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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. Ahhh. I get it now. I thought for a minute you were a Godzilla type toy buying monster octopus. Nice buys.
  2. I've been waiting for a Dairugger for years. But I would much prefer Bandai made a SOC rather than Toynami doing one.
  3. Guppy

    1/48 Gbp

    Just had a thought. It seems to me that this low viz GBP is only gonna look good with a cannon fodder or the camo 1/48. A bright white valk will clash with the drab low viz paint scheme.
  4. Hated the fruity looking original version but like this one. but like everyone else I just don't have a lazy $200 to drop on this one.
  5. hahahaha.... FINALLY, Robotech: The Movie will pay off for HG.
  6. makes a great match! if you try a light dry brushing with black paint around the edges such as the holes where the engine nacelles stick through that would look good I reckon. Just do a Google on 'dry brushing' for tips on how to do it well.
  7. you FORGOT you bought a MIB 1S and more importantly a GBP???? What in god's name ARE you??!?
  8. woo! Looks good. Like the big mutant war scenes although it does look a bit like 50 people getting yanked around by big elastic cables. Guiness World Record for biggest puppet show ever?
  9. I've still got the original series I bought at age 13 in 1988 or whenever it came out! I am understandably a tad nervous about the movie. If they dont' glorify the fight scenes I reckon it might not be too bad. My main worry is if they make it all cool and matrixy and construct big set piece action sequences when the voilence in the book is not dwelled on at all. I saw some shots on the official site from the film sets and they did look great. PS - thanks to this thread I bought 9 TPBs from Amazon yesterday.. 4 vols of Walking Dead, Batman Dark Victory and The Long Halloween, Arkham Asylum, Kingdom Come and Fables Book 6. Spent the weekend re-reading the entire series of Preacher for the (at least) 10th time.
  10. It makes me feel like an old crustie that I've seen about 3 of these threads pop up about once every 2 years! Guppy came from my last name 'Gustafson' which when in junior school nobody could prononce so somehow it got shortened to Guppy.
  11. I'm assuming Marx is talking about starting up an online toy shop business? I've considered this myself a couple of times but too much competition, too much risk and not enough return for my blood.
  12. Guppy

    Fast Pack Repaint

    really nice! The burn mark weathering contrasts well with the light grey. The only thing I'd do is maybe blend in the burn weathering on the leg armor. It's a touch too heavy for me. Oh yeah, For decals those Blue Roses ones that Anasazi made would look great. http://www.tmpanime.com/index.php?main_pag...products_id=787
  13. looks great! I'm guessing that's what the coat of Future was mainly for? To stop those pesky print outs from smudging.
  14. Guppy

    1/48 Gbp

    I'm with Sithlord. A Light grey would look better than hospital-wall green. PHotoshoppers, can you change the lime to grey for us to see? (I'm so lazy)
  15. got a quick Q.. is there any lineart out there for a desert paint scheme Kampher? I'm making an MG at the moment in this theme. I rember a guy who made one that looked awesome but I can't for the life of me find the website.
  16. I bought it... hated it. Mostly for the artwork but the story was boring too. To me it looked like Miller didn't care about his artwork, or his skills got worse over time. For another great bats read get Moore's The Killing Joke. Brian Bolland's art thanks to Moore is some of the best ever produced. the use of match framing from past to present is incredible. Lonely Soldier Boy - I love it! And I ususally don't bother Star Wars comics. I love the sardonic writing style. Sorry to be ignorant but are you a writer or illustrator?
  17. hehe.. got the first reply. I am an Ennis completist. Except for some of the old 2000AD stuff I have everything he's ever written. Well almost. The bad thing about that is you realise over time how repeditive he is. WW2, Irish culture, vampires.. some of his favourite themes. Still love his writing though. It was a dream come true when he exhumed the Punisher franchise. I read it religiously as a teenager (started at issue 7). At the moment all I'm reading is Fables (Love this series), 100 Bullets, Punisher, Hellblazer (been reading this for 13 years now! ). I tried Y the Last Man but hated his writing. Neat concept, cringe-worthy dialogue and cliche characters. I'm also a massive Moore and Miller and Grendel fan. Don't mind Warren Ellis either. Does anyone here read The Walking Dead? I'm looking for a new series to follow and this gets some good reports. Oh, and mentioning Akira, I finally finished my collection. I was missing one issue for years. Damn those last 5 or so issues were freaking expensive.
  18. oh god that's lame. WHO would buy that? It should be called "The League Of Extraordinary Transformers"
  19. OK! I've just discovered that the figures you get with the Galoob toys (2 per toy) and the figures on the carded 4 packs are a bit different in size. The Galoob toy figs are a couple of millimetres smaller AND exactly the same size as the Ferro figure in the cockpit of my Dropship. Here's a pic of my Galoob dropship with the micro machines apc. And last, here's the underside of my Galoob APC with a squashed bug.. hehe.
  20. Just had a look at the completed items and a Galoob APC and dropship sold for $35 each! That's cheaper than what I paid 3 years ago! The carded Collection 3 is good. Comes with Hicks. and the mini-apc fits inside the Galoob dropship. I think it was actually designed to fit. Gimme a min and I'll take some pics. gotta dig out my aliens figures. PS - Spatula: It was my fault about the shipping problem. I had it delivered to my wife's work address as I was away and the mailroom didn't accept it cos it was in my name. Now I have no idea where it is.
  21. welcome! Nice pics. I'm still waiting on my APC which is lost in the mail along with 2 SOC's from hlj.com.. It shipped 2 months ago. RE the Galoob toys, I have them all and I really like em. Sure they're a bit chunky but they're 10 years old! My favourite is the APC with the 'broken transaxle sound effect' and the squashed alien underneath. I've even got the Predator ship but that's pretty gay. And the little Micro machines/Galoob figures would be a little bit big but not far off in scale. They're about the same size as the leading edge figures I think (?)
  22. I've got a 1/72 Hasegawa 1S head on one of my 1/60's and it fits quite well.
  23. sign me up too! I MUST have that tshirt. That is frickken awesome.
  24. I've met him. He is... and he does!
  25. found this link: http://www.konami.jp/gs/game/gantz/ it kinda reminds me of the old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game, haha.
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