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Everything posted by m0n5t3r

  1. very informative text review... where are the pics!?!? ...and yeah, it's a shame they didn't go ahead and put even a few tampoed markings. doesn't the tampo printing under the wings count?
  2. wow, that looks great... very believable battle damage. awesome job!
  3. this apparent tie-up between Yamato and HLJ and the number of web-exclusive products they've been able to sell is a good sign. now collectors are not so worried about a limited/exclusive item being announced since it will probably end up being listed on hlj and other online shops eventually. even the loads of exclusives from Bandai can be had from most stores these days. a few years ago you would've needed a proxy in Japan just to get these things...
  4. i would rather they make the tv style helmet/s if they were thinking of making more of these uber expensive stuff... but yeah, it's M7 time for Yamato so that probably wont happen.
  5. m0n5t3r

    SCOOP thread!

    i guess this is news then - Glow-in-the-dark stickers(?) for 1/3000 SDF-1 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33521&view=findpost&p=911822 online shop exclusive 2011年5月26日 発売予定 メーカー希望小売価格  800 円(税込)
  6. does anybody have a problem keeping the canopy shut? any mods for rectifying this problem? btw, thanks for the pilot fig exo.
  7. not sure if this is news... http://www.yamato-toys.com/items/detail.php?gid=1889 Yamato seemed to have liked the idea of that guy from toysdaily who made his SDF-1 glow in the dark. let's hope the PE valk++ add-on will be next.
  8. i only have the 21 and its been a long time since I transformed it, but the legs shouldn't fall off. but do be careful when positioning the legs at the hips when going from battroid/GERWALK to fighter... if you force it when making the legs open outward you may stress the thin plastic where the hip joint block connects to the leg. it may actually be safer to detach the legs and position them for fighter and reattach them the way it should be for fighter mode.
  9. don't mind Voltron, but i really hate the look and feel of the characters. wtf is all the smiling for?
  10. i'm more interested at what (or who) they were laughing about at the end. i looks like more emphasis was given to the knee joint instead of the hip joint for GERWALK mode.
  11. yeah, i figured. the $100+ is just an estimate based on the difference between the prices of the two. man, i guess the bliss factor of a $350 toy does wear off after 3-4 months. ...maybe I shouldn't get this after all.
  12. and why should i listen to a guy who's supposed to be a hardcore Macross fan but still thinks the pilot is situated in the head of a VF.
  13. VF-17 definitely needs to be matte. and i'm fine with the v2. VF-1's LERX being painted metal/diecast and the rest of the valk matte plastic.
  14. need some feedback guys... recently got some extra cash that my wife allowed me to spend however I wish so I'm thinking of finally getting an SDF-1 . while i don't have the time, resources and talent to build the kit ver., i'm forced to consider it coz of the difference in price. ff95gj mentioned that this will be a completely unbuilt kit and not like the 1/2000 ver. which, iirc, had some of the sections built already. I will also definitely need to find somebody that can make this for me... but I kinda have trust issues . so... how happy are you guys who got the completed toy version with the yet to be released kit ver. in mind? will it cost $100+ to commission somebody to build and detail the kit ver.? Thanks in advance.
  15. looking at the black part it looks like 3 clicks and it's maxed out? was the breakage caused by trying to get that one more click when it was already maxed out? the v2 VF-1 hip joint can be moved 4x. not sure about the YF-19 since it's in fighter and i don't really want to transform it atm.
  16. first, your old 1/48s now these stands... i'd like to be your garbage collector... on topic... so, the 1/60 Kai needs to roll up it's sleeve to do the gunpod-by-the-shoulder-pointing-up pose... typical of Basara... oh wait, he's just wearing a "sando"
  17. awesome transformation videos. i will just have to experience the VF-19 vicariously through these vids and pics in the meantime... ...and those 3 (YF-19 standalone and Fold booster standalone) were a part of HLJ's Macross/Yamato sales the past couple of years... so yeah, i'm crossing my fingers this'll be on sale sooner rather than later.
  18. awww. i hope it's not too bad and fixable. this is why i display my VF-11B with the heatshield deployed even when in fighter mode. i just pretend it's entering the atmosphere or something. EDIT - is that piece whole or broken off? iirc that should be metal so it should be the whole bottom piece. you may have to open the whole cockpit section. for your sake, i hope the upper and lower parts are not glued together. good luck.
  19. it looks like he's missing his d!ck and b@lls in that pic! cool "trick" anyways...
  20. ditto. 19P's color scheme and (no face) head design definitely looks better... but i just have this urge to always get a show's main valk.
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