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  1. Nope. I truly believe that everyone in this thread will respect your wishes. But once clean scans, with all of the Japanese text removed, are released onto the web, you can be sure that someone on 4chan or elsewhere will replace the paraphrased English text with your word-for-word translations.
  2. I dunno man, you're starting to froth like that 1st Border Red Devil/ Brooklyn Reg Leg guy does over Southern Cross. Gotta make like Touhou and take it easy. I know this may sound strange but maybe you should scan those books and put them out there for other people to see. I've seen a lot of translation going on 4chan's /m/ board. Even Dougram and Xabungle are getting love over there.
  3. Thanks, that line made my day. I am a bit of an amateur photographer, one that's particularly diehard about film at that. I understand that digital has it's uses, and providing quick snapshots to update to the web is one of them. I'd never waste film just to provide the shots of my Max no one seems to care for anyway. I just like that the limitations of the format encourage better discipline in composing one's shot that's absolutely gone with digital. Digital's disposable nature makes one satisfied with posting over/underexposted, badly framed crap, simply because they can deleate it and try again, so one tends to stop caring and just mass dumps. This breeds mediocrity. It's not that I frown at such things fully, after all, not everyone cares about their picture skills like some do. Digital has allowed such people to take pictures that they probably wouldn't have. Though my biggest pet peeve is the dread of having to buy digital because "films dead" and people look at you funny when you say you don't like digital when it's "so convenient". Of course, there are plenty of bad film snapshots, you just don't find them on flickr. Basically I'm saying that a lot of the shots we see from Japan are from hobbyists and semi-pro that have a handle on how their equipment works, and in america we have access to a much larger pool, including the shutter bug that leaves everything on full auto, and has no idea that their pictures are dark because a window's behind them. I'm sure the Japanese have the same crappy shots, we just don't find them on 4chan. Quick shots have their uses though, and sadly even I'm limited to using my 2.0mp cell phone camera since my SLR is locked up, my point and shoot's latch is broken, I miss depth prevue when using dad's SLR, and no one will buy, let alone develop my film. So, I've been taking my own fair share of crap thanks to my current limatations, though no real photographer blames his equipment. As for "how to take better cosplay pictures" it's simple. Do what I did and learn by doing. Don't just delete your bad pics, ask yourself why they're bad. Play with the camera settings. I can understand an unwellingness to experiment with film, but with digital there's no excuse. Don't relay so much on flash and auto (though know when to use automation). Simply retaking the shot at different ISOs (if your camera allows it, my sis has a digital that won't allow flash in any mood but the auto ones which is messed up) and reading a little will help dramatically. It's like how I learned that my grainy night shots of Sleeping Beauty castle were NOT being helped by my then preference for 400 speed film, so I switched to 200. Though the biggest thing I can say is be aware of the lighting and fill the damn frame. I remember somewhere reading that a shutterbug takes a photo of a subject, a photographer takes a photo of light. It's very true. I've also seen people who never realise that they can hold the camera sideways (yet these same people love videotaping sideways). These are things one should figure out alone within the first 100 shots taken. Damn it, I want my real cameras back! I need to get them fixed somehow. I just hope none of my film has spoiled in the years since they've been exposed. I haven't seen a shot I've taken on film in ages. My skill's waning.
  4. Those are from Macross Chronicle. And we're not 4chan.
  5. When I saw this pic on 4chan, I just couldn't help but remember that post. and here's another for kicks:
  6. Doesn't anyone ever find Grace art at 4chan or Danbooru?
  7. Found this on 4chan. Does anybody know if is about the movie or if it contains any important information about it? Has it been posted here before?
  8. I'm hoping so too... FlamingGauntlet did a bunch of art for us as part of a "make your own color scheme" gimmick for the site, and for our mecha stats pages, and one of the most-discussed ones is his attempt to make sense of the various screen captures from Macross: Eternal Love Song and cobble together a VF-4S Siren from them. It actually leaked out onto 4chan a week or so ago, though how it got there is anybody's guess, since it was made specifically for us.
  9. Anyone managed to get the pic of Reborns Gundam from 4chan? It appears there's a Gundam under that Guncannon look-alike....
  10. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FE8O9GOM Macross 7 scans are up [edit] Also, looking in the 4chan's RS section, I found a bunch of rapidshare links and found this site: http://archive-scans.blogspot.com/search/label/Macross (My new favorite place! ) LOTS of Macross scans. Indulge yourselves. The files are all on rapidshare so downloading will take awhile if you don't have an account with them. Also, they are passworded. The PW is "Archive". Smaller Samples (because I can't upload the bigger ones ) from the scanned Macross F fan book from the Archive-Scans site, I think most of you have seen these already though--or bought the book. (2916x4000 pixels reduced to 1458x2000 pixels)
  11. They are a decent community, alot of their wallpapers look absolutely great (while some others suffer for clutter and text), the wallpapers are free though you have to register. Also (I don't know if they still do this) if you participate in their forums you get some of their "currency", this I don't like. But hey, don't worry, either 4chan will grab them and/or APrip will probably already have it [edit]Oh, looks like it's already been grabbed: http://rapidshare.com/files/163401627/Macr...Paper_Scans.rar Enjoy guys!
  12. Same thread where I've been getting the size charts, 4chan /m/.
  13. lol, I sooo want to share this image of a 4chan thread about mollusks and underwater sea creatures after reading your post. But I can't share it, it's the imagination is what makes it so NSFW.
  14. Found this one on 4chan. Never seen it before... Is both nice and sad at the same time...
  15. Not quite. It was the pic someone trolled on 4chan. They took a pic of the mech from KISSDUM and 'shoped a VF-29 tag on it.
