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War Of The Worlds Trailer is OUT! Summer 2005!

UN Spacy

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PS I am more interested in why people clothes did not disintergrate from the aliens weapons :p I know why it was done simply to show there was nothing left but their clothes but it is funny to think about.  they can blow up houses and cities, nuke entire armies but are powerless to destroy your Fubu shirt, Levis Jean and Nike's  :lol:  :lol:  also I wonder, if you are completly covered from head to toes leaving nothing exposed would the alien beam bounce off of you???


So all you need is an army of ninjas, mummies, and lepers in bandages. :lol:

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PS I am more interested in why people clothes did not disintergrate from the aliens weapons :p I know why it was done simply to show there was nothing left but their clothes but it is funny to think about.  they can blow up houses and cities, nuke entire armies but are powerless to destroy your Fubu shirt, Levis Jean and Nike's  :lol:  :lol:  also I wonder, if you are completly covered from head to toes leaving nothing exposed would the alien beam bounce off of you???


So all you need is an army of ninjas, mummies, and lepers in bandages. :lol:


thats exactly what i was thinking :D

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Another was that annoying sh-t that was the son.  Now, Cruise's character was meant to be seen as a much-less-than-perfect dad, but even he was right when he called his own boy a dick.  The pretentious little snot had a death wish, and I spent most of the film wishing the Martians would oblige his silly ass.  But the aliens should have had to take a number and get in line; I kept thinking his dad should have been stomping a mud-hole in his arse for stealing that "Hertz" Mustang while he slept. 


You disliked the son, I hated the daughter. Goddamn, I hate Dakota Fanning's character. Every time she screeched, I wanted to jump into the screen and shoot the bitch myself.

Totally ruined the movie for me, it did.


I could deal with Dakota's character well enough. Although, the bit with the screeching in the minivan on the highway though. I believe I'd have to have gone straight off on her then. :lol: *turns, gives evil eye and yells* "Now, don't make me have to stop this car!" :lol:

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  • 5 months later...

Finally rented the Spielberg WOTW on DVD over the weekend to watch with the wife. We both thought it was pretty bad overall, although some of the special effects were decent. Here's the things I disliked about the movie: -

  • Tom Cruise's annoying grinning for the camera every few seconds at the beginning of the movie. I swear he's getting as bad as Will Smith in this regard. Thankfully he stopped doing this once all the bad stuff started happening.
  • None of the 3 main characters (Cruise's character, his son and daughter) were at all likeable. In fact I found all of them really annoying.
  • The whole idea of the Tripod's being burried underground for thousands or millions of years was so lame and flawed on so many levels. What's wrong with using the original concept of the Martians coming to earth in Giant cylinders?
  • Thought the concept of the Martians coming to Earth on the lightning was pretty silly also. Even as sombody suggested they rode capsules down the lightning, the capsules must have been pretty small, as the holes the lightning made in the ground were not that large.
  • Tom cruis's son should have died, that spoilt the whole ending.
  • The lamest part of the movie was that the Tripods forcefields stopped working just because the Martians got sick.
  • The design of the Martians were lame. Monkeys, crossed with ID4 Aliens crossed with ET. WOTW Aliens are supposed to be giant brains, bigger than bears with tenticles.

IMO, the original H.G. Wells book is still better than all the movie adaptations put together, closely followed by Orson Well's radio adaptation, followed by the Jeff wayne musical. I never liked the George Pal movie either.

Haven't seen the Pendragon Pictures version yet, but have it on order.

LOEG Vol.2 is definitely worth a read for it's take on the Martian invasion of Earth.


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Holy cow, I just saw a DVD copy of the Pendragon films ver. on the shelf at the CVS store right up the street a while back; and for only $10 to boot. I soooo wanted to pick this up. Must be the masachist [sp?] in me. :p Ought to make for a couple hours of truely crap-tastic b-movie-self-torture-goodness.

I saw part of the other recent release of WOTW on sci-fi channel, starring C. Thomas Howell. From the 10 minutes or so that I could stand, it appears this version, while still a modern take on the story, manages to stick much closer to the Wells storyline of the "lone man's wandering journey," with original characters like the soldier, the priest, the brother, etc. The graphics were pretty awful, about on par with the average mid-tier computer game at best. The alien walkers [look like giant four legged crabs] and the aliens themselves [what I saw of them] straight up sucked hairy monkey arse; again, nothing at all like Wells' original description. The aliens use neon green laser rays [i guess to remind us just how "awesome and terrible" the Martian weapons are], and they stop using them long enough to--get this--climb down out of their walkers and spit acid on any hapless humans that cross their path. I agree with Graham, I still prefer H.G. Wells original story.

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I just saw a DVD copy of the Pendragon films ver. on the shelf at the CVS store right up the street a while back; and for only $10 to boot. I soooo wanted to pick this up.

You would have got ripped off if you did. I got it at Wal-Mart for $5.44.

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That's cause there wasn't any arnie or your "greatness" appearing in it....not to mention the fact Arnie probably was killed in it....along with everything else you cherished.

I just had to look at the trailers for the one that was on Sci/fi to know I needed to stay away from it.......didn't take much to know it was bad.

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I saw part of the other recent release of WOTW on sci-fi channel, starring C. Thomas Howell. 


C. Thomas Howell? That says stay away right there, if not "run as if a Martian walker was stalking you..."

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I just saw a DVD copy of the Pendragon films ver. on the shelf at the CVS store right up the street a while back; and for only $10 to boot. I soooo wanted to pick this up.

You would have got ripped off if you did. I got it at Wal-Mart for $5.44.


How is the Pendragon version?

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How is the Pendragon version?

On the one hand, it deserves some kudos for staying much closer to H.G. Wells novel than any other version.

Yet, due to the fact that the acting, special effects, camera work, lighting... pretty much everything looks like it could have been a college project for a theater major, the movie pretty much sucks like C-SPAN coverage of a debate on farm subsidies.

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I liked this movie alot. Im now a fanboy. Sign me up for scientology!!!

Then tom cruise woke up.

Tom: dam it was all a dream. One day I won't make a good movie suck like back in the 80s/90s when I was a real movie star.

What also pissed me off is when they where captured and tom cruise manages to feed it some hand grenades. The pod drops the cages full of human filterlizer and from that high up they should be dead even if they landed on a tree. Also the van working, I swear I heard the mechanic say he didn't replace any parts yet but yet its working now.

Edited by Zentrandude
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How is the Pendragon version?

On the one hand, it deserves some kudos for staying much closer to H.G. Wells novel than any other version.

Yet, due to the fact that the acting, special effects, camera work, lighting... pretty much everything looks like it could have been a college project for a theater major, the movie pretty much sucks like C-SPAN coverage of a debate on farm subsidies.


Might be worth picking up as a rental then, as for the Speilberg/Cruise POS I will avoid that, heck if my buddy JP says a movie is bad I stay away from it like a cracked nuclear warhead.

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