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Return of the King Extended dvd preview


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Hell yeah! It looks great! I've been toturing myself with Lord of The Rings lately, since I refuse to watch any of the films until the Return of the King is released. My friends and I are planning a massive Extended Edition marathon and we've all agreed not to watch any Lord of the Rings until we're ready. It's been almost a year and a half since I've watched the theatrical DVDs or the Extended editions. It's gonna be great.

Thanks for the link.

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My friends and I are planning a massive Extended Edition marathon and we've all agreed not to watch any Lord of the Rings until we're ready.

That is just insane. My kind of insane, but insane nonetheless. :p

Worse still, a couple of my buddies have already tossed out the idea of doing an eventual Star Wars marathon sometime next fall when the ROTS DVD is out.

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I've never read the books, but can someone tell me why Sauron is there? I tought he never was able to get Humanoid form?


sauron starts off as a humanoid, hedges all his bets into the One Ring, loses it and his body and the comes back as big burning eye o fire. lets a coupla hobbits toss the ring into a pit o lava and falls down and doesn't get up.

there's the Mouth o Sauron, who isn't sauron per se.. but.. the mouth of...

and there's the witch king, the guy on the big fell beast with the sword o flames, he's a human king who was corrupted by one of the rings o power given to the human kings of that time, he leads the other naz'guul.

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I am so looking forward to this as well, I have the others on dvd and I am highly looking forward to seeing the Mouth of Sauron in battle.

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I've got the basic and extended versions of both Fellowship and Two Towers, but for some odd reason I can't get into the idea of shelling out the bucks for Return of the King.

It's my least favourite of the three movies, and the only thing that interests me about the Extended Edition are the hours and hours of special featuers. The movie itself holds nothing for me.

Is there a summary of said Special Features anywhere yet?

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It's my least favourite of the three movies, and the only thing that interests me about the Extended Edition are the hours and hours of special featuers. The movie itself holds nothing for me.

Is there a summary of said Special Features anywhere yet?

most of the special features will probably be similar to what was available on the others,

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I've never read the books, but can someone tell me why Sauron is there? I tought he never was able to get Humanoid form?


sauron starts off as a humanoid, hedges all his bets into the One Ring, loses it and his body and the comes back as big burning eye o fire. lets a coupla hobbits toss the ring into a pit o lava and falls down and doesn't get up.

there's the Mouth o Sauron, who isn't sauron per se.. but.. the mouth of...

and there's the witch king, the guy on the big fell beast with the sword o flames, he's a human king who was corrupted by one of the rings o power given to the human kings of that time, he leads the other naz'guul.

In the books Sauron had a new body already by the time of ROTK.

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I've never read the books, but can someone tell me why Sauron is there? I tought he never was able to get Humanoid form?


sauron starts off as a humanoid, hedges all his bets into the One Ring, loses it and his body and the comes back as big burning eye o fire. lets a coupla hobbits toss the ring into a pit o lava and falls down and doesn't get up.

there's the Mouth o Sauron, who isn't sauron per se.. but.. the mouth of...

and there's the witch king, the guy on the big fell beast with the sword o flames, he's a human king who was corrupted by one of the rings o power given to the human kings of that time, he leads the other naz'guul.

I know, I meant in the end, they show in the extended version of RoTK.

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:huh: In the end of the ROTK:EE? The Mouth of Sauron is as close as you get - which is actually just a 'host' for Sauron.

I recommend that The Silmarillion be read for anyone who wants to get a thorough back-history on the LOTR.

Further proof that Tolkien was a genius!! :)

And having spent 12+ hours in a theater on Trilogy Tuesday last year,

I would do it all again to see all 3 Extended Editions in row!! :D

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Speaking of the Witchking at the end of this preview...


Does it bug anyone else that he supposedly handedly beats Gandalf? In the books, it was one of the coolest scenes in ROTK when the Witchking enters the gates of Minas Tirith and Gandalf alone is standing there to confront him (everyone else being cowed in fear). They pass words and the Witchking starts talking trash and you're just about expecting this big grand clash of titans when suddenly dawn strikes and the horns of Rohan sound (the Rohirrim basically launch a surprise attack on the flank of Mordor's army, unlike in the movie where they prance around and giving any legitimate, non-bad guy movie army enough time to react). Realizing he may be needed to turn this tide change, the Witchking disengages with an unspoken 'I've got something to deal with first.' way.