  16. That's awesome, Gubaba. Complete with shoddy font work and everything. Don't let the 4chan bit get to you. You know it was some lurker jerk. I picked this up at Kinokuniya today for about 8 bucks as my salute to the festivities, and since it is the first. The new manga isn't half bad so far, and I like how Mikimoto's style is somewhat more reminiscent of his old work. I can't say I'm liking Vanessa's new look though. Not sure I'll get the chance to collect each issue, but at least I've got the première.
  17. ^ Bravo, nice work, sometimes, 4chan /m/ is a great place to stay!!! Edit: 'Kay, they changed Macross DYRL seeting to be 2009-2010 (due to alternative universes), Macross II to 2092 and adding lot of side stories/manga contents...Wait, "Macross English Anticipation"? I never heard of that, it sets around Macross 7 time, so I guess it has something to do with the Fire Bomber gang right?
  18. This is probably for the best Gubaba. If you don't want your scans posted on 4chan or any other place, don't post it until it goes out of print. I'm sure other members here will repost your scans on other places and not admit to it when you release it here.
  19. True, true. At any rate, it turns out this this was a false alarm. Trust has been restored, at least for the time being. I'm working with a couple of MW members on Macross the First, and we've pretty much agreed to hang on to it for a while before we decide to share it. We're pretty much guaranteed not to get the bragging rights for being the first one out there, but that's okay by me. Again, I'm sure all of this will become moot as soon as the first book collection of Macross the First hits Japanese bookstores. If I can keep the lid on the translation until then, I think that's probably the best I can hope for. I like Macrossworld, and just as many of the members (you included) have given me an awful lot, I really enjoy giving back. If that means that 4chan has to get their hands on it, too...well, I guess I just have to get used to that. But not yet.
  20. Okay, here it is again...the dialogue is still ineptly scanned in, but I did take the time today to fix the glaring error in the translation (and "punch up" Luca's speech a little more...). So yeah, this is Version 2, and better than the one that I posted before. Again: THIS WARN YOU! This document is for Macrossworld use only! Please don't repost it at Danbooru, 4chan, or anywhere else. I've scanned all of issue one of Macross Ace, and scanlations are in the works, but I want them to be here AND NOWHERE ELSE. Thank you, and enjoy.
  21. I don't think non-members can access the attachments...certainly, I can't access them if I'm not logged in. Due credit isn't the issue. I don't really care if anyone knows I made the translation or not. If someone else wants to say that they did it, fine...it's got mistakes in it, so they can take the blame for those. The point is that Macross Ace is a new publishing venture, and (like Macross Chronicle), I want it to succeed. So the Macross F Outside Story was kind of a test...if I posted it with a warning and it DIDN'T show up elsewhere, then I would know that I could proceed with Macross the First with some degree of safety. Now I'm sure that once the collected volume comes out, scans of MacFirst will be all over the internet, but for now, it isn't. NOTHING from Macross Ace is, just like nothing from Chronicle is. A page here and there is fine...people will see it and may be moved to buy the magazine. But since Macross the First really is the primary draw of the mag, giving it all away too soon could be disastrous. My problem is that I really WANT to scanlate it, and I'm not sure when the right time would be. Macross Chronicle? Fine...the translations are of minimal use without the magazine, and it's a finite series. We wait until all the issues are out of stock, and THEN post the yummy, yummy pics. The comics in Macross Ace, on the other hand, will likely be in print in book form for years or decades to come. I'm working on subs for the remastered SDFM DVD set, but that's been out for over a year now...it's first sales cycle has come and gone. So do I wait until MacFirst Volume One has been out for a year? I don't know. I really want to translate it, and I really want to share it with MW members...since everyone here I've interacted with has been...enthusiastic about Macross, if nothing else (no one can deny that even the completely irrational a**holes here are enthusiastic, right?). But I don't want to share even part of the blame for Macross Ace's potential failure. It's the nature of the internet, I know...but still, although I'm hardly the goose laying golden eggs, I am providing stuff that Macross fans want. I don't care if the information from Chronicle gets disseminated around (in fact, I'd like it to), but if we're talking about scanlations of comics, well, that's different story, and I need to know that I can trust EVERYONE here. Otherwise...I don't know. Maybe I'll start some kind of one-on-one thing where you have to ask me directly for the zip file, so I can keep better track of who gets it and who doesn't. EDIT: Let me stress that EVERYONE I've interacted with here has been a solid, upright individual. Even complete berks like m***** and j***********. So I'm not blaming anyone except the one guy who took it over to 4chan, and I'm ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE he's no one who actually posts.
  22. If it's any consolation - the 4chan link doesn't work anymore. Anyways - Gubs knows my opinion/suggestion, so I'll just limit myself here to singing Journey: Don't Stop Belieeeeeevvvviiiiiinnn'!!! HOLD ON TO THE FEELIN' yeaah! Don't Stop Believiiiiinnnnn'........... Pete Big Journey Fan
  23. Okay, here's my translation and (rather inept) scanlation of "Macross F Outside Story." It's by Hayato Aoki, artist and writer of the official Macross F comic, but personally, I think his style works better for this flat-out comedy story. Some of it isn't an exact translation...In particular, I "punched up" the music-cue directions (because I and my ego agreed that my version was funnier) and Luca's monologue because...well, because I couldn't help myself, really. ATTACHMENT REMOVED BECAUSE SOME A**HOLE PUT IT UP ON 4CHAN. IMPORTANT NOTE: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE KEEP THIS ON MACROSSWORLD ONLY!!! I noticed that my scans of pages from "Macross the First" ended up on Danbooru, and I really don't want that happening here. Nor do I want to see this on Macrosshare. Or anyplace else. KEEP IT HERE, PLEASE. Thank you.
  24. --Resisting self from typing standard 4chan Xzibit response---
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