is, looking at those pictures, it appears that everyone on my list will be getting a light Christmas this year...

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I it just me or do the arms look thicker?

Arms look the same to me... might compare it to my -1S (using various reference points), but right now I'm too tired and lazy to go and get it.

It's probably the new hands that cause the arms to look bigger, combined with the angle of the shots. Plus, I highly doubt Yamato would make such a major design change in the 1/48 in enlarging the arms (this would also undoubtedly affect the legs as well for fighter mode, and would lead to many necessary changes in design)

So it's probably just you (though the pic angles and hands are probably to blame as well)

Do you notice how there isn't a stripe etched across the forearm like all the valks before now? It might also look thicker due to the absense of the stripe on the forearm - an optical illusion.

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