Unless Jackson seriously alters his editing (which he didn't for the previous extended editions), the scene can't play out like that. Apparently the Witchking breaks Gandalf's staff, which is a really big deal. Sure it might make Eowyn's victory seem greater, but that alone was accomplished in the books by Gandalf's (who had not only defeated the Balrog, but came back stronger and more confident) uncertainty that he could take the Witchking and the verbal beating the Witchking gives the white wizard. Sure he may have beaten Gandalf, but it -not- happening makes the imaginings of what it might've been like more interesting. Certainly Gandalf wouldn't have gone down easily and if he did fall, he probably would've 'died' again, not just run away with his cload between his legs.


I think the battle at Minas Tirith is the main reason ROTK didn't do as much for me as FOTR, or even the weaker Two Towers. Tolkien's pacing of the battle was almost perfect and could easily translate into film without much conversion (the one glaring piece would be Theoden's speech, which in the book does a 'a little while earlier' flashback right before the charge. Jackson decided to put it in directly before the charge, which would seem odd for a relief force to stop so close to the enemy to deliver a long winded speech). They could've interlaced it in earlier and perhaps worked in some uncertaintly as to whether they'd make it to Minas Tirith in time to keep the tension). Instead, we get a whole set of unneeded events...all of which look pretty, but serve little real purpose.

Now I'm rambling....

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Why does Elijah Woods sounds british in the interview? :lol:


Grand Cannon, I've been trying to reread the Silmarillion for the past 3 months now and for whatever reason it's just not holding my attention like it did some 14 years ago....

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While it does 'look' cool....

the bit with the Mouth of Sauron bothers me somewhat. He was supposed to be a Dunadan of the Far South (one of the Black Numenoreans...no not as in skin colour, but in affiliation with the Shadow). They made him a mutant. This isn't Star Wars where your affiliation with the Shadow corrupts your body. Jackson is stretching the believability of Tolkien by doing this to the Mouth.

I'm not too hot on Saruman chucking a fireball at Gandalf either.

I hope they actually let Eowyn have her full speech....pissed me off they hacked it.

Southpaw - I couldn't agree more. Of the three, I like FotR the best as its the closest in theme and feeling to Tolkien (though it has problems too...but ah well....what can ya do?)

Edited by 1st Border Red Devil
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My friends and I are planning a massive Extended Edition marathon and we've all agreed not to watch any Lord of the Rings until we're ready.

That is just insane. My kind of insane, but insane nonetheless. :p

Worse still, a couple of my buddies have already tossed out the idea of doing an eventual Star Wars marathon sometime next fall when the ROTS DVD is out.

It's actually not so bad. I only get cravings to watch them every once in a while. I've been keeping myself busy watching all the other films I want to see (a list which never seems to end).

We will also do a Star Wars marathon once all the DVDs have been released. The best part of these big sagas is doing the marathons :)

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Southpaw Samuarai, I whole heartedly agree with you about the Battle of Minas Tirith. In the movie, it didn't feel as long and drawn out as it should have been. In the books, the seige of Gondor lasted for weeks, right? (sorry, I haven't read ROTK since before I saw it in theaters) In the movie it seemed much much shorter than that. It just wasn't built up as well as it was in the book. And the whole thing with the Army of the Dead and how they dissed some secondary characters from the book who I thought were kick-ass and hoped to be in the movie :angry: (Prince Imrahil anyone?).

Okay, enough of my rant on ROTK, I could go on all day :D.

Even with all my gripes, I still enjoyed the trilogy, what they got right they did pretty well. I'm excited to see the extra footage in the extended edition, hopefully it'll make me like ROTK better, but like 1st Border Red Devil, I think Fellowship of the Ring was th best one of the three. Also, I like what they did with the Special Extened ROTK with the sculptures of Minas Tirith and Minas Morgul, I think I might get the Special Extended ROTK.

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I've never read the books, but can someone tell me why Sauron is there? I tought he never was able to get Humanoid form?


sauron starts off as a humanoid, hedges all his bets into the One Ring, loses it and his body and the comes back as big burning eye o fire. lets a coupla hobbits toss the ring into a pit o lava and falls down and doesn't get up.

there's the Mouth o Sauron, who isn't sauron per se.. but.. the mouth of...

and there's the witch king, the guy on the big fell beast with the sword o flames, he's a human king who was corrupted by one of the rings o power given to the human kings of that time, he leads the other naz'guul.

I know, I meant in the end, they show in the extended version of RoTK.

where do they show sauron and his new body?

the dude at the end who has the flaming sword is just the witchking, not sauron.

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The Seige of Minas Tirith lasted a few days. If it had lasted any longer, there wouldn't have been a city left worth saving.

One of the things that really pissed me off about the seige in the movie: the walls are impregnable....a secret of Numenorean technology (its made of the same adamantine rock substance as the Tower of Orthanc). Thats WHY the fragging Witch-King went after the doors to the city....mithril-steel alloy being easier (yea right!) to break than that rock.

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  • 1 month later...

Just bought the Extended Return of the King today. No time to pop the disc in unfortunately, but at least the Minas Tirith polystone is slick looking. Nice bonus. I skipped the other two giftsets, but got this one for sure. The symphony disc might be interesting too.

One bummer when I looked at the Minas Morgul polystone order form, is that Minas Morgul has a price tag of $75 dollars!!!

That kinda sucks, cause the Minas Morgul display looks uber sweet too. It's still kind of tempting though, but for 75 bucks I doubt it. :(

Edited by Anubis
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Hell yeah! It looks great! I've been toturing myself with Lord of The Rings lately, since I refuse to watch any of the films until the Return of the King is released. My friends and I are planning a massive Extended Edition marathon and we've all agreed not to watch any Lord of the Rings until we're ready. It's been almost a year and a half since I've watched the theatrical DVDs or the Extended editions. It's gonna be great.

Thanks for the link.

lol!! My housemates have a REALLY nice home theater system downstairs.... I'd love to have a marathon like that, but one housemate (the guy who owns most of the stuff) doesn't want to set there for hours on end...so I probably won't get to have a marathon.... Wish I could join ya!!

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I think the battle at Minas Tirith is the main reason ROTK didn't do as much for me as FOTR, or even the weaker Two Towers. Tolkien's pacing of the battle was almost perfect and could easily translate into film without much conversion (the one glaring piece would be Theoden's speech, which in the book does a 'a little while earlier' flashback right before the charge. Jackson decided to put it in directly before the charge, which would seem odd for a relief force to stop so close to the enemy to deliver a long winded speech). They could've interlaced it in earlier and perhaps worked in some uncertaintly as to whether they'd make it to Minas Tirith in time to keep the tension). Instead, we get a whole set of unneeded events...all of which look pretty, but serve little real purpose.

Now I'm rambling....

Are you talking about his famous "Where is rider... Where is the horn that was blowing?...." soliliquy? I thought it was appropriately timed in the movie. The version in the book is much longer, but I think the one he said in the movie was almost more like a prayer or mantra of some sort. It spoke of the loss of all hope for the party at Helms Deep and really set the mood.

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Hell yeah!  It looks great!  I've been toturing myself with Lord of The Rings lately, since I refuse to watch any of the films until the Return of the King is released.  My friends and I are planning a massive Extended Edition marathon and we've all agreed not to watch any Lord of the Rings until we're ready.  It's been almost a year and a half since I've watched the theatrical DVDs or the Extended editions.  It's gonna be great.

Thanks for the link.

lol!! My housemates have a REALLY nice home theater system downstairs.... I'd love to have a marathon like that, but one housemate (the guy who owns most of the stuff) doesn't want to set there for hours on end...so I probably won't get to have a marathon.... Wish I could join ya!!

Give him a shot to the head. Damn, being a fan is all about the hardcore sessions. You don't have to do them all the time, but once a year is a lot of fun. Whether the marathon is watching film trilogies, partying and drinking, or lan parties, you have to hardcore once in a while. Just to remain in practice of course :)

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I'll have my marathon Xmas Day when I get to open the gift set my brother just bought me.  :D


Gobotfool, I was not happy the first time I had heard about it. Didn't think that was the place for a homage to one of his prior roles.

Edited by Jemstone
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What are the dimensions of the Minas Morgul polystone? About the same as Minas Tirith or bigger?

Yeah, about the same size, that way they can act as "bookends"

5"W x 4/5"H x 5.5"D

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I think the battle at Minas Tirith is the main reason ROTK didn't do as much for me as FOTR, or even the weaker Two Towers. Tolkien's pacing of the battle was almost perfect and could easily translate into film without much conversion (the one glaring piece would be Theoden's speech, which in the book does a 'a little while earlier' flashback right before the charge. Jackson decided to put it in directly before the charge, which would seem odd for a relief force to stop so close to the enemy to deliver a long winded speech). They could've interlaced it in earlier and perhaps worked in some uncertaintly as to whether they'd make it to Minas Tirith in time to keep the tension).  Instead, we get a whole set of unneeded events...all of which look pretty, but serve little real purpose.

Now I'm rambling....

Are you talking about his famous "Where is rider... Where is the horn that was blowing?...." soliliquy? I thought it was appropriately timed in the movie. The version in the book is much longer, but I think the one he said in the movie was almost more like a prayer or mantra of some sort. It spoke of the loss of all hope for the party at Helms Deep and really set the mood.

I think he's referring to Theoden's "Ride for ruin and the world's ending" speech in RotK before the Rohirrim charge...it did feel a bit odd pacing-wise as well.....I just hope that the crowing at dawn is in the Extended version, that gave me shivers when I read it :)

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I think the battle at Minas Tirith is the main reason ROTK didn't do as much for me as FOTR, or even the weaker Two Towers. Tolkien's pacing of the battle was almost perfect and could easily translate into film without much conversion (the one glaring piece would be Theoden's speech, which in the book does a 'a little while earlier' flashback right before the charge. Jackson decided to put it in directly before the charge, which would seem odd for a relief force to stop so close to the enemy to deliver a long winded speech). They could've interlaced it in earlier and perhaps worked in some uncertaintly as to whether they'd make it to Minas Tirith in time to keep the tension).  Instead, we get a whole set of unneeded events...all of which look pretty, but serve little real purpose.

Now I'm rambling....

Are you talking about his famous "Where is rider... Where is the horn that was blowing?...." soliliquy? I thought it was appropriately timed in the movie. The version in the book is much longer, but I think the one he said in the movie was almost more like a prayer or mantra of some sort. It spoke of the loss of all hope for the party at Helms Deep and really set the mood.

I think he's referring to Theoden's "Ride for ruin and the world's ending" speech in RotK before the Rohirrim charge...it did feel a bit odd pacing-wise as well.....I just hope that the crowing at dawn is in the Extended version, that gave me shivers when I read it :)

Yep, the pre-Pelenor Fields speech is what I'm referring to. Chronologically by page, that is where it occurs, to some effect. But in the book, it actually jumps back in time a bit to before the moment the Rohirrim arrived at Minas Tirith. In the book, Theoden wisely uses the virtues of surprise and shock to charge his horsemen into the Mordor army's flanks...a very wise decision by a cavalry commander. In the movie it bothers me that a) he would show up and then take the time to give a speech, meanwhile allowing the orcs to wheel about and prepare and b) that the orcs for some reason didn't react in any sort of timely manner (granted, their movie-bad guys).

Even though I dislike the fact that Gandalf and the Witchking won't have their non-action, but tension-filled standoff, I also hope that however their encounter goes, it ends with the cock crowing, and the horns of Rohan blaring. It was a very potent moment and I hope Peter doesn't ruin it (still waiting to watch the EE until we can get a bunch of friends together).

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Just bought the Extended Return of the King today.  No time to pop the disc in unfortunately, but at least the Minas Tirith polystone is slick looking.  Nice bonus.  I skipped the other two giftsets, but got this one for sure.  The symphony disc might be interesting too.

One bummer when I looked at the Minas Morgul polystone order form, is that Minas Morgul has a price tag of $75 dollars!!!

That kinda sucks, cause the Minas Morgul display looks uber sweet too.  It's still kind of tempting though, but for 75 bucks I doubt it.  :(

Yeah, I couldn't believe the freakin' pricetag either!! <_<

Hmmm..let's see the EE:DVDs, Symphonic DVD, AND Minas Tirith for $50.......Minas Morgul for $75? What a scam!!!

.....but a scam that I'm probably getting scammed by as I hope to order it. ;):p

As well as the slipcase for $3, not a bad deal there.

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I gotta get that Minas Morgul though... :(


The funny thing was I found a best buy gift card in my wallet yesterday so I handed it in my wallet. He gave it back to me and told me it probably has like $5 on it. When I checked the girl told me I had over $30 on it... :lol: He coulda bought me the box for $20...

